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Anything I Can Do Till The Meds Wear Off?

Guest sorenkkg

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Guest sorenkkg

I know this is just temporary, but I just feel so helpless.


Haka (one of my 12yr old greyhounds) had a weird lump removed from his paw. We think it was a corn or maybe a wart (she said it had a stalk), but we'll get it tested to see. I had posted about it previously, but between March and now, it went from pencil eraser to weird elephant trunk, and it started bleeding last week, so today she looked at it and decided she could take it off with just a local and some hydrocodone (I assume, she just said "hydro")


Well, he's home now. Just 2 stitches in the pad (it was the middle "palm" pad, and the corner of it, off to the side, not the surface.




I've already called the vet, who said (and said in the office too, so this is 2x they had to tell me) that he will pant, not be *normal* for hours, drool, and be out of it.


He's circled the kitchen-hallway-vestibule like 10000x already, and he's leaving little blood prints (which I told the vet, and they said it's normal b/c he's walking on it). And he won't settle.


Also, he's PARANOID (they said that was normal too), so I can't get near him, and when I did (to try to force him to lie down) he moaned and ran away.


His back legs are buckling, he almost sits, and then pops back up and circle and pant and drool... is KILLING ME. :cry1 :cry1 :cry1


I'm just watching the clock tick, and hoping it wears off bit by bit.


I've put extra beds and floor mats out, hoping he'll drop onto one of them. So far, not yet.


Just had to vent...


(the only upside to this is that when my dogs are unwell, I lose all my appetite).


:( Soren

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I'd ask them what "hydro" meant. And perhaps if you took him in to get some sub-q fluids it would help dilute whatever is making him this way. It would probably be too hard to get an IV catheter in him, the way he's feeling. (It could be done, but not worth the wear and tear on everyone, especially him!) But having a couple techs to assist, a quick 250 mg. of fluid sub-q could be achieved in 10 minutes. Of course, this would require getting him into the car, so maybe it's not feasible.


If this is so "normal," then it's predictable, and they should have told you to expect it! :angryfire


ETA: I know how awfully distressing this is for you, not to mention your pup. I'm so sorry. :( Prayers that it stops very soon!

Edited by greyhead
Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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Guest sorenkkg

Thanks Mary-- I don't think we're going anywhere, though it's good there's maybe an option.



They did warn me-- they said he'd be out of it, and not "normal" in terms of his personality. I called and explained exactly what he's doing now, and they said that's what they meant, that all this is *normal* and as long as he's not bleeding profusely (i.e. a bit of seepage b/c he's walking on his paw, but not gushing or anything), just to watch him and let it wear off.



Then I got some example stories of weird things other dogs do (fall asleep sitting up, etc), and they said I can call back anytime.



I'm just not happy b/c he's not happy-- I'd prefer if he just laid down and fell asleep-- OH, he's sitting on one of the beds right now. And he's up again... :( Well, that was something.


Hydromorphone-- Ghs just do not do well with opiates - going to have to run its course- couple of hours. You

may have to crate in the meantime. Have the vet place a note/caution in the file- no more opiates!



Thanks TB... I'll remember to tell them if this comes up again. They're usually very cautious about all sighthound related sedation issues... I was just so happy they didn't have to put him all the way under for this paw thing.


At least he attempted a sit on the extra bed. My legs are cramping just watching him.

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Hydromorphone-- Ghs just do not do well with opiates - going to have to run its course- couple of hours. You

may have to crate in the meantime. Have the vet place a note/caution in the file- no more opiates!

:nod That is exactly what happened to Rex when he was given Morphine. It was the longest night of my life. He paced and panted and wigged out until around 4 a.m. No more Morphine for greys for me.

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It's good to hear that they are receptive to your concerns and now more forthcoming about what "not normal" means normally! :rolleyes: Hang in there.

Edited by greyhead
Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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Guest sorenkkg

He's now lying down! I brought up extra beds and mats... he's still panting like a freak, but they said that was to be expected. His tongue is literally on the floor... :rolleyes: Poor monkey, but at least he's down. I didn't want him to stress his stitches.



