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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. Kyle, the loss can be so painful...no one can prepare you for the depths of it. At an intellectual level, you knew it would be painful, but at an emotional level, how could you ever have prepared for it?
  2. Welcome...looking forward to lots of pics and stories of your new grey.
  3. There's a Canadian show called Marketplace that recently revealed a food product labelled "proudly Canadian", yet most of it was manufactured in China. I can't remember the name of the product (obviously, not one I eat) but I wish all consumable products, whether it is human food or pet food was required to have labels for ingredients not made in Canada.
  4. What a wonderful description...no wonder you are so in love with him. thanks for sharing.
  5. Thanks for this idea. It sounds just wild enough to work! I will check out the link you included in your post and talk to the vet about it. Thanks again! Celia and George Wild indeed. They even mention corns. I'm going to give this a try. I talked to someone who sells in and I'm going to try it. Ben's been limping on and off and we can't see anything in his paw, but he definately shys away from walking on hard bumpy surfaces. I am concerned though about the claim that if it dries out it really stings. I'd love to know if anyone else has success with it.
  6. greytpups

    Rip Jim

    What a terrible shock...I'm so sorry.
  7. I'm so sorry for your loss of Apu...it sounds like his passing was peaceful and he left with your hand on him, and his paw print on your heart.
  8. I love you They know a few more, this is just the most important one
  9. Do you just put raw meat in the dehydrator? I dried out liver before but cooked it first. Can I slice it and put it in raw?
  10. Beautiful tribute to Toby...the love you shared will always be there in your heart. With all of your losses lately, no one can take that bond you had away. We all know you did everything you could and made sacrifices. No one can ask for more than that and more importantly, Toby was loved and knew he was loved.
  11. Sending many many many good thoughts. Is Lucy a new addition...my mind has suddently drawn a continues to be blank
  12. Try resting it and see if it feels better (not always the right answer). Hopefully Mason just has a soft-tissue injury and needs rest to heal (like a human injury)
  13. Mary Pat, my heart breaks for you. I know how much you loved and I'm so glad I got to meet her.
  14. I am so sorry you didn't have a little more time. I too would have loved to meet him at MH. You are pain free now Toby and will be missed by many of us.
  15. Jason, I am so sorry you are going through so much lately. I wish I could offer some words of comfort, but I can't. I really hope you have more quality days with Toby.
  16. Awwww Kari, I hope she's feeling better.
  17. You must be elated! Wonderful wonderful news...lots of hugs and scritches going out to Munchie
  18. Sending lots of warm healing thoughts for sweet Toby.
  19. Thanks everyone for sharing these tips. I just realized what a dumb thing I've done. I won't let the pups eat or drink out of plastic containers if at all possible, but I put their food in a plastic container in the cupboard. From now on I will either line the container with food grade material or put half the dog food in it in the original bag. Then I also won't need to wash it as often.
  20. awwwww...she looks so much more comfortable. *whew* Keep on healing sweetie, we're sending lots of good thoughts and for a complete recovery.
  21. how wonderful...you must be so relieved...I imagine worried still, however this does sound promising.
  22. Awwwww Mary Pat..sending lots of warm healing thoughts for Crystal. and for Crystal
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