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Guest Angelique

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Guest Angelique

Hey everyone, i've been a lurker on this forum for years, but had not been able to register untill today! I'm so exited. I'm prowdly owned by the laziest grey ever, Casaba, Cassy for short. Adopting a grey for me was a nightmare in itself since i was living in Mexico at the time. It has been well worth it and probably the most gratifying and rewarding thing i have ever done. He is an all around great dog. He isn't particularly smart but he is such a sweetheart its ok. Did i mention he loves to sleep? He loves car rides, isn't too fond of walking, loves to go for a 1-2 minute sprint every evening, and he sleeps, he is a shy dog that really isn't very interested in the world around him except for a comfy bed, "dinner" and "breakfast", and "mom". He isn't white rabbit/cat/small dog safe, but does fine with anything as long as its not white. We have been competing in agility for two years now, and not doing too poorly. The vet recommended some outside exercise since Cassy was getting a little on the pudgy side. Since December we have been going on short hikes every weekend with some other dogs, and he seems to really enjoy it. We currently live with a beagle who is the exact opposite of Cassy, she is a beautiful, super hyperactive, bossy, überdominant, manipulative brat. If that were not enough craziness we usually have a foster at home. I currently live in central Mexico, but i will be moving to Bloomington, IN come August. I'm looking forward to the trails and parks already. (Any recommendations on a Vet in the area or other activities are welcome!) A few pics of the kid.





Santas' little helper 162679_539110137248_44700623_31580129_1284911_n.jpg

Exhausted christmas morning after opening presents 166148_540538724348_44700623_31612581_6417742_n.jpg

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Handsome hunka boy!

Missing my sweet girl Scout. My snuggler, my chow-hound, my kissy girl.
It never thunders at the Bridge, and your food bowl is ALWAYS filled.

So strange not living in Atty World. I was a love struck handmaiden to your every whim.

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Hello!! Welcome from Ohio! Cassy is certainly one handsome lad! Did you adopt him in Mexico?

Your little "manilulative brat" looks like a little doll baby. Yes, I spotted bits and pieces of her. I love all hounds.


Not to be nosy :blush but how do you come to live in Mexico? Is it your country of origin? If not, how'd you come to

be there? If so, how does it come to be that you will be coming to Indiana?


One of the reasons I love this forum is getting to know folks from all over everywhere, from all walks of life.


If you're willing, you could also post some pics of the countryside. I'd love to hear/see how the living is. I was only in

Mexico once, and that was just crossing the border in Arizona, and I refuse to believe that Nogales is typical Mexico.


Looking forward to hearing more from you, handsome Cassy, and your lovely brat.

Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog.

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Guest Angelique

Hey! Just waiting for it to be 6pm to leave the office. :D

I called the Tijuana racetrack a few times but never got passed the red tape. I tried a few adoption agencies in the states and finally Austin Greyhound Adoption http://www.austingreyhounds.org/ was the only one willing to work with me towards an adoption. They are great folks if anyone is in the Austin area (fyi the president is from OH). The little bundle of energy isn't mine, she is my housemates, here is a closeup. IMG_0309-1.jpgShe is gorgeous, but such a handful. Everyday i live with her makes me grateful my grey is so easy (and lazy).

My work transferred me to mexico 3 years ago. I'm originally from north AL. I'm heading to IN for grad school, it should be an adventure, i've been out of school for a while.

Mexico is HUGE and there is tons of everything here: Desert, jungle, hot, cold, big cities, small towns, backward villages without water, Ferrari's. Where im living has become somewhat of a hotspot for crime and such, an example is that three days ago the students from a small division of a school hijacked 30 buses, kidnapped the drivers and let the passangers go, since then the bus station has been closed, and there are no buses entering, exiting or moving within the state. (Remember that unlike in the US most people here rely heavily on public transportation) And these are just students,(unarmed) not even a cartel. Everyday is an adventure. Things usually aren't this bad. The government and police force are just so disorganized ... and dont do anything about it. Grrr! (They ruined my weekend plans)


I don't actually have many pictures, but i will post some. Promise.


Hope the weather is warming up that far north. Here it's been in the high 80's for the past two weeks. This summer is going to be hot.




Hello!! Welcome from Ohio! Cassy is certainly one handsome lad! Did you adopt him in Mexico?

Your little "manilulative brat" looks like a little doll baby. Yes, I spotted bits and pieces of her. I love all hounds.


Not to be nosy :blush but how do you come to live in Mexico? Is it your country of origin? If not, how'd you come to

be there? If so, how does it come to be that you will be coming to Indiana?


One of the reasons I love this forum is getting to know folks from all over everywhere, from all walks of life.


If you're willing, you could also post some pics of the countryside. I'd love to hear/see how the living is. I was only in

Mexico once, and that was just crossing the border in Arizona, and I refuse to believe that Nogales is typical Mexico.


Looking forward to hearing more from you, handsome Cassy, and your lovely brat.

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Guest Angelique

Very handsome boy. He could be my Annie Bella's twin!

Annie is gorgeous, and obviously quite tolerant of being owned by a cat :) I love kitty-grey pictures, my boy is not quite so trustworthy around critters.

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Thanks for the background info....very interesting. Especially your getting your hound from out-of-country.


Very warm up here...nearly 80 today IN MARCH! I'm sure our summer will be horrific, but maybe by the time you get up this way,

it'll be cooling down some, and then you'll get to experience one of our delightful midwest winters!

Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog.

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Cynthia, & Cristiano, galgo
Always in my heart: Frostman
Newdawn Frost, Keno Jet Action & Chloe (NGA racing name unknown), Irys (galgo), Hannah (weim), Cruz (galgo), & Carly CW Your Charming

Princess http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?i=1018857

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life, gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are." -- Unknown

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