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Heart Murmur

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I had my Abbie to vet this morning for her check up...first one since we adopted her about a month ago..the vet said she heard a grade 2 possibly 3 out of 6 heart murmur 😐she recommends having an ultrasound /echo done because it isnt common in Greyhounds ...and shes also only 3 ?? ** ...I just lost my mini dachshund to heart failure...praying this isnt bad :(

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So, 2 of my hounds were diagnosed with heart murmurs. They did not need to be sedated for the procedure. They were pretty expensive and I was then told that their hearts still looked very good. It made me feel better having it done before a planned dental but I don't think it was really necessary.

Edited by JaimeL

Mom to Ranger (PB's Long Ranger), Esso (Kiowa Stay Over) and Cookie the rattie mix

Missing Kahn (Gil's Khan) 10-29-03 - 11-7-16  Belle (Regall Belooow) 8-9-07 - 3-12-17  Star (Greyt Star) 1-19-07 - 3-13-2020  Pitch (Emerald Pitch) 4-1-08 - 6-3-2020

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I don't know what your vet is talking about. Minor heart murmurs are very common with greyhounds. They usually cause absolutely no problems. If you want to (and have the money) you can have it checked regularly to make sure it is not changing. But don't lose any sleep over it. Enjoy your pup!

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I don't know what your vet is talking about. Minor heart murmurs are very common with greyhounds. They usually cause absolutely no problems. If you want to (and have the money) you can have it checked regularly to make sure it is not changing. But don't lose any sleep over it. Enjoy your pup!

THIS! I have lost count of the number of hounds I have had that had heart murmurs. In greyhounds it is "NORMAL" and not harmful to them at all. Had no ill effects on any of my hounds ever. I wouldn't worry about it. Your vet might not know much about greyhounds or he might be wanting to get a bunch of 'test' money.

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While lots of greyhounds may have murmurs, some do have heart disease. My Pearl had heart disease. Diagnosed at 5. Age 6 she developed uncontrolled hypertension. With regular check-ups with the cardiologist she lived to 12, when cancer took her.

At least get a baseline.

Grade 3 of 6 is actually a bit high, even for a greyhound.

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Do not do it.


A heart murmur is a very subjective thing. And if your vet isn't familiar with greyhounds, what is a strong, healthy greyhound heartbeat might sound, to him or her, like a defect.


You could get 10 vets to listen to her heart and probably get several who hear a murmur and several who do not.


Don't panic. If she's otherwise healthy, happy, and fine, I would personally not give it another thought.


For what it's worth, I was told my mutt dog had a "severe" heart murmur by a lovely veterinary intern. The board certified ortho vet who saw my dog an hour later laughed and said, "Your dog has the heart of an athlete, and no sign whatsoever of a murmur."




Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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