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Belly Bands

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I have a question for those who have hounds who need belly bands. What size should I get for Magic who will be alone on Thanksgiving for 10-12 hours and no one will be home to let him out? He's never needed one in the past for the same time period but he's almost 13 and I don't want to take a chance.


Also, when I get one, should I have him wear it before hand so he gets used to it?


This is a very rare occurrence when he's alone for that long and I can't take him with me for 2 reasons: 1. I'm going to a friend's house right after the parade. 2. She has one greyhound which is fine but she's not sure how her other dog (non-hound) would like Magic.



Carol, missing Magic (1/5/01 - 4/15/15) but welcoming Fuzzy's Joy Behar (Joy) into my life on 5/31/15.

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Guest Clawsandpaws

Why don't you try introducing him to the other dog first? Belly bands should be used more of a buffer during house training, not usually as a diaper (although I do know some of the users on here use them that way) Lately, how long has he lasted before going out? I would be concerned that he wets the band, and has the wet band wrapped around him and irritating his hoo-hoo dilly for several hours. Lets say he's okay for 7 hours, and in the 8th he wets himself, he would still be wearing the band for an additional 2- 4 hours. Also, if he has to go really bad (or if the band shifts, it could soak through the band anyways.


I don't know anything about the size, the one my groups sells can be adjusted. I would measure his tuck and go with a band that ranges within 2-3 inches of his waist

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I wouldn't put one on him in this situation. I can't imagine it being comfortable sitting in his own pee like that for hours. Can you hate him in the kitchen or somewhere else without carpeting? Put his bed in there and if he needs to go, at least it will be easy clean up. Or could you hire a dog walker? Or sneak home at some point? I only use belly bands for house training and take them off of I'm not home and the pup is crated.

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I think you are asking for trouble here. He is not used to them, #1 and #2 for him to be alone for that amount of time and probably uncomfortable to boot is too much to ask, IMO. I am faced with a similar situation and cannot leave my old grey for a few hours to eat out. I don't mind missing a meal because I know she won't be around much longer and to have bad memories because I go out and enjoy myself while leaving her alone it not something I am willing to do. If at all possible, take him with you by introducing the two pups first, or arrange for dogsitting. Besides, do you really want to come home from a nice day and possibly have to clean up a mess?

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I would try to introduce your hound to that other Greyhound a few days before the event and take him with you.

12 Hours alone is too much for any dog in my opinión. Belly band would complicate things even more...


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Do you have a neighbor that you trust to let him out/walk him midway through the time? Years ago I paid my stay at home neighbor $3 a day to come over my 10 hour shifts and let the dogs out. Worked for both of us. If that is not an option you could ask your vet if a tech could come by. When I leave town one of the techs comes by. It might be $15 but I think that would be better than a belly band.

Edited by Hubcitypam
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My greyhound has worn a bellyband pretty much 24/7 for over 10 years. It doesn't cause him any physical or psychological harm.

( and yes, the band comes off for him to pee like the big boys outside)

His average bellyband is 30 in long and 6.5 wide....fastened with velcro

We also adhere a maximum incontinance pad to the band...and occassionally use two incontenance pads side by side- overlapping for max protection.

Sometimes there is no time to 'practice' wearing one if it becomes a necessity, but in your case it sounds like you do have the time.


i would be more worried that your pup might be stressed for being alone for that amount of time if it isn't the norm...and perhaps your friend's non grey might be babygated..?

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I've decided to not bother with a belly band. My housemate will make sure Magic goes out before he leaves. I think he'll be fine. He's been alone for this long maybe 4 or 5 times in the 8 years Magic has been with me and there hasn't been a problem other than Magic's thinking he's going to starve even though he gets 2 breakfasts on Thanksgiving.


I know a couple of people have mentioned taking Magic with me. I'm in the parade (balloon captain). Sorry, I neglected that little tidbit.


Thank you for the suggestions and advice. I appreciate it.

Carol, missing Magic (1/5/01 - 4/15/15) but welcoming Fuzzy's Joy Behar (Joy) into my life on 5/31/15.

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