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Hemangio Sarcoma In Body Wall

Guest mlindau

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Guest mlindau

Govey has been diagnosed with hemangio sarcoma. It is sandwiched between his muscles and ribs and is even wrapped around his ribs. It is a little larger than a tennis ball sliced in half. It protrudes very noticeably. He is 7 years old. Diagnosis was made during exploratory surgery and then confirmed by pathologist from the biopsy that was taken. It is too involved to remove. It looks bad and to me seems very futile. Does anyone have experience with this cancer in this location? Any experience with lifespan? Treatment? To be honest my feeling has been that the amount of time we can buy him with treatment is very limited. I have been feeling that he should have as much fun as he can while he can and to let nature then run its course. At present he is happy, good appetite, fairly energetic. He is still my boy.......... Any input? I admit, I think my decision about nature taking its course is the right one given Govey's condition, that doesn't mean I'm resting completely comfortably with it. Would like to hear others' experience. Thank you so much.

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Guest twoskinnydogs

I just lost my 9 yr old Toby to Henamgio this past Monday. His was in a rear leg muscle and was also to involved to remove. Toby was on chemo for 12 weeks before the chemo stopped working, he passed 15 weeks post diagnosis. I don't regret the chemo because Toby had no side effects at all. I was told by Dr. Couto when Toby was diagnosed that his time was 3 to 5 months with chemo and less than 3 months without. The last week I noticed that he quickly grew a tumor similar to what you described is on your boy.


Just love him and spoil him as much as you can. Their time with us is never long enough!


I will keep you and Govey in my prayers!

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Guest Adrianne

I'm very very sorry you and Govey have received this diagnosis.


I have some experience with hemangio, though not in that location. I really had no time to think about what to do. I noticed two marble sized tumors on the inside of Wilbur's leg on Saturday afternoon. By Monday morning, they were the size of baseballs, and he was in horrible pain, confused, and very weak. We said goodbye and released him that day.

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I have no advice. I am just so sorry to read this and wish you comfort in whatever decision you make concerning your boy.

Irene Ullmann w/Flying Odin and Mama Mia in Lower Delaware
Angels Brandy, John E, American Idol, Paul, Fuzzy and Shine
Handcrafted Greyhound and Custom Clocks http://www.houndtime.com
Zoom Doggies-Racing Coats for Racing Greyhounds

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Guest LoveSeniorGreys

I've lost 2 greys to Hemangioscarcoma that was located in different areas of the body. It is a very aggressive cancer.


Cherish the time left with Govey. :grouphug

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Guest bernadette

I'm very very sorry you and Govey have received this diagnosis.


I have some experience with hemangio, though not in that location. I really had no time to think about what to do. I noticed two marble sized tumors on the inside of Wilbur's leg on Saturday afternoon. By Monday morning, they were the size of baseballs, and he was in horrible pain, confused, and very weak. We said goodbye and released him that day.


When you say 'two marble sized tumors', what did they feel like? Soft or hard? 'Attached' or could you move them around? I foulnd a tiny little soft mass, about the size of a pea, on the front of one left hind leg just last night. About two weeks ago he had a limp in his left front for a few days that went away. During that time he had cried going up the carpeted stairs once. Since the limp went away, two nights (including last night) he cried out once, not a cry like he was dreaming, definitely a pain cry... my fiance said maybe he was sleeping in a bad position.


I worry about him now, being nine and especially after that limp. Not panicked at all, but trying to remain watchful and just realistic.

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I am very sorry about Govey's diagnosis and hope you have some good quality time with him. If you have the time, you may want to contact Dr. Coutu's team at OSU as they may be able to provide a protocol that may provide a longer period of quality time. Please give Govey a hug from me.

Kyle with Stewie ('Super C Ledoux, Super C Sampson x Sing It Blondie) and forever missing my three angels, Jack ('Roy Jack', Greys Flambeau x Miss Cobblepot) and Charlie ('CTR Midas Touch', Leo's Midas x Hallo Argentina) and Shelby ('Shari's Hooty', Flying Viper x Shari Carusi) running free across the bridge.

Gus an coinnich sinn a'rithist my boys and little girl.

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Guest bernadette

mlindau, I am so sorry that you, yours and your Govey have to go through this- I can't imagine. My absolute best wishes to you.

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I just lost my Crystal to that last week. Inoperable.


I lost her 5 days after diagnosis. I'm so sorry for Govey's diagnosis.


I also lost my first girl to hemangio of the spleen. She seemed fine in the morning and was gone that night. I never knew what hit me.

