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Raw & Constipated :(

Guest blueberri

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Guest blueberri

Poor Sparky :( We've been raw feeding for a week now, and so far he loves it! He's gone from big D issues to the opposite. Today he went for his first morning excursion and was yelping when trying to take a dump (the same kinda noise as when I accidently stood on his toes), and after kept turning and yelping at his butt. I took him for a walk not long after (me limping with a broken foot!) and he had a further 4 motions ranging from absolute dry crumble to very small formed stools (as I would expect with raw). Pre-raw we would have had an early morning formed motion, and the walk motions would go from pudding to outright liquid.


I don't think we're overdoing the bone content, only doing bones every second dinner (ie every fourth meal), with 100-200g of very meaty bone (half chicken carcass, or pork bones) in addition to his meat & tripe meal. When he was on kibble we'd been doing daily bones for his teeth, and as a way to help cool him down (mmm chicken popsicle!)


I know its early days, but how can a bone (not huge at that!) every second day be causing constipation? Is it still adjustment time? How do I help get things to a more comfortable point for him, short of getting him a gut transplant??


Thanks :chow

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In my experience, the only thing that causes crumbly poo is lots of bone. But...it sounds you aren't feeding too much, so I would maybe wait another week to see if he adjusts. You may want to add in some organ meats (if you haven't already) or even less bone for the time being to let him gradually adjust. You could also try him on no bone for a few days to see if that makes a difference. Then gradually add it in. :)

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What vegetables are you adding in. Perhaps try adding green beans to provide some relief. Also are you using any oil in his food. I add in a tablespoon of Grizzly Salmon Oil to mine for the evening meal. Helps with the coat and I think it may also help with constipation.

Edited by djsgreys

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Guest FinnsMom

If he's already constipated don't give pumpkin because that will just make it worse, as pumpkin absorbs the water in the intestines to firm up the poop and you don't want that right now. Pumpkin is good if your dog has diarrhea. What I would do is stop feeding bone for a week and see if his poops return to normal and then add in a bone portion every other day and see how he does. He doesn't need bone every day.


Finn loves his turkey necks but I can only give him 3 a week because any more than that and he starts to get a bit constipated but when I see his poops are super hard and if he had to strain to get it out, we just go for a longer walk to get things moving more, which has always done the trick.

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Guest IHeartDogs

I would add salmon oil and organic extra virgin coconut oil. If you can get your hand on it, slippery elm powder into a gruel for constipation would help greatly. http://www.anniesherbals.com/Getting%20started.html

Also, Animal Essentials Plant Enzymes and Probiotics is a good supplement too.

Good on you for trying raw for your pup. If the constipation continues perhaps consult a holistic vet.

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If he's already constipated don't give pumpkin because that will just make it worse, as pumpkin absorbs the water in the intestines to firm up the poop and you don't want that right now. Pumpkin is good if your dog has diarrhea. What I would do is stop feeding bone for a week and see if his poops return to normal and then add in a bone portion every other day and see how he does. He doesn't need bone every day.Finn loves his turkey necks but I can only give him 3 a week because any more than that and he starts to get a bit constipated but when I see his poops are super hard and if he had to strain to get it out, we just go for a longer walk to get things moving more, which has always done the trick.

No, actually pumpkin works for loose poop or constipation. I know, it sounds like magic :) I think it's the fiber, not sure, but I give it to my IBD dog (occasional loose poop) and my cat with constipation, works for both. You are right, they don't need RMB every day, it is balance over time.

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Guest blueberri

Canned pumpkin is moot anyway, as you can't get it over here.


I'm not currently supplementing with anything, was supplementing with flaxseed oil when he was on kibble.


Re a probiotic supplement, I thought the green tripe essentially did that?


I'll stop all bone for now... and yes, that walk earlier seems to have helped, for now, but I don't want him getting fissures or anything while his system adjusts.


Gah. Just had a sinking feeling, and checked the website for the chicken mince I purchased. Yep, contrary to the packet, it's made using chicken frames :wife I think we have our answer! That's been the mainstay over the last week. :headwall


Thank you for the helpful input folks... it'll help me tweak things as we improve Sparky's meals.


Of interest, he has this lovely stripe down his mid-back with glossy black hair coming through. He did that when we switched from crap food to better food... so clearly raw is better again :clap

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Guest IHeartDogs

Glad you found the culprit. Everybody does raw differently but there are a few things that need to be given because no matter how fresh the raw food is, it's not complete. Our holistic vet recommends these basic supplements: essential fatty acids (fish oil or flax oil), probiotics, digestive enzymes (these are diminished in the raw food from refrigeration/freezing/transport) and a whole food supplement (Solid Gold Seameal, Missing Link).

Cooked egg is a great addition since it's wholesome and cheaper than meat protein.


It's amazing how some dogs show improvement right away, like Sparky's glossy hair :)

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Yep, too much bone plain and simple. Glad you figured out how it was happening. That can be very uncomfortable for your pup. :(


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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Guest blueberri

Green beans come in a can? :mum


So far so good, no further discomfort after switching to non-prepackaged food. Only problem now is he keeps snurfling around for more :lol and he's stalking the baby I care for, hoping she drops some noms. Will still give it a few more days before I give him another bone.


Not the most convenient, but I am seriously loving the effects a raw diet is having on Sparky.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest blueberri

Things have been going so much better for Sparky. We've been adding a fibre supplement into his diet, and cutting back on the bones a bit.


Which is why I was surprised to see him straining and whining when trying to go potty...


The sympathy fizzled when I saw the remainders of one of the missing baby spoons come through :eek bright blue and relatively unmolested by its journey :rotfl


Ohhhhhh Sparky... you have to learn the hard way, don't ya buddy? :hehe :hehe

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We sprinkle a little bit of Metamucil on their breakfast.


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Guest blueberri

Battersea: That's what we're doing. The invisible stuff that doesn't swell and turn into jelly... we put it in some very dilute iced tea (which he loves and steals if you've a glass), a tsp every second day seems to have taken the eek factor out of the equation.

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