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Tincture That Contains Cooked Brandy


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My wife has been working with a holistic herbologist for dogs.

There is concoction that she gave us that calls for a very small amount of brandy to be included.

All the ingredients are cooked to make a concoction which is supposed to be added to food.


I don't mind all the herbal stuff, but am against the brandy (even though it's cooked).
I'm not sure this is a very good idea and would like input.



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If I understand correctly, and that's a big IF! The alcohol helps bring out the effectiveness of the other ingredients.


I could be way off though... Completely not sure if this is the right answer, but I probably wouldn't worry too much about a little bit of brandy. Especially if it's going to be cooked. I would feed my dogs a piece of rum cake with no worries... LOL


I would be more concerned with the other herbal ingredients and making sure they were safe and at the correct dosage.




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I dont know if it increases the efficacy of the ingredients, as far as I have learned it is a preservative, I suppose whether there is any actual alcohol left in the finished product depends on how much it is heated?

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How much Brandy? Unless it's a ton that's not cooked out. Bu has been known to steal vodka, beer, and wine in small quantities and he's never had a problem.


From personal experience, I'd have more issues trusting that anything homeopathic would do more good than harm.

Edited by Sambuca
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quarter cup of brandy In about 16 ounces of solution. I found out the brandy won't be cooked with the solution, yet added to the hot contents of the cooked solution.

Tincture will consist of one table spoon at each feeding (2x a day).

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Guest grey_dreams

If you add the brandy to the hot mixture, the alcohol will evaporate off pretty quickly. The brandy is usually used as a preservative so that bacteria don't start growing, which could give health problems, not to mention that then the tincture would be ruined and you would have to throw it down the drain.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you're referring to Rescue Remedy, which is basically alcohol with flower "essences" in it, the amount you use is so small as to be negligible and harmless. Of course there is absolutely no proof (other than Bach's word for it) that it does anything either...so why bother?


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