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Guest mlindau

I just lost my 9 yr old Toby to Henamgio this past Monday. His was in a rear leg muscle and was also to involved to remove. Toby was on chemo for 12 weeks before the chemo stopped working, he passed 15 weeks post diagnosis. I don't regret the chemo because Toby had no side effects at all. I was told by Dr. Couto when Toby was diagnosed that his time was 3 to 5 months with chemo and less than 3 months without. The last week I noticed that he quickly grew a tumor similar to what you described is on your boy.


Just love him and spoil him as much as you can. Their time with us is never long enough!


I will keep you and Govey in my prayers!

I am so terribly sorry to hear about Toby. I felt it in my gut. What you told me was exactly the kind of information I needed - as sad as it is. Thank you.


I'm very very sorry you and Govey have received this diagnosis.


I have some experience with hemangio, though not in that location. I really had no time to think about what to do. I noticed two marble sized tumors on the inside of Wilbur's leg on Saturday afternoon. By Monday morning, they were the size of baseballs, and he was in horrible pain, confused, and very weak. We said goodbye and released him that day.

How awful. Thank you for your support and caring. I'll let you all know how we are. So far we are still having fun.


I just lost my Crystal to that last week. Inoperable.


I lost her 5 days after diagnosis. I'm so sorry for Govey's diagnosis.


I also lost my first girl to hemangio of the spleen. She seemed fine in the morning and was gone that night. I never knew what hit me.

I am so very very sorry. My thoughts are with you. I can imagine. Thank you for sharing.
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Guest mlindau

I have no advice. I am just so sorry to read this and wish you comfort in whatever decision you make concerning your boy.

Thank you so much. Your support and care means so much.


I've lost 2 greys to Hemangioscarcoma that was located in different areas of the body. It is a very aggressive cancer.


Cherish the time left with Govey. :grouphug

Thank you. Trying to load up on the good times.


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Windows XP 5.1Thank you. Actually we did contact Dr. Cuotu's team. The main advice was to contact an oncologist in the area. She did attach a very helpful article. He is getting lots of hugs. Thanks again.


I am very sorry about Govey's diagnosis and hope you have some good quality time with him. If you have the time, you may want to contact Dr. Coutu's team at OSU as they may be able to provide a protocol that may provide a longer period of quality time. Please give Govey a hug from me.

Thank you. We did contact Dr. Coutu's team. They sent me a very good article on hemangiosarcoma. They said the next step would be to contact an oncologist in the area. His next hug is from you :)


mlindau, I am so sorry that you, yours and your Govey have to go through this- I can't imagine. My absolute best wishes to you.

Thank you. Everyone's support has been just wonderful. I'm still having a hard time imagining. It has been one week since diagnosis. 2 weeks since surgery after which I expected this diagnosis. 6 weeks after lump first appeared which was first diagnosed as a hematoma (this was after it was aspirated 3 x's) After all this, it is STILL hard for me to let it sink in.


I just lost my Crystal to that last week. Inoperable.


I lost her 5 days after diagnosis. I'm so sorry for Govey's diagnosis.


I also lost my first girl to hemangio of the spleen. She seemed fine in the morning and was gone that night. I never knew what hit me.

I am so so sorry. We've already had more time than that. It is still so hard to believe. He is essentially himself - a bit less energy and I think patience - though still happy and loving.
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I'm so sorry to hear this. I've lost 2 two hemagiosarcoma, a greyhound and a weimaraner. I lost the greyhound quickly but was fortunate to have almost a year with my weim. :grouphug

Cynthia, & Cristiano, galgo
Always in my heart: Frostman
Newdawn Frost, Keno Jet Action & Chloe (NGA racing name unknown), Irys (galgo), Hannah (weim), Cruz (galgo), & Carly CW Your Charming

Princess http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?i=1018857

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life, gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are." -- Unknown

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Guest mlindau

I'm so sorry to hear this. I've lost 2 two hemagiosarcoma, a greyhound and a weimaraner. I lost the greyhound quickly but was fortunate to have almost a year with my weim. :grouphug

How terrible. Thank you for your support. We are still having fun. I NOW spoil him as much as possible!! Not worrying about creating bad habits OR having him gain weight :)
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Guest mlindau

OP , can you post a pic of the lump ?

I'm so sorry for the dx.

Hi, I'm sorry, but I am having trouble posting the picture. Can you either tell me how to or give me your email address. Thank you. I currently have it as a file on my computer. I could even send it to you via Facebook.
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Guest Adrianne

I'm very very sorry you and Govey have received this diagnosis.


