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Thorn In The Pad Of Her Toe

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Leah got a sticker in her toe a couple of days ago but I could not get it out. Now the end of it has apparently worn down and I cannot feel or see anything but she still limps sometimes. Is there anything I can do to help work it out?? Maybe soak it? She's VERY eek.gif reactive about her feet so I don't dare try working or poking on it to get it out. I suppose it will start to pus up after a few days like a splinter will on a person? Thanks - I need some ideas please.

Jody, Leah & Jimmie
You left us much, much too soon Lima & Chip :brokenheart

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My friends dog's did the same thing. She soaked the foot in epsome (spell?) salts for a few days the thorn worked itself out. Good luck.

Irene Ullmann w/Flying Odin and Mama Mia in Lower Delaware
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Soak and wrap with a poltice of either Epsal ointment or genuine pescalite clay to draw it out. I would try REALLY hard to get it out as its been my experience it can continue to cause problems if left in there and healed over. It may take upwards of a week of this to draw it out but IMO would be well worth it.

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Just a note that if it heals over with it still in there it will cause additional problems so as others have said, lots of soaking and if it's not better in a few days then I would do a vet.


Also .... sometimes an injury like this might predispose that pad to a corn. To try and prevent that, after soaking puts tons of cream on it to soften it up. This happened to Lucy, she got something in her pad and the vet got it out but, it was still very sensitive as she was limping and our concern was that it would callous and possibly turn into a corn - soaking and creams seemed to help and she is no longer limping.

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i agree on the epsom's salts, it's a pain but does wonders. this stuff works as well.....massengil douche. i used to buy the powder and soak paws in it, you will be amazed at what comes out(3xs a day as well). but that black wierd oinment is remarkable- it helped draw a cactus thorne out of my foot!

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