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Calming Treats/supplements

Guest AimeeBee

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Guest AimeeBee

Has anyone tried the calming treats/supplements on their hound with separation anxiety? Any recommendations for brands? I ask because George lately has been getting cranky about going in his crate and has been getting somewhat destructive once he's in there and home alone. He is a semi-solo dog -- our foster went to their new home on Saturday and we are planning on another one later this week.


Today I came home (after about an hour and a half out) and he had shredded a corner of his bed and pulled the stuffing out and also there were chew marks on the crate door when there were none before. Last week he chewed the water cup that was attached to the side of the crate. We have been under a wind advisory all day and the window next to his crate probably had branches scraping/tapping against it but that's never seemed to bother him before when I've been home with him. He does get a Kong with frozen yogurt/peanut butter and kibble and it's always finished when I get back, his favorite stuffy toy is also in there with him. He does not seek out his crate when we're just hanging out at home even though it is in full view of our living room with the door left open and lots of comfy blankets inside. When we first got him we would randomly crate him while we were home because we had read that it would help and he was Not Happy about it, however we would only let him out once the whining stopped and he settled down.


I *am* going to go back to square one on alone training this weekend but I need to get him through the next two days where I'll be in and out of the house quite a bit. If we can try an OTC supplement just to take the edge off until then that would be fantastic. I feel awful that he's upset at being home by himself, and even worse about "drugging" him but I can't just stay home 24/7 or take him more places with me then I already do.

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Guest AngelPup

I used to use Rescue Remedy with my lab/shepherd mix years ago. She was terrified of the vet. We eventually had to move to low dose tranquilizers, although I wouldn't want to do that in your situation.


A Kong does the trick for our current dog, Cindy Lou.

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Guest FrankieWylie

We are giving the hounds vita calm by ani med. It is actually a horse supplement we picked up from KV pet supply on-line.

It contains:





saccharomyces Cerevisiae

Omega 3 Fatty acids


This has helped Magic with his nerves after our move.

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You could also try melatonin or benedryl for calming. We used a DAP difuser plug in for our dogs.

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DAP diffuser or collar would be my recommendation. I've had good results with them.

Kristin in Moline, IL USA with Ozzie (MRL Crusin Clem), Clarice (Clarice McBones), Latte and Sage the IGs, and the kitties: Violet and Rose
Lovingly Remembered: Sutra (Fliowa Sutra) 12/02/97-10/12/10, Pinky (Pick Me) 04/20/03-11/19/12, Fritz (Fritz Fire) 02/05/01 - 05/20/13, Ace (Fantastic Ace) 02/05/01 - 07/05/13, and Carrie (Takin the Crumbs) 05/08/99 - 09/04/13.

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Guest AimeeBee

I went out and got "Pet Naturals Calming Chews" (ingredients list is: Active Ingredients Per 1 Chew: Thiamine (Vitamin B1) - 62.5 mg, L-Theanine (Suntheanine® brand)- 21.12 mg, Colostrum Calming Complex - 10.56 mg Inactive Ingredients: brewers yeast, calcium sulfate, canola oil, chicken liver flavor, citric acid, glycerin, maltodextrin, mixed tocopherols, propionic acid, rosemary

extract, silicon dioxide, sodium alginate, soy lecithin, vegetable oil.) as well as a bottle of the DAP spray for the bedding (there are no convenient outlets to plug in a diffuser near the area where we have the crates set up).
I'll also look into the melatonin as a backup if the other two things don't help.
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I went out and got "Pet Naturals Calming Chews" (ingredients list is: Active Ingredients Per 1 Chew: Thiamine (Vitamin B1) - 62.5 mg, L-Theanine (Suntheanine® brand)- 21.12 mg, Colostrum Calming Complex - 10.56 mg Inactive Ingredients: brewers yeast, calcium sulfate, canola oil, chicken liver flavor, citric acid, glycerin, maltodextrin, mixed tocopherols, propionic acid, rosemary

extract, silicon dioxide, sodium alginate, soy lecithin, vegetable oil.) as well as a bottle of the DAP spray for the bedding (there are no convenient outlets to plug in a diffuser near the area where we have the crates set up).
I'll also look into the melatonin as a backup if the other two things don't help.