I have some experience with hemangio, though not in that location. I really had no time to think about what to do. I noticed two marble sized tumors on the inside of Wilbur's leg on Saturday afternoon. By Monday morning, they were the size of baseballs, and he was in horrible pain, confused, and very weak. We said goodbye and released him that day.


When you say 'two marble sized tumors', what did they feel like? Soft or hard? 'Attached' or could you move them around? I foulnd a tiny little soft mass, about the size of a pea, on the front of one left hind leg just last night. About two weeks ago he had a limp in his left front for a few days that went away. During that time he had cried going up the carpeted stairs once. Since the limp went away, two nights (including last night) he cried out once, not a cry like he was dreaming, definitely a pain cry... my fiance said maybe he was sleeping in a bad position.


I worry about him now, being nine and especially after that limp. Not panicked at all, but trying to remain watchful and just realistic.



As near as I can remember, the lumps weren't hard like a pebble but not squishy. Well, they must have been somewhat hard, because they caught my attention as soon as I felt them. I couldn't see them then; they were small and on the inside of his leg. By Monday, you couldn't miss them; they were huge and very dark red in color.

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Guest Adrianne

They were lumps under the skin, and they could not be moved around.


ETA: Chevy has a little fatty cyst about the size of a pea. It's more what I would call on the outside of the skin and can be moved around.

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Guest bernadette

I'm very very sorry you and Govey have received this diagnosis.


I have some experience with hemangio, though not in that location. I really had no time to think about what to do. I noticed two marble sized tumors on the inside of Wilbur's leg on Saturday afternoon. By Monday morning, they were the size of baseballs, and he was in horrible pain, confused, and very weak. We said goodbye and released him that day.


When you say 'two marble sized tumors', what did they feel like? Soft or hard? 'Attached' or could you move them around? I foulnd a tiny little soft mass, about the size of a pea, on the front of one left hind leg just last night. About two weeks ago he had a limp in his left front for a few days that went away. During that time he had cried going up the carpeted stairs once. Since the limp went away, two nights (including last night) he cried out once, not a cry like he was dreaming, definitely a pain cry... my fiance said maybe he was sleeping in a bad position.


I worry about him now, being nine and especially after that limp. Not panicked at all, but trying to remain watchful and just realistic.



As near as I can remember, the lumps weren't hard like a pebble but not squishy. Well, they must have been somewhat hard, because they caught my attention as soon as I felt them. I couldn't see them then; they were small and on the inside of his leg. By Monday, you couldn't miss them; they were huge and very dark red in color.


This worries me. Vinnie has had a fatty lump on his bely for a couple of years, nothing to worry about. Maybe a year ago I found a hard little pebble lump on his hip (superficial enough that you can see where it is by the way his hair lays over it but it's not larger than a pea). The vet wasn't concerned and it has never seemed to bother Vinnie- it has not changed in size. Then the other night I noticed on Vinnie another pea size bump on his leg... not squishy like the lipoma but not solid like a rock. It is under the skin, not like the fatty deposit on his belly. It is located where I can only describe it as his knee... Back left leg (same leg as the other pea sized bump), font ridge of his hip...


Not sure I should be concerned but these stories of being hit last minute makes me nervous.

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Guest mlindau

I'm very very sorry you and Govey have received this diagnosis.


I have some experience with hemangio, though not in that location. I really had no time to think about what to do. I noticed two marble sized tumors on the inside of Wilbur's leg on Saturday afternoon. By Monday morning, they were the size of baseballs, and he was in horrible pain, confused, and very weak. We said goodbye and released him that day.


When you say 'two marble sized tumors', what did they feel like? Soft or hard? 'Attached' or could you move them around? I foulnd a tiny little soft mass, about the size of a pea, on the front of one left hind leg just last night. About two weeks ago he had a limp in his left front for a few days that went away. During that time he had cried going up the carpeted stairs once. Since the limp went away, two nights (including last night) he cried out once, not a cry like he was dreaming, definitely a pain cry... my fiance said maybe he was sleeping in a bad position.


I worry about him now, being nine and especially after that limp. Not panicked at all, but trying to remain watchful and just realistic.



As near as I can remember, the lumps weren't hard like a pebble but not squishy. Well, they must have been somewhat hard, because they caught my attention as soon as I felt them. I couldn't see them then; they were small and on the inside of his leg. By Monday, you couldn't miss them; they were huge and very dark red in color.


