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Guest snowpuppy

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Guest snowpuppy

Okay so a quick introduction...I'm Stephanie. We have 6 dogs and 5 kidlets...when we visit with the whole crew I lovingly refer to such events as invasions...because showing up anywhere with 11 bodies all of whom are children in one way or another and 2 adults it really is a sort of invasion.


I have Siberian Huskies...and recently after loosing our lead girl we added 2 Alaskan huskies (read: fancy word for racing mutts) who run lead from a larger kennel. I have 0 experience with hounds of any kind, and just like the Siberians are a different sort of breed...it seems that the greyhounds are also a breed apart. So I'm seeing a mishmash of typical husky behavior and then some things that I'm not quite sure where to place yet.


One of the guys we added seems to have some of the greyhound traits physically, and some behaviors that aren't typically husky type. He's been with us for only a few weeks so I'm wrapping my mind around things a bit. His biggest problem is his weight, which is an abysmal 38# (the same as our teenage sibes who are 8 months old except his ribs are very visible, but slowly becoming less visible and hips are very visible). This isn't through lack of nutrition being offered, and we've ruled out medical causes with our vet who is also monitoring his weight gain.


So pretty much I'm doing what I did with my Siberians...searching, educating myself and asking questions....suppose that's bout it. So...ummm hi. Would add a pic but haven't quite figured out how to do that yet.

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Guest snowpuppy

Overdue on taking updated pictures. These are from a few weeks ago. I realize that greyhounds typically have a very slender build, but he's not all greyhound...and if I'm understanding things correctly there should be a bit more than skin and bones in his hips (he photographs as larger than he is if that makes sense). He's 2 years old and has run a bit over 2000 miles in his short time. I'm not sure if grey's have that extended puppyhood. I know with sibes teenager time lasts from about 7 months until they reach between 24 and 36 months (depending on the dog).

The first pic is with him and our 21 month old female sibe, Moon (she is spayed...and she has another year until she stops growing and joins the land of the adults. The 2nd picture shows things a bit better, but still larger mass wise, than he is in person (I can actually put my hands around the upper part of his waist and have my fingers touch...pardon the yard, as the snow melts it had horrid drainage so there was straw everywhere to reduce what got brought into the house...its also when we discover all the things the dogs have buried in the snow over the winter that they've yoinked from the house. He does have the double coat of a husky, but the facial structure is more greyhound..(imo anyway...your welcome to tell me I'm cracked and I won't be offended). Feet are less Siberian and more hound like (you can see the Siberian foot in the bg). I'm sure there's something other than grey in there, but hoping that if I can get the education on the grey, since that seems to be the other dominant breed showing traits...and put that with the general husky knowledge he'll end up as a well adjusted guy in our pack. Eating was a problem for him...I know a lot of people say that a dog won't starve itself to death...but he may push the envelope on that (which is one of the reasons he ended up with us...finicky dogs that don't eat on the trail can endanger themselves, their musher and their team).





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He's beautiful! I love northern breeds. I grew up with malamutes and did (very!) recreational sledding. Right now I have an Alaskan Husky x Staffie who has similar colouring/markings to your boy.


I am no expert at all, and all dogs are different, but in general I find the Alaskan Huskies a bit more sensitive and shy than the sibes. I don't know whether it is the different breeds in them or the fact that they have been bred solely for their work ethic and not for temperament. The amount of sighthound in your pup could determine why he is so skinny, a healthy greyhound weight would look underweight for most other breeds.


Would love to see a body shot! :beatheart


Edited: Never mind you just posted one! He is gorgeous, he could maybe put on a few pounds, but he doesn't look that skinny for an AH. The hips/ribs showing is normal for a sighthound if he does have a high percentage.

Edited by RedHead
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Guest snowpuppy

I have a ton of support with the Siberians and the general Alaskan side of things. I'm so lucky and so greatful for all the amazing people who have helped me learn since our first Siberian came to join us. Our two Alaskans were a much swifter and easier integration into the pack setting than the individual Siberians were. As for the timid, I think it tends to depend on what sort of working environment they were in...they also tend to be more hit and miss in future litters (which is one of the reasons this guy is likely going to be neutered next year after he hits his 3 year mark) as far as traits passed on.


The pair we have (the girl seems to have hound, but not sighthound in structure or movement) were fairly timid, and while Heath (our guy) seems to be coming out of his shell, our girl is 7 years young but a lot slower to adjust. Things like chewies, and treats and toys are a newer concept for them and playing is something they're being taught by the rest of our group.


Not wanting a fat dog...*L* just wanting to make sure that before we begin fall training in October or November he's at a stable point. Have a weigh in at his vets on Friday to see how we're going to go forward.

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Welcome! Your dogs are gorgeous.


I read somewhere that adding greyhound to sledding dog lines had generally not been successful because a greyhound gait is too "unstable" for sledding -- too much time in the air??? Evidently not so?


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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Guest snowpuppy

I'm sure it generally hasn't been...I'm not sure how much is actually in him. I have his pedigree but genetics in sled dogs are way too far out of my range of knowledge to be able to say anything that would be more than a guess. I'm actually very partial to the pure sibes...which are much slower than the alaskans as I found out the first time our guys ran with them.


The bigger issue for me is the weight issue with our guy, you burn a whole lot of fat over the fall and winter. He's been eating consistently since he moved from a huge kennel to our little primarily indoor group (rather than going 4 days without eating). Going to have his weight checked tomorrow. Our guys don't work in the warmer months because of long term damage a single heat injury can do.


Thanks for being so welcoming...rough day will probably rant about it later

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