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Toys And Playtime Recommendations

Guest mebenz

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Guest mebenz

I've had Fred for almost 2 weeks. I can't really play with him outside yet as we don't have the come, stay etc worked out and only let him off leash for Greyhound runs, so I'm looking for toys/playing for indoors. I did buy him a bunch of toys, stuffed animals, a few that squeak, but he doesn't want to play with any of them. I don't want him to get bored. I do the kong in the AM before I leave for work but am looking for other things to keep him busy and other toys/games we can do together when I'm home so he doesn't sleep all the time (rather him sleep when I sleep).

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Hide and seek, the muffin tin game, hiding kibble for him around the house, training exercises (start slow and simple since he hasn't been with you long), long walks. Try searching Amazon for "interactive dog toys." It's early days yet, so he might become more interested in stuffies as he gets more settled and comfortable. Sweep's former foster called her "Swiper" because she hoarded her toys, but it took several weeks here before she cared about toys at all, much less collected them.


And it's pretty normal for greys to sleep 18–20 hours a day, so no need to worry or assume that he's bored if that's what he does!


Rachel with Doolin Doodle Dooooo, boss cat Tootie, and feline squatters Crumpet and Fezziwig.
Missing gentlemen kitties MudHenry, and Richard and our gorgeous, gutsy girlhounds
 Sweep and Willa:heart

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Guest LunaTheGreyt

I'm struggling with playtime, too. I've had Luna for almost 3 months and she has displayed zero interest in toys of all varieties. She also sleeps upwards of 20 hours a day (including through the night). I think some greys are just total slugs...not sure what can be done about it! She will chew on an antler occasionally and likes to lick stuff out of a Kong. The closest we get to "playing" is when I roll frozen peas for her to chase, haha.

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We've had Nixon for 3 1/2 years and he has never, ever played with a toy.

He's perfectly happy to just hang out with us.


And it's not just Greyhounds who aren't motivated by toys and 'playtime'....

We had our wonderful GDSx for 14 1/2 years and she never played, either. Neither did one of our Dobes.

Edited by BatterseaBrindl


Nancy...Mom to Sid (Peteles Tiger), Kibo (112 Carlota Galgos) and Joshi.  Missing Casey, Gomer, Mona, Penelope, BillieJean, Bandit, Nixon (Starz Sammie),  Ruby (Watch Me Dash) Nigel (Nigel), and especially little Mario, waiting at the Bridge.




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Guest Waterdog66

Find some local Trails; Beaches, Lakes, Parks etc.


We have had Audrey for about 3 months and she loves walking trails and beaches. Parks are cool because she will always draw a crowd of some sort.


All of this provides her with a wealth of experience(s).


some not so obvious activities (Without going off leash):


Go Sailing

Home Depot, Lowes (or any other pet friendly store that is NOT a Pet Store)

Take a little road trip (One you have scouted out attractions for the hound)

Go watch a kids sports game (At a Pet Friendly Park)


Audrey has now planted her paw in 5 states and only has another 45 states to go in the 50 States Club :D

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Perhaps I'm misunderstanding, but it sounds like you'll let him off leash in an unfenced area once come, stay, etc. are mastered? What I've read here and been told by adoption agencies, you never let a greyhound off leash unless in a fenced area. Did I misundertand?

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Guest mebenz

No we have a fenced in off leash park close to my house but want to slowly introduce him to that with all the other tiny dogs that are always there. After a few weeks and we've mastered some commands, I'll go with him, bringing the muzzle of course, but my only worry is that having him on a muzzle protects other dogs from rougher play, but he won't have anything to protect himself if he's muzzled and bigger dogs have an issue with him. I would never let him go free in an unfenced area.

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I'm not sure what exactly you think an adult Greyhound does for fun--but the answer, for most of them, is sleep and eat.


Please remember he isn't a child. He most likely doesn't need to be entertained.


I've had George for six years. In those six years, he has "played" (with anything) probably a total of 40 minutes.


His idea of a good time is laying on his bed watching me eat, or eating, or taking a walk, or sleeping. That's pretty much it.


