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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. A beautiful tribute, it brought tears to my eyes. Spencer was obviously well loved and had a life well lived. Sleep well dear Spencer.
  2. Our pre-adopted broodie is on a farm in AR. Apparently, she's a little spoiled. I asked her breeder how she was making out in the heat (last summer) and he said she was on a pillow in the house watching a western movie on TV. Not a bad life, eh? Her breeder always tells me he's pre-spoiling her for me. She's been there for 2 years and I have no doubt she's loved and well-taken care of until it's time to come home.
  3. Perhaps you are giving him too many privileges too soon if he's new. I would work on NILF training first and build some trust before letting him up on furniture.
  4. Dogs won't purposely starve themselves. I suspect she may have learned that if she doesn't eat her food, she will get something else instead. Brooke is a chow hound. Ben not so much. We leave his bowl down until she's finished eating. If he hasn't started eating yet, we pick the bowl up. We give him another opportunity a few hours later, but if he's not interested, he waits until dinner. This works for us. We have changed kibble though once when neither seemed interested in it, but I've rarely found taste to be an issue. I suspect if she's healthy, she'll eat when she's hungry if she isn't given something else to eat in the meantime.
  5. I am so sorry for your sudden loss of Tasha...how sad to lose her so suddenly.
  6. I think Ducky's advice is way better than mine but I had a dog that was lost for 9 days and we only adopted her 2 weeks earlier. After we found her, she never left my side for the rest of her life. I can't say that will happen in your case, this was just my experience. Once I carried her to the car when we found her, we bonded like no other. Trust takes time...she was scared, but she knew where home was...that's a start.
  7. Some folks have also tried using muffin tins instead of a bowl. We used a stainless steel ball in Brooke's bowl. Eventually she slowed down on her own. We also soak her kibble with hot water for a few minutes to avoid bringing her kibble back up.
  8. Sending along continued good thoughts for Jimmie and hope for nothing but good days.
  9. For me, I found I never stop missing Bailey, nor does the pain ever go away, it just becomes tolerable. We all grieve differently; it's a process. Let yourself be whatever you need to be...no apologies, no excuses. We'll be here for you.
  10. sending more good wishes that he continues to improve...and that you can get some sleep.
  11. I'm so sorry for your loss of Lulu...she was adorable.
  12. I could log in but not reply...thanks for undoing it. I'm sure you will come up with something else but thanks for trying to improve it...I always appreciate your efforts.
  13. No suggestions, but I can just imagine those long galgo legs stretching way up on the counter
  14. I forgot to mention this...dress properly so you don't get cold. Seriously, if you are comfortable, walking may be more enjoyable and you can still teach your grey how you expect to walk. There's been many threads on GT where people mention the cold and how they want to hurry up. I'm always reminded of how I wish I could go on one more walk with Bailey when people complain about walking their grey, and a simple solution is to dress warmer so you can enjoy being with them.
  15. Mostly, I just start a routine such as walking, eating and let them get comfortable without bothering them too much. Brooke mostly tried to lay with Ben on his pillow so I just left her to hang out with him if she was more comfortable. With one grey, I would just let her/him smell and get to know their surroundings until they're comfortable, lots of walks and give them space unless they come to you for cuddling/petting. If they don't want to interact right away, don't be concerned...it's a whole new world for them to learn to navigate. Have you read Kathleen Gilley's article?
  16. that it's just a soft tissue injury or something simple
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