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Deer Antler- Video

Guest Tequila

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Guest Tequila

It seems that 95% of the time, whenever I mention deer antlers to anyone, they have never heard of them (and more to the point, think I'm crazy, and can't imagine why in the world you'd give a deer antler to a dog???! perhaps they picture the ENTIRE antler in their mouth? :rolleyes: I don't know!.... )...


Anyway, I just gave Tequila a new one this afternoon, and she was really enjoying it so I thought I'd tape her for people who are curious about deer antlers. We've tried both "whole" antlers and "sliced"....and she seems to prefer the sliced antlers because it's easier/faster to get to the marrow. She's not a very aggressive chewer -- she'll chew for maybe 10 minutes than walk away -- so the sliced antlers last a long time with her. In the video, you can see two older antlers on the floor beside her bed. I keep them because she takes turns chewing on the older ones along with the new ones. This has REALLY helped keep her teeth clean!


Hope this video is helpful for anyone who might be interested in getting deer antlers for their greyhounds :colgate




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Guest Tequila

The great thing about deer antlers is they don't splinter (at least they never have for us). They're not as hard as regular bones, so they won't scratch tooth enamel either (I think I might have spelled "enamel" wrong! :rolleyes: )


How do I get her to put her toys back?? Haha! She doesn't. I clean up after her. It's like cleaning up after a child, especially when she takes out EVERY SINGLE TOY she owns and scatters them all over the floor. I just laugh. She's having fun. Sometimes she'll take out 4 or 5 toys before finding "the right one" to play with. It's like, "Nope, don't want that one. Not this one either. Nope, not this one. AH! Here's the one!!!" :lol

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Guest Roadtripper

Cute vid! I know my new pup would love an antler, seeing as how she has already chewed up several Tupperware bowls, my hairbrush, the rubber handle on a Furminator comb, my other dog's brand new handmade collar, 2 leashes, 1 sock, etc., etc., etc...


Where's the best place to buy them?



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Guest Tequila

Hi Amy,


We get ours from http://www.ElkUSA.com ......scroll down and click on "America's Best Dog Chew" (on the right hand side of the page). You'll see several different types listed there. The ones we get are the "sliced antler chews", size large. If you have a real aggressive chewer, you might prefer to get whole antler chews (like Eastern Comfort Whitetail Deer).


Hope this helps!



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Thanks for sharing. I had given mine several years ago the whole antler from that company and they were not crazy about them. Well now I have new gh's and I think I am going to order the sliced ones. Thanks for the tip!


Just placed my order for 2 lbs of the sliced antlers. Hope the girls like them.

Edited by brandimom



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Guest tinams8

She looks very happy! I want to get these for my dogs, but it's a lot to lose if they don't like them. Some day I will bite the bullet and order.

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I see a potential slab fracture in the making. I see fractured teeth from bones all too often. I'm in the rather brush daily vs extractions.

That said-- how do you get her put her toys away like that???

Would love your input in my chew toy thread in EEG. I had always thought they'd be as hard or nearly as hard as marrow bones, which I stopped feeding for the reason you mentioned a while ago. But alternatives are tough to come by. If you have any suggestions, they'd be appreciated.


End hijack. :)

Edited by NeylasMom


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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Hijack--- I do feed bullysticks to my crew BUT if you ask a veterinary dentist they would cring at that choice too. Nothing can substitute daily brushing but, IMO dogs like or have the need to graw so I have made a compromise -I want happy hounds with healthy teeth.

Oh-I wanted to add Its been recommended to me that I should give large flat rawhides- they allow good chewing action without the risk of fractures-- I don't use them only because my boy's GI doesn't tolerate them.

Edited by tbhounds
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Guest Tequila

I would imagine with any food, any bone, any chew toy, there is always a risk of something going wrong..... nothing is perfect.


That being said, antlers are the closest I have found... it's what works for us, but might not be for everyone. My vet recommended we try them, when I asked if Tequila needed a dental. She was only 2 years old when we adopted her. My vet looked at her teeth, looked at her chart, and said she does have a little bit of tartar, but he would not recommend a cleaning at that time for a few reasons: Number one, she had just been spayed two weeks prior, and he did not feel comfortable putting a greyhound under anesthesia again so soon. (Gotta love a vet who considers the ANIMAL'S best interests first -- rather than going for the quick "money grab" of scheduling a dental.) Secondly, he based his decision on her age... since she was only 2 years old, and ALREADY had some tartar, he wanted us to first try other methods to remove it. Brushing her teeth, chewing deer antlers, etc. And if that didn't work, then we could always schedule a dental a few months down the road.


Well.... we tried a deer antler. I kid you not, within 30 days, her teeth were sparkling white. It was amazing. And she's not a big chewer. She only chews for maybe 10 minutes at a time, then walks away. Loses interest. I do brush her teeth also, but it's difficult for me to get ALL of the teeth in each brushing. She only tolerates it for a little while...and I don't want to make it an unpleasant experience....so I just choose one section to brush at a time. Then praise, praise, praise. I don't think the teeth brushing that I do is nearly as effective as her chewing on the antlers.


Anyway.... I posted the video mainly so people could see what a deer antler looks like. And actually see a dog chewing on one. Like I said in my original post, most people I mention it to have NEVER heard of them. And they think I'm making it up! (Hey, I was one of those people when the vet first recommended it! I was like, "huh? A what??") But now I'm a believer. :)

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Hijack--- I do feed bullysticks to my crew BUT if you ask a veterinary dentist they would cring at that choice too. Nothing can substitute daily brushing but, IMO dogs like or have the need to graw so I have made a compromise -I want happy hounds with healthy teeth.

Oh-I wanted to add Its been recommended to me that I should give large flat rawhides- they allow good chewing action without the risk of fractures-- I don't use them only because my boy's GI doesn't tolerate them.

But with rawhides you run into other risks, like impactions. I think Tequila hit the nail on the head below. :nod


I would imagine with any food, any bone, any chew toy, there is always a risk of something going wrong..... nothing is perfect.



Anyway, sorry for the hijack. I appreciate that you posted the video. :)


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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