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Now It's His Belly

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I just got Nadir's incontinence issue solved, turns out he's developed an intolerance to fish, so had to change diet. Now we are getting a rumbling tummy and he walked away from his food this morning. I can tell by looking at him he's not feeling well. I've got an appointment this morning for him. Are there any suggestions for tests aside from a completed CBC and chemistry panel that I should have run? I'm going to have the tests done by Michigan School of Veterinary Medicine.

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Trish and Chris thanks for thinking about Nadir. My vet put him on Flagyl which usually helps so that is good. The troubling thing is I'm not sure what set him off this time, was it the raw beef or the new kibble?


tbhounds, thank you for your reply re testing. Can you tell me what those tests are? I won't be able to have them run this time as I was unaware of the fasting requirement prior to taking him in for a blood draw. Even though he walked away from his food midway through his meal he did come back later and finish it.

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I'm keeping Nadir in my thoughts, Judy :goodluck:grouphug


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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The spec cpl is the pancreas test (Idexx Lab) and here's a link to the TLI (long shot)


Of course the full chemistry panel is a must.


Thank you for the link, I've saved it for future tests to have run. I did request a full chemistry panel along with CBC.


Kerry thanks for keeping Nadir in your thoughts. My heart sinks when I read about Merlin having problems with his gut.


Derek he does seem better this morning. The rumbling tummy continued through last night, but everything is quiet now. He ate his breakfast without any hesitation. I'm hoping his poop is improved from yesterday.

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