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Himalayan Dog Chews!

Guest Zizi

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Just seen these, has anyone given to there hound. If so your thoughts please. I know they are pricey I am trying to find something not made in china!

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They loved them for about 20 minutes and have never touched them again! LOL Seem to be nice for heavy chewers. The 20 minutes didn't make much of a dent in them, so they might be worth the price. I got mine from a promo on doggyloot.com




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I also wanted to buy one but backed out since they are so expensive and Teague seems to have a lack of interest in chewies, even bully sticks. I have heard they are like a cheese, so if your dog likes cheese, they would probably go for it. I almost bought one the other day in the store...maybe I will break down and do it. :P

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Guest FreeholdHound

Harry has one. He chewed on it for 30 min the 1st day & didn't touch it for a month. Now he'll dig out from uner the couch or in the toy box and chew on it for a while when he's in the mood I guess.

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Guest Doggone

Where do you buy yours? The ones on Amazon all look so small!

I picked one up at REI and it's not big, maybe 6"? It was $10, which I why I only got one ;). I don't know what they cost on Amazon. I haven't given it to Autumn yet, so I don't want to make any major investment in case it's not a hit. If she likes it, I'll check around to see if they're less expensive, but if not, they'll be only very "occasional" treats.

She loves rawhide and bully sticks, but alas, her tummy doesn't :(, which is why I'm looking around for another lasting chew treat besides knuckles, etc.

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Guest LunaTheGreyt

I picked one up at REI and it's not big, maybe 6"? It was $10, which I why I only got one ;). I don't know what they cost on Amazon. I haven't given it to Autumn yet, so I don't want to make any major investment in case it's not a hit. If she likes it, I'll check around to see if they're less expensive, but if not, they'll be only very "occasional" treats.

She loves rawhide and bully sticks, but alas, her tummy doesn't :(, which is why I'm looking around for another lasting chew treat besides knuckles, etc.


Luna has a sensitive tummy, and isn't super interested in the antler I got for her (chews on it maybe once a week for 5 minutes), so I'm thinking of trying a HDC. I think the one I saw of that size is $13 on Amazon :X Never heard of REI...will have to see if we have that around here.

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Guest Gweneth06

My boy Bob loves them!!! I usually buy either the medium or large size...they last him quite awhile! My jaw would be killing me! I usually buy them every once in a while as a special treat.

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Guest Doggone

Luna has a sensitive tummy, and isn't super interested in the antler I got for her (chews on it maybe once a week for 5 minutes), so I'm thinking of trying a HDC. I think the one I saw of that size is $13 on Amazon :X Never heard of REI...will have to see if we have that around here.

REI is a chain of serious sports gear. They're in many major US cities, so you should be about to go online and locate one somewhat near you. :)

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I found them on line at pet expertise.com. They where cheaper there than amazon. I think I will order and give it a try! If you to google Himalayan dog chews and go to there web site there is a place where you can find out what stores near you sell them if you don't want to order on line.

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I bought one for Carl, I had to take it away from him within about 10 min, it is advertised as a hard chew...not for Carl, he was about 1/2 way through it in 10 min. I could see the writing on the wall (or should I say the pudding poop) if I'd let him finish it off! He's a real hard chewer, I've limited him to the hardest of Nylabones, which fortunately he loves.

Sunsands Doodles: Doodles aka Claire, Bella Run Softly: Softy aka Bowie (the Diamond Dog)

Missing my beautiful boy Sunsands Carl 2.25.2003 - 4.1.2014

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I bought them for mine and they liked them for about 10 minutes and then not so much. I thought they would be great since Molly's a hard chewer and I saw them at a pet expo but she really wanted nothing to do with them. I bought it at a pet specialty store. She really likes rawhides so I get the ones that are made in America. I also will sometimes get tracheas and they LOVE those but don't digest them so well.

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Guest Doggone

First Himalayan Chew experiece report:

This morning, I left one with Autumn when I went out. Hours later (3-4), when I returned, just the top inch had been whittled down, and she was still working on it! If they last that long, I'll keep getting them (occasionally) as an alternate to a Kong for time-occupying stuff while I'm away from the house for any length of time. Now I'll just have to make sure that after gnawing it, there aren't any unpleasant "end products" ;).

The amount of time is phenomenal for her.........aside from how the Costco foot-long rawhides upset her tummy, she'd knock them out in ONE sitting, not taking a single break. Then she'd pant and pant as if she had just run a marathon! :(

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First Himalayan Chew experiece report:

This morning, I left one with Autumn when I went out. Hours later (3-4), when I returned, just the top inch had been whittled down, and she was still working on it! If they last that long, I'll keep getting them (occasionally) as an alternate to a Kong for time-occupying stuff while I'm away from the house for any length of time. Now I'll just have to make sure that after gnawing it, there aren't any unpleasant "end products" ;).

The amount of time is phenomenal for her.........aside from how the Costco foot-long rawhides upset her tummy, she'd knock them out in ONE sitting, not taking a single break. Then she'd pant and pant as if she had just run a marathon! :(

Did you notice if they have any smell to them after your girl started chewing on it? Something's smell so nasty once they get started on them.

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I got one for Lila and she chewed it for a couple minutes. It was so hard! It sounded like she was chewing on rocks. I think it scared us both. It was the only chewie she ever dropped and walked away from.

Lila Football
Jerilyn, missing Lila (Good Looking), new Mistress to Wiki (PJ Wicked).



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Guest Doggone

Did you notice if they have any smell to them after your girl started chewing on it? Something's smell so nasty once they get started on them.

No, I didn't notice any particular odor, either good or bad. I do remember that after she chewed rawhide, her breath would stink like old shoes!! :D

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No, I didn't notice any particular odor, either good or bad. I do remember that after she chewed rawhide, her breath would stink like old shoes!! :D

Thank you good to know, some of these things for them smell sooooo nasty, I can't stand it!

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