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Is He Sick?

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Another time to ask the wonderful GT members for advice! :) For the past week or so, Padfoot has been occasionally making noises that to me sound like when a person is hacking phlem. It seems to happen most often when he gets excited (after he's had a zoom around our apartment when we get home from work or when I go into the cupboard that has his food/treats in it) and is usually followed by a couple seconds of hacking/gagging where nothing comes up. He acts like nothing is wrong afterwards but it gives us a scare when it happens. Do you think it calls for a vet visit?


Thank you in advance for any advice!


Padfoot the greyhound fr. Coach Venom, Joined his forever family: 10-1-13

Lupin the galgo, Joined his forever family: 7-18-14
And the reptiles: Bernie the Bearded Dragon and Tonks the Russian Tortoise

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My girl, Venus, would reverse sneeze when she got really excited. However, it never ended in a cough.


What gives me a bit of pause is the comment of this happening after zooming around. I think if this is new for Padfoot it may not be a bad idea to schedule a vet visit. This certainly doesn't sound like an emergency but to me it'd be worth the price of the exam to make sure the vet doesn't find something obvious. After that it can just be a wait & see thing. Hopefully it then just becomes the new normal. :)

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Guest Wasserbuffel

Sounds like reverse sneezing to me too. Jayne does it all the time when she's excited for a treat. It's like she's choking on something before we even give it to her. Scared us a first, but now we just tell her, "Don't die" and wait until she stops to give her the treat she's sneezing for.

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Guest Clawsandpaws

Like Kudzu, the fact that it happens after exercise/excitement would make me nervous. Dudley has gagged after running around before, but I have never heard even the kennel hounds doing what other people have experienced. When was the last time he was tested for heartworm?


Chances are it's nothing, but I am one of those worry-warts, especially with a new behavior

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Desi does this occasionally.....here's my take on it; he gets excited, forgets to swallow his spit, then takes a big inhale, & sucks some slobber

down the wrong pipe, then has to hack it out. Works for us.

Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog.

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Guest LazyBlaze

I think if this has only just started to happen I would ask the vet to check/sound out his chest, just to be on the ultra-safe side. My old dog (non grey) had an excitement-related cough that did turn out to be a tumour on the lung, so it wouldn't hurt to check. It does sound from what everyone else is saying though that this is quite common in greys, and is most likely nothing to worry about. Padfoot is a great name by the way!

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Like Kudzu, the fact that it happens after exercise/excitement would make me nervous. Dudley has gagged after running around before, but I have never heard even the kennel hounds doing what other people have experienced. When was the last time he was tested for heartworm?


Chances are it's nothing, but I am one of those worry-warts, especially with a new behavior

His heartworm test was negative when the adoption group took him in August and we have been giving him his heartworm medicine since we got him in October. I agree about the worry-wart mindset--I tend to worry about anything that might be different in his behavior, especially since he's our first dog.


And reverse sneezing--ha! I had never heard of that before but looking at the YT videos it looks and sounds pretty similar to what he's doing. I think we will keep an eye on it for now and if it continues or anything changes will take a trip to the vet (thanks for all the great advice!). It is something that started up more when the weather turned cold so it could be related to that...or the dryness since it seems to be a bit better when the humidifier is on...



Padfoot is a great name by the way!


Thanks! :)


Padfoot the greyhound fr. Coach Venom, Joined his forever family: 10-1-13

Lupin the galgo, Joined his forever family: 7-18-14
And the reptiles: Bernie the Bearded Dragon and Tonks the Russian Tortoise

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Some heart problem was the first thing that went through my mind when you mention cough after exercise. Am not saying that's what it is but that is why I suggested a vet visit wouldn't be out of line if this is a new issue.

Every dog I've had with kennel cough does something like reverse sneezing ending with loud throat clearing. If that is what your dog is doing then it might be kennel cough. If I have an otherwise healthy dog who gets kennel cough I normally do not seek vet treatment as long as it doesn't get worse & improves in a few days. My parent's dog does a lot of reverse sneezing related to allergies.

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Desi does this occasionally.....here's my take on it; he gets excited, forgets to swallow his spit, then takes a big inhale, & sucks some slobber

down the wrong pipe, then has to hack it out. Works for us.

Sounds reasonable to me . That's what I figured my dogs do. Heck, I do it myself sometimes.

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