This worries me. Vinnie has had a fatty lump on his bely for a couple of years, nothing to worry about. Maybe a year ago I found a hard little pebble lump on his hip (superficial enough that you can see where it is by the way his hair lays over it but it's not larger than a pea). The vet wasn't concerned and it has never seemed to bother Vinnie- it has not changed in size. Then the other night I noticed on Vinnie another pea size bump on his leg... not squishy like the lipoma but not solid like a rock. It is under the skin, not like the fatty deposit on his belly. It is located where I can only describe it as his knee... Back left leg (same leg as the other pea sized bump), font ridge of his hip...


Not sure I should be concerned but these stories of being hit last minute makes me nervous.

Please keep in mind that Govey's went from nothing to VERY large in 5 - 6 days. Sounds very different.
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Guest Adrianne

I'm very very sorry you and Govey have received this diagnosis.


I have some experience with hemangio, though not in that location. I really had no time to think about what to do. I noticed two marble sized tumors on the inside of Wilbur's leg on Saturday afternoon. By Monday morning, they were the size of baseballs, and he was in horrible pain, confused, and very weak. We said goodbye and released him that day.


When you say 'two marble sized tumors', what did they feel like? Soft or hard? 'Attached' or could you move them around? I foulnd a tiny little soft mass, about the size of a pea, on the front of one left hind leg just last night. About two weeks ago he had a limp in his left front for a few days that went away. During that time he had cried going up the carpeted stairs once. Since the limp went away, two nights (including last night) he cried out once, not a cry like he was dreaming, definitely a pain cry... my fiance said maybe he was sleeping in a bad position.


I worry about him now, being nine and especially after that limp. Not panicked at all, but trying to remain watchful and just realistic.



As near as I can remember, the lumps weren't hard like a pebble but not squishy. Well, they must have been somewhat hard, because they caught my attention as soon as I felt them. I couldn't see them then; they were small and on the inside of his leg. By Monday, you couldn't miss them; they were huge and very dark red in color.


This worries me. Vinnie has had a fatty lump on his bely for a couple of years, nothing to worry about. Maybe a year ago I found a hard little pebble lump on his hip (superficial enough that you can see where it is by the way his hair lays over it but it's not larger than a pea). The vet wasn't concerned and it has never seemed to bother Vinnie- it has not changed in size. Then the other night I noticed on Vinnie another pea size bump on his leg... not squishy like the lipoma but not solid like a rock. It is under the skin, not like the fatty deposit on his belly. It is located where I can only describe it as his knee... Back left leg (same leg as the other pea sized bump), font ridge of his hip...


Not sure I should be concerned but these stories of being hit last minute makes me nervous.



Is it painful to him? Does it bother him when you push on it? If so, I'd get it checked out. If not, I think I'd just bring it to the vet's attention at his next appointment.


There is no rhyme or reason to cancer. It strikes where it will, when it will. But don't let the stories scare you and make you worry about what could happen. It's very therapeutic to come here and "talk" when our dogs have gotten that terrible diagnosis, but there's many many many greyhounds who will never have cancer.

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Guest bernadette

No, thankfully none of these spots seem to bother him. I was never worried until Vinnies limp a couple of weeks ago. I always keep an eye on his gaits. His limp lasted a few days (hard surface and carpet bothered him) and then it just disappeared. There have been a couple nights in the last week where he cried out at night (not dreaming) but I think I'm just hyper sensitive now since the limp.


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Guest mlindau

Govey aka Movin' Statesman has Moved on. 1/5/05 - 5/25/12

To those of you who knew him or knew of him make a toast for him tonight.

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Oh no. I am so very sorry :grouphug

Old Dogs are the Best Dogs. :heartThank you, campers. Current enrollees:  Punkin. AnnIE Oooh M, Ebbie, HollyBeeBop (Betty Crocker).

Angels: Pal :heart. Segugio. Sorella (TPGIT). LadyBug. Zeke-aroni. MiMi Sizzle Pants. Gracie. Seamie :heart:brokenheart. (Foster)Sweet. Andy. PaddyALVIN!Mayhem. Bosco. Bruno. Dottie B. Trevor Double-Heart. Bea. Cletus, KLTO. Aiden 1-4.

:paw Upon reflection, our lives are often referenced in parts defined by the all-too-short lives of our dogs.

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I am so sorry for your loss. I do hate cancer. It is the thief who robs us, everyday, of those we love.

Irene Ullmann w/Flying Odin and Mama Mia in Lower Delaware
Angels Brandy, John E, American Idol, Paul, Fuzzy and Shine
Handcrafted Greyhound and Custom Clocks http://www.houndtime.com
Zoom Doggies-Racing Coats for Racing Greyhounds

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