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Posts posted by teri_d

  1. thank you everyone. She went peacefully, nestled against my legs and my hands caressing her velvety soft ears and my voice whispering to her. :weep: I will miss her so much. she was so wonderful. She was my 'baby' when we thought we would never be able to conceive. When our babies did come, she loved each one of them more than we thought any dog could. She protected them, kissed them, played tug and keep-away with them, and was always always soooo patient and gentle when they snuggled too hard against her, or hugged her too hard. She never ever snarked at them, or ANY person, and she gave she sweetest gentlest kisses. She was my heartdog, that is for sure. i don't know that I even want to try to love another dog like I did her. i know that isnt really what she would want but that's where I am now. My plan (such as it is) is to wait a few years until I have 2 in school full time and one in playschool part time, but we'll see.


    This day sucks.


    and my DH is now at the football game (though he was there crying with me over Chase), but luckily my twin sis and my vex hard lemonade are keeping me and the kids company.

    karen - no words can express -- just know you are in our thoughts and prayers - wish i was there to give you a big hug -- and share a glass of that hard lemonade with you.

  2. thanks guys!


    chase is having trouble swallowing, even soft treats today. She is kind of coughing and vommitting white foam and stuff, so I think this really solidifies the decision. poor pupper. :(

    karen - tears are streaming -- hugs to you -- my heart breaks for you and for myself, too - as i know it is coming all to soon for us as well. you have an understanding audience here you know!! you gave chase love and a wonderful home - and now you are giving her the honor of releasing at the right time - as painful as that is, i hope it is comforting. my dh and i have been over this recently with rivie's diagnosis -- rivie was a brood momma - a bit older and we considered this when adopting her - but decided if WE could bless HER for even a year and give her a loving home like she had never known that would be enough -- well, 5 years later i have gotten so selfish and it is not enough for ME!! i want her with me always - but she WILL always be in my heart - chase will be with you always - just not in the form she is in right now - and if there are no doggies in heaven, then i don't want to go either - just send me where they go :)

  3. Although, sometimes I wonder if the angels at the bridge are keeping him here longer because they are afraid of the food-filching havoc he will create with my bridge brittany, Polly.


    made me laugh - i needed that this morning...i am worried about anubis - i pm'ed and no response and they haven't checked in - anybody know? thanks for the 1/2 tramadol idea - rivie is doing well the last few days and i'm going to try this idea out - thanks! i'll try to make you laugh again -- i was awakened last night to "very loud whiney breathing" sounds -- of course i panic and jump out of bed to check on rivie who is all spread out on her bed sleeping like a log -- it's win having a bad dream :) just gotta love em! thoughts and prayers with all of you today - specially joe, pack, chase, anubis, johns mom -- well, the list goes on - my prayers are with all of us! thank you my friends -- i know we're all understanding & in this together no matter the path we take --

  4. thanks, guys for all the updates - it is good to keep in touch!! i wish we could go to toronto - but that is not an option -- we have a great vet surgeon in okc we saw-- just not an option. glad sirocco is hanging in there - we treasure each day!! never know what tomorrow will bring...



    I know what you mean by laying on the floor in the middle of the night and loving on them. I realize Chase's diagnosis is very different from Charlie but I have noticed that Tramadol makes him pant like crazy. It's like clockwork for us, we give him 100mg at 7pm, he'll be panting between 8-9pm and we cover his amp area with a towel and frozen cloth on top and we place a frozen cloth (a small towel) on his chest and then lay with him. It works very well for us to get him past that point but I am sure it's the drugs and not pain or anxiety as like I say it's clockwork for us.


    You know Chase the best. It sounds like she is uncomfortable but that can be her condition, the drugs or a combination of. If she is still eating, showing interest in going out, etc. then her quality of life is still there. I would want to know more about the fluid ASAP just so you know all what you are dealing with. Does your vet have any other suggestions in making her more comfortable?


    I hope you and Chase have many, many more days together.


    thanks kyle. We lost our other grey to osteo so i have been there too, on the floor with an icepack. :) i think it was more pain than anything, she got her pain meds at 7 or 8pm and this was 2am or so. and once I got her to eat - I posted before I fed her - today took a little convincing, she didnt want to eat standing and so she had breakfast in bed :( but she seems more comfy now. at least she isnt panting at the moment.


    i am waiting to hear from the cardio, but other than my thought of lasix just to help remove some fluid, I don't think there is anything the vets can do. every day she is more and more decrepit and honestly she looks like she is dying. she went out of the dog run into the bog yard (a treat for her) and laid down in the grass, but she was actually weak in the rear end today, and I think she had to rest as much as anything before trekking back in. *** ok definitley weak, she is really having a hard time walking. she is trying to limp with both left side legs being favored. uugh. if this continues, today might be the day. :weep


    I just don't know, and I know no one can make that decision for me. but I really do think that if we haul her into the vet for anything, she wont be coming back home with us. so I want to be sure when I take her in, ya know? I don't want to wish something other than what I choose. either way...


    my twin sis is coming over this aft to say her goodbye's and then other than my inlaws (who will stay with my 3 kidlets) everyone has petted her one more time. but looking at her now, snoozing seemingly comfortable I can't imagine it, but 5 minutes ago when she was up panting and looking awful... uugh. good thing I am not going anywhere this week.


    eta; my typing blows because I sliced my finger and the dressing makes it really hard to type! oh man if I think I type every word twice. I should not fix the typos and let you all have a giggle..


    all i can say is that our prayers are with you - we send tons of hugs your way.

  6. This has been a terrible day for osteo. 2 new diagnoses and Dana's John is gone, from a complication from his amp surgery. Some days I just can't stomach this disease and the havoc it wreaks. :headwall :headwall :headwall


    I agree 100%. It's a hideous disease. There is no other way to describe it.



    it has been a hideous MONTH!!! my heart breaks for all of us - specially dana this evening -- hugs to you dana & run free john.

  7. karen - i am so sorry chase is not doing well....remember we are here for you and we understand. NEVER appologize to us for being a downer - i think we are all entitled to feel that way -- just know you have "downer" friends here. hugs and prayers coming your way - teri

  8. The s-rays show something on the right proximal humerus. General vet thinks osteo. Trying to get appointment to see Dr. Couto tomorrow. Can't write more.



    jane - not another!! please let dr couto say it is not so - we are praying for you and joe.

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