I love him for what he is--a good looking, exceptionally quiet companion. If at some point I want a dog who wants to play all the time, as did my last dog (a mutt), I will get something other than an adult Greyhound!


Fred sounds absolutely 100% normal.


Leash walks are excellent for bonding, and if he decides he wants to play, it will be in his own time. You can't push him into it, so enjoy him for who he is!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest FreeholdHound

As far as toys go... Harry had lots of stuffies that he played w/once & never again. We donated those to a shelter. The 2 we kept he tries to kill daily . A giant Hedgehog from Petco ( I even have a spare in the closet) and a large pheasant from Target. What I believe makes these different from the others is that they don't "squeak" . The sound they make is similar to the Squawkers they use at the track (ie: the sound of distressed prey). He pounces on Hedgie after walks & goes generally crazy w/it.

I have 2 actual Squawkers (at home & in car) and have to be careful not to set them off or he'll go nuts. They're for emergency use only.

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As far as toys go... Harry had lots of stuffies that he played w/once & never again. We donated those to a shelter. The 2 we kept he tries to kill daily . A giant Hedgehog from Petco ( I even have a spare in the closet) and a large pheasant from Target. What I believe makes these different from the others is that they don't "squeak" . The sound they make is similar to the Squawkers they use at the track (ie: the sound of distressed prey). He pounces on Hedgie after walks & goes generally crazy w/it.

I have 2 actual Squawkers (at home & in car) and have to be careful not to set them off or he'll go nuts. They're for emergency use only.


:nod Same here...Sweep strongly prefers her hedgehog, rabbit, and mallard stuffies, which all squawk instead of squeak. Easier on the humans' nerves too. :)


Rachel with Doolin Doodle Dooooo, boss cat Tootie, and feline squatters Crumpet and Fezziwig.
Missing gentlemen kitties MudHenry, and Richard and our gorgeous, gutsy girlhounds
 Sweep and Willa:heart

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Guest FreeholdHound

Oh yes much easier on us. Someone gave Harry a squeaker matt w/ 24 squeakers. He would fold it in half and set them all off at once... that one got donated IMMEDIATELY !!!!!

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Guest Dancer

My boys will play when the mood strikes them...especially if I throw their stuffie along the floor so they can chase and 'kill'. They are so proud of their prowess at stuffie killing! a minute or two of brilliance....then back to sleep.



They also prefer the large hedgehog stuffie - thankfully it doesn't squeak too loudly!


As for boredom...never noticed it in my boys....sleep is always a good thing for them. The only damage (a few pairs of my shoes)they have done was related to separation anxiety.

Oh yes much easier on us. Someone gave Harry a squeaker matt w/ 24 squeakers. He would fold it in half and set them all off at once... that one got donated IMMEDIATELY !!!!!



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Guest sireltonsmom

Look for Deedle Dudes - they're hilarious. My kids also like a big octopus that makes different noises depending on where they grab it - it's cute to see them with the legs hanging out of their mouths. They go in the toy box and choose the toy de jour and that's fun to watch too. Of course, I wish I could train them to put them BACK! They especially like grunting toys and hit them on the floor to makethenoise for long periods of time. If yours are not interested in toys, then hide and seek with treats in the house is fun.


:ghplaybow :gh_runner

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Guest Jacks_Human

When I first got Jack, I was worried about him entertaining himself during the day while I was working and couldn't fuss him constantly... and then I realised he slept 90% of that time, and just woke up at 5PM :P

For a bit, he wasn't sure what toys were or if he was allowed to have them-- I actually had to hand him his first stuffy to convey it was OK for him to play with it. His favourite is playing 'fetch' with tennis balls or his knotted rope toys, which we often play indoors during the winter by throwing/rolling the toy down the hallway.

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Guest mebenz

Thanks for all the suggestions. He does like to walk/jog so we do that in the mornings before work. He broke his crate today so tomorrow I'm testing him out in the living room as I don't think I can fix the crate and it's obviously not working on his SA.

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