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Anyone Try Stressfree Calmplex

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Springtime is having a sale right now so while I was stocking up on Longevity I was considering trying their Stressfree Calmplex to help with Chase's fears and anxieties he has in social situations. I was wondering if anyone has tried this with their dogs and whether or not it helped them.

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I have used it, I didn't notice any significant improvement in "high" anxiety situations, but I may not have kept my dogs on it regularly enough. I love the other Springtime products, and would suggest giving it a try and keeping them on it on a regular basis. I don't know that it's made for situational use, but more as a daily supplement.


Hope that helps :)

Mom to Emmi (WM Lickety Split) & Asia (Devious Walker)
Waiting at the Bridge: Shadow, Willow, Tony, Nina, Reggie, Sunny, Webb, Rosie, Rowdy, Ivy, Smoke & Raina

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I used StressFree on Danger and noticed a difference. Much like the ThunderShirt, it is not magic and it will not make a spooky dog normal, but it did take the edge off of Danger's freakiness. Danger got 4 SF a day until he went to the bridge. It is not an over-night cure and will not work immediately, nor is it situational.

Wendy and The Whole Wherd. American by birth, Southern by choice.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!"
****OxyFresh Vendor ID is 180672239.****

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