What's the recommended dosage for your dog's size (how many chews per day) with this one?


I recommend both DAP (diffuser plugged in near the crate if it's a small enough room, or the Adaptil collar, which you can buy on Amazon - order the small/puppy size, it's cheaper and more than large enough for any average sized greyhound) and l-theanine.


There is some l-theanine in that chewable, but the dose in one chew is quite low, which is why I asked how many are recommended. The same is true of the Composure chews although presumably the other ingredients are adding to the calming effect. But if you find they're not helping as much as you'd like, you might consider just a straight l-theanine supplement as you'll likely get more bang for your buck. These are the ones I use (Violet gets 2 capsules/day):



You might want to have this thread moved to T&B, or search that forum for "separation anxiety" or "alone training" to see other ways to help your dog work through this. Good luck.


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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Why are you crating him if crating him causes anxiety?

Jan with precious pups Emmy (Stormin J Flag) and Simon (Nitro Si) and Abbey Field.  Missing my angels: Bailey Buffetbobleclair 11/11/98-17/12/09; Ben Task Rapid Wave 5/5/02-2/11/15; Brooke Glo's Destroyer 7/09/06-21/06/16 and Katie Crazykatiebug 12/11/06 -21/08/21. My blog about grief The reality is that you will grieve forever. You will not get over the loss of a loved one; you will learn to live with it. You will rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered. You will be whole again but you will never be the same. Nor should you be the same, nor would you want to. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

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Guest OPointyDog

I use Nutra-Vet Pet Ease wafers. Mika gets 3 of them at bedtime to help get him ready for sleep. He's a very busy guy! Hard to tell how much good it does, but it's part of our routine and they certainly don't hurt.


Active Ingredients: Bio Calm Complex (Chamomile, Dried Hops, Ginger Root Ext, Taurine, Tryptophan) (136 mg)

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Guest rarmstrong

I second the DAP diffuser, DAP collar, and rescue remedy suggestions.


The first few days I had Willis, he went into the crate just fine and finished his Kong. After three days, he would balk and was just not having it. And he also stopped eating the yummies in his Kong. i implemented alone training, left the TV and radio on, moved his frozen treat to a small bowl, added the DAP diffuser and collar, and rescue remedy. I also intermittently crated him during the day, made it super comfy and the only he could have in the living room to chill out. For about two weeks I also slept on the couch and he slept in his crate during the night.


He has since gotten used to going in there and actually charges in there now. I have been slowly phasing out things so he is sans TV and rescue remedy. We also are able to sleep in my bedroom at night and he has access his dog bed in the bedroom and living room.


So, your guy might need a lot of things to get over this hump, but hopefully with improvement in his behavior and adjusting to the routine they can be systematically phased out.

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I just picked up the DAP collar, but have not used it yet. Payton gets really nervous in the car.


I just had to point out that George and Payton (Palm City Pelton) have the same mom. There are lots of Lonesome Cry pups on GT, but your guy is the only other Rooftop Jabber pup I have seen!


Payton, The Greyhound (Palm City Pelton) and Toby, The Lab
Annabella and Julietta, The Cats
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Guest sireltonsmom

I didn't like Rescue Remedy because it made Sir Elton goofy and I worried he'd fall or otherwise hurt himself. I used lavender oil on a ribbon and put that on his house collar - not directly on him. It seemed to help. Lots of other good recommendations already posted. Good luck. We all hate it when our kidz are upset and having s.a.

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Is it necessary to crate him? I know some groups emphasize using a crate, sometimes to the point of making it seem unacceptable not to use one, but some Greyhounds just don't like them.