CRAP, he's back up.... UGH.


well, at least I'm not alone... looooove greytalk! Thanks guys!



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Hydromorphone-- Ghs just do not do well with opiates - going to have to run its course- couple of hours. You

may have to crate in the meantime. Have the vet place a note/caution in the file- no more opiates!

:nod That is exactly what happened to Rex when he was given Morphine. It was the longest night of my life. He paced and panted and wigged out until around 4 a.m. No more Morphine for greys for me.


Rainey reacted SUPER badly to any kind of opiate :( and I'm still kicking myself for not asking what the 1st shot was when we were letting her go, it obviously was that kind and it was horrible :( :( hoping your baby's feeling more normal soon!

Edited by RaineysMom

Kim and Bruce - with Rick (Rick Roufus 6/30/16) and missing my sweet greyhound Angels Rainey (LG's Rainey 10/4/2000 - 3/8/2011), Anubis (RJ's Saint Nick 12/25/2001 - 9/12/12) and Zeke (Hey Who Whiz It 4/6/2009 - 7/20/2020) and Larry (PTL Laroach 2/24/2007 - 8/2/2020) -- and Chester (Lab) (8/31/1990 - 5/3/2005), Captain (Schipperke) (10/12/1992 - 6/13/2005) and Remy (GSP) (?/?/1998 - 1/6/2005) at the bridge
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut." -- Ernest Hemmingway

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Guest sorenkkg

He's been up and down-- each lie-down is lasting a bit longer... and he looks more tired when he does walk around... I guess this is progress.:blink:

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Hydromorphone-- Ghs just do not do well with opiates - going to have to run its course- couple of hours. You

may have to crate in the meantime. Have the vet place a note/caution in the file- no more opiates!


Yup. Makes for a long night. :grouphug

Wendy and The Whole Wherd. American by birth, Southern by choice.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!"
****OxyFresh Vendor ID is 180672239.****

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Guest sorenkkg

Hi again-- to answer Dobie-- he was, until 9:30pm eastern, when DH went to take him and his sis for a walk. Maybe it was the pouring rain, or something, but he didn't want to walk (and he did at 5pm).


DH said he had a good pee, and then they sort of shlepped back home. He went back out with Aleeya, and Haka laid down and started panting all over again.



He rested for a good few hours, and was quiet and comfortable till we got him up for this walk. sigh.




I'm sure he'll be fine tomorrow. He did get his boot off while he was outside DH said, so I think I should try to clean his wound/stitches a bit...



I really hope whatever the growth on his paw was, doesn't come back. :angry:



Thanks for the support!



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Guest dobiegrey

Morning update please!! Hope your boy is all settled down to normal this morning, I have been through it too! Not fun!

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Guest sorenkkg

Morning update-- I slept on the couch to be near him, till about 2:30am. He settled and his breathing was more normal around midnight, and he got up for more water around 1am or so? When I woke up at 2:30am, he was at his spot by the front door, so I figured he was feeling a bit better to move over there.


DH reports that this morning, he was still a bit shaky-- he walked enough to do some business-- but he didn't eat either Dinner 1 or Dinner 2 yesterday (5pm or 10pm) though he did eat 2 freeze dried liver chunks... but turned up his nose at his regular food AND just some canned food. :unsure



He needed a couple rests on the walk this morning, per DH, and now that I'm up, I can report that he's lying in his spot by the front door (coolest spot in the house, not that it's hot here now) and his sock over the wound was dry. I took it off, as the vet said leave it as open to the air as much as possible.



If he gets up to come to the living room where I am, I'll post again.



Is it normal that it would take 24+ hrs for the hydromorphone (I checked the home notes, that is what they gave) to wear off? I don't think the shaking is from any pain from his paw, since he's not limping at all.









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Guest sorenkkg

Ok, good to know. He came into the living room, and even managed to get on the couch :colgate a few hours ago. I finally feel he's back to himself, just low energy b/c of all this AND not eating yesterday.



phew... deep breath, finally. Lesson learned, and the vet's office called, and we talked for a good 5 minutes, and there is now a note in Haka's file about the effects of hydromorphone on him.




Thanks again so much for the support folks, I really appreciate it so much!



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