My Annie, whom I adopted July 2011, hated her crate. She was never destructive, but she just hated going into it. On day 3 of post-adoption, I pretty much said to myself, "Screw it. I'll never know if she can be alone out of the crate if I don't try it," and that was the last time she was in a crate.


So unless you know there's an issue with your boy destroying the house, why put him in it?


ETA: Annie is an only dog, and she's very happy having the whole of me and the house to herself. (I do have a cat but she sleeps 25 hours a day LOL.)

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Guest AimeeBee

We are more comfortable crating him because he was worse out of it -- until recently would just sleep the majority of the time he was in there. We had a webcam up and he whined a little but then would settle and pass out.


He has a history of destructive chewing/door/gate opening when left alone and out of the crate (even when given lots of appropriate chewing materials) -- redirection hasn't worked because he rarely will chew in front of us. I've caught him once trying to shred a wicker basket while I was in the room but that's it. I was talking to his foster dad last night while we were picking up the new dogs and he asked me if George was still eating doorknobs. Apparently in the month he was with them he destroyed 5 metal doorknobs and some furniture. Thankfully he didn't get himself into any bad situations when opening doors and gates (he can jump/knock down a 2 foot baby gate like it's nothing). He did that even being alone but with other dogs.


In better news, yesterday I tried the chews (the recommended amount was 2 per day but I gave him 1 just to make sure there were no issues) in conjunction with a kong and the DAP spray on his blankets plus running him in the yard before going out. He was totally chill up until about 15 minutes before my fiance got home from work (was in the crate about 2.5 hours).


He has a new foster buddy as of last night who had been in a home for a few years(?) and he seems to know the ropes so maybe that will help too.


I just picked up the DAP collar, but have not used it yet. Payton gets really nervous in the car.


I just had to point out that George and Payton (Palm City Pelton) have the same mom. There are lots of Lonesome Cry pups on GT, but your guy is the only other Rooftop Jabber pup I have seen!

George gets really antsy in the car too, so maybe once we get the crate situation figured out we can start working on the car. And yay for half-siblings! Sidenote: my foster is a Lonesome Cry dog -- I just looked at Payton's page on greyhound-data and he and Sebastian look so similar (brindle + the ears!). Small world :)

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My vet has suggested a natural supplement and it is truly fantastic!!!!! I did use Nature calming treats,( we sell them where work) It didn't seem to do much.

It is called Zylkene, you can check it online. It contains casien and magnesium. I use it for my 12 yr old Shepherd who has a bit of Alzheimers, with "sundowners" She got extremely anxious when the sun was going down, pacing, panting. I went to the vet for a sedative, i didn't want to use one but i wanted her to be comfortable. She suggested the Zylkene, Her size of 65lbs takes the larger dose of 450mg. It takes about 2 days to see results. Day 3 i was amazed!! Back to her happy self with no sedation.

I told my mgr where i work, she has a rescue who is very anxious and will not come near ppl. Day 3 for her, she came right up to me wagging tail and took a treat from me. So i may get it for Charlie, my Greyhound nearing thunderstorm time of year and 4th of July.

It has been in the UK for awhile from what i understand, someone from UK might be able to tell you. We now have it in the US and i believe Canada also. No prescription needed but it is less expensive at my vets than online. I pay $50.00 for a 30 day supply inc tax.

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My vet has suggested a natural supplement and it is truly fantastic!!!!! I did use Nature calming treats,( we sell them where work) It didn't seem to do much.

It is called Zylkene, you can check it online. It contains casien and magnesium. I use it for my 12 yr old Shepherd who has a bit of Alzheimers, with "sundowners" She got extremely anxious when the sun was going down, pacing, panting. I went to the vet for a sedative, i didn't want to use one but i wanted her to be comfortable. She suggested the Zylkene, Her size of 65lbs takes the larger dose of 450mg. It takes about 2 days to see results. Day 3 i was amazed!! Back to her happy self with no sedation.

I told my mgr where i work, she has a rescue who is very anxious and will not come near ppl. Day 3 for her, she came right up to me wagging tail and took a treat from me. So i may get it for Charlie, my Greyhound nearing thunderstorm time of year and 4th of July.

It has been in the UK for awhile from what i understand, someone from UK might be able to tell you. We now have it in the US and i believe Canada also. No prescription needed but it is less expensive at my vets than online. I pay $50.00 for a 30 day supply inc tax.


This is on Amazon at $58.99 for 30 pills but only in a 225 mg. dose, but hey, gift wrapping is available.

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Guest grey_dreams

That kind of destructive chewing is an anxiety response from separation anxiety, especially as he doesn't do it when you are home. Are you doing alone training? He will need intensive alone training, and it might take quite some time. Please be aware that he can injure himself badly if he tries to break out of the crate.




My vet has suggested a natural supplement and it is truly fantastic!!!!! I did use Nature calming treats,( we sell them where work) It didn't seem to do much.

It is called Zylkene, you can check it online. It contains casien and magnesium. I use it for my 12 yr old Shepherd who has a bit of Alzheimers, with "sundowners" She got extremely anxious when the sun was going down, pacing, panting. I went to the vet for a sedative, i didn't want to use one but i wanted her to be comfortable. She suggested the Zylkene, Her size of 65lbs takes the larger dose of 450mg. It takes about 2 days to see results. Day 3 i was amazed!! Back to her happy self with no sedation.

I told my mgr where i work, she has a rescue who is very anxious and will not come near ppl. Day 3 for her, she came right up to me wagging tail and took a treat from me. So i may get it for Charlie, my Greyhound nearing thunderstorm time of year and 4th of July.

It has been in the UK for awhile from what i understand, someone from UK might be able to tell you. We now have it in the US and i believe Canada also. No prescription needed but it is less expensive at my vets than online. I pay $50.00 for a 30 day supply inc tax.

Oh joy! We used Zylkene when moving from the Netherlands to the US. It worked miracles for my two galgos and cat! When I got to the US I wanted to order more, but it wasn't possible to get it here (I think there was a trademark problem or some other legal problem that prevented the USDA from permitting its distribution in the US). The cost to order from UK was prohibitively expensive. I tried the US version from Biotics Research, but it wasn't the same. I'm overjoyed to see that Zylkene is now available in the US!!!

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Guest AimeeBee

That kind of destructive chewing is an anxiety response from separation anxiety, especially as he doesn't do it when you are home. Are you doing alone training? He will need intensive alone training, and it might take quite some time. Please be aware that he can injure himself badly if he tries to break out of the crate.


We did alone training in the initial weeks after we brought him home and he was fine in the crate after that -- things seemed to settle down up until about 2 weeks ago when we had the two inside the crate chewing incidents. Previously he was content with working on his Kong and aside from some minor whining would just go to sleep. This weekend we have been back at alone training in full force. It's going, I guess. Not a huge improvement yet.

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That kind of destructive chewing is an anxiety response from separation anxiety, especially as he doesn't do it when you are home. Are you doing alone training? He will need intensive alone training, and it might take quite some time. Please be aware that he can injure himself badly if he tries to break out of the crate.




Oh joy! We used Zylkene when moving from the Netherlands to the US. It worked miracles for my two galgos and cat! When I got to the US I wanted to order more, but it wasn't possible to get it here (I think there was a trademark problem or some other legal problem that prevented the USDA from permitting its distribution in the US). The cost to order from UK was prohibitively expensive. I tried the US version from Biotics Research, but it wasn't the same. I'm overjoyed to see that Zylkene is now available in the US!!!

I'm so happy you have greyt experience with Zylkene also and now you can get it here too! I've been spreading the word on this to ppl i know and the one who has tried it is happy with the improvement with her rescue who was so frightened of everything. Pretty amazing. I was told by my vet that the casien is what calms them just like a nursing kitten or puppy along with the magnesium. For ppl there is a magnesium supplement called "Calm" They might want to add the casien :bgeorge

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