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Guest snoopycomehome

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Guest snoopycomehome

Our 2nd grey, Gypsy Girl, is VERY vocal. She whines multiple times a day, for no reason, it seems. She will just walk around and make this 'wheee-weeeeee-weeeeeee-weeeeeeee' sound...kind of like a squealie pig. :huh She has done it since we got her in March. They have a dog door and come and go to potty as they wish, they know when feeding time is and it doesn't seem to be related to that, and they have plenty of toys and chewies as well. We also take them out for daily walks (or runs using our bicycles) and we go for 1-2 miles, as well as throwing them toys out back.


The only time that she does it that makes sense to us is if dh is in the front yard and she wants to go out with him. I'm not really worried about it...it's just that I am curious what she is saying? Does anyone else have a vocal grey?



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I have one and he's really bad. He whines if Mike is in the garage, goes to the car, to go outside, when I'm talking on the phone and at 4:00 a.m. Because he thinks he should eat at that time. :rolleyes: Personally I think he just likes the sound of his own voice. :rolleyes:

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Oh dear Lord do I have a vocal grey. I swear the only time he shuts up is when he is sleeping. :lol

He whines for his food, he whines to go out ( yes, he has a dog door; he just has to make an announcement.)

He whines when it is time to eat, he whines after he eats. He whines to go for a car ride, he whines during the car ride. He whines for a walk, he whines during the walk. He sings along with music and he howls in his sleep

(sometimes.) Yeah, he is a vocal kinda guy. :rolleyes:

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Oh dear Lord do I have a vocal grey. I swear the only time he shuts up is when he is sleeping. :lol

He whines for his food, he whines to go out ( yes, he has a dog door; he just has to make an announcement.)

He whines when it is time to eat, he whines after he eats. He whines to go for a car ride, he whines during the car ride. He whines for a walk, he whines during the walk. He sings along with music and he howls in his sleep

(sometimes.) Yeah, he is a vocal kinda guy. :rolleyes:




That describes my Tabby to a "T"!

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Guest FijiHound

Nugget only whines at 2am when it's time to go out to pee :colgate if you wait for a moment you hear 'tap, tap, whine, tap, tap' - yes she does a gotta pee dance along with the whine :lol

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Guest Iceman41

I just want to no about the bikes

How in the world did you get them to run beside the bike.

Weren't the scared?

Please give me details.

I love to ride but was afraid my girl would be scared and bolt into the bike

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I wish we could talk to our dogs to know exactly why they do and say what they do and say. Annie Bella whines a tiny bit when she realizes I'm going out and she's not going. She whines more in the morning when I get up 'cause she has to go out, or maybe she's really glad to see me (I suspect it's the first). Other than that, she's not vocal, including almost never barking.

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Molly is my whiner. It sometimes is related to something like, I'm hungry, or I want to go for a walk, but mostly she just seems to be talking to herself. Or, maybe it's like people who hum or sing, and often don't even know they are doing it. If I say Molly, What? she looks at me with surprise as if she doesn't know what I'm talking about :lol

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Guest snoopycomehome

Molly is my whiner. It sometimes is related to something like, I'm hungry, or I want to go for a walk, but mostly she just seems to be talking to herself. Or, maybe it's like people who hum or sing, and often don't even know they are doing it. If I say Molly, What? she looks at me with surprise as if she doesn't know what I'm talking about :lol


That is so funny! I do the same thing.

Gypsy: wheeee-weeee-weeeeee-weeeeeee

Me: :huh Gyp-seeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Gypsy: wheeeeeeeee-weeeeeee-weeeeeee-weeeeeee

Me: :blink: WHAAATTTT???

Gypsy: stops and stares at me, as if saying 'What, mom?'

Me: :angry: ---> :lol

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Guest snoopycomehome

I just want to no about the bikes

How in the world did you get them to run beside the bike.

Weren't the scared?

Please give me details.

I love to ride but was afraid my girl would be scared and bolt into the bike


Just for the record...I didn't think this was a good plan at all. But my dh started taking Dragon out, and he said that it only took Dragon bumping into the tire once :blink: for him to not do it ever again!


So then I started going, too, and dh taught Gypsy Girl...only took a few times (remember these are smart dogs!) Same thing...it only took her once to realize she didn't like bumping the tire either.


We go out all the time and they LOVE it. We only have them run/walk on the right side of the bikes. We also go on a wide road with not much traffic or residential streets. Only problem I ever had was when Dragon took off the opposite direction after a bunny and nearly yanked my shoulder out of the socket. :angryfire


They take off fast and pull us the first part, then they just trot the rest of the way. We walk them to cool down their muscles on their faster days.

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Guest snoopycomehome

Thank for the bike info

I will try it in the spring

I'll start off with my small Bmx bike than move up to MB

When they hit the tire? Was it a body hit?


I don't know about Dragon, but there was no blood, road rash, etc. or dh would STILL be in the doghouse. :blink: Dh started out very slow with both...pretty much walking pace. We didn't start running until after they learned to stay in the same spot, even when we were turning (maybe a few months?). With Gypsy it was her shoulder...she ran into the rubber part of the tire but no injury. She did look startled, tho!

I stick my leg out before turning right, and that is Dragon's cue to turn. Left is easy...just tug the lead a little.

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Thank for the bike info

I will try it in the spring

I'll start off with my small Bmx bike than move up to MB

When they hit the tire? Was it a body hit?


in the past my salukis loved to pace(an even gate) next to the bike. i did have one experience where one of them saw a duck,azim crossed in front, i flipped over and the wheel was bent. but other wise, no problems.it was the leash that hit the tire in my case.


my greys do not enjoy the bike at all. it could be that they are really sprinters(salukis have totally different endurance) and that there is tons of feathering(hair) inbetween the saluki pads for protection. be careful, check your dog's pads and only start by biking one block and make sure they can handle turns- left turns and right turns w/o pulling you. slow and steady when you start training them and it's a slower pace that can be built up. they should always trot/pace no galloping.

Edited by cleptogrey
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Guest BrianRke

Daytona whines...a lot. I have compiled a list of reasons Daytona whines which includes but is not limited to:


Raining outside, thinks he should eat, bored, mad because another dog is in a spot where he wants to be, he wants to go to bed, he wants me to get up, he wants me to pay attention to him, Im on the phone, Im on the computer, he wants to go out, he wants to come in, he hears a dog barking, his favorite toy is under the couch, he wants the toy another dog has, he wants what Im eating, and his favorite time to whine is when I am trying to watch something on tv.

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Guest greybookends

Sheana is my whiner. It has various meanings. It's an hour before dinner don't you think you should start now? I want out. The water bowl is empty. Mom all the good spots are taken, make someone move. Usually it means YOU are in my spot please move.th_MOV02306.jpg

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Guest TBSFlame

My boys are the whinners around here. Flame whines about everything. I have never heard him bark. Jeremy has a host of noise that comes out of him including the whine. He is a big talker.

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It took us a long time to figure out what Holly was trying to tell us. Let her out, let her in, feed her, give her water, scratch her tush just above her tail where she likes it, ear scritchies, chin rubs, fluff her pillow, flounce her bedding, turn on the Greyhound Singing YouTube... Then one day we accidentally hit on what she was trying to say.... Timmy's in the well. That might be helpful if we had a well. Or a kid named Timmy. I think she's just got to stop watching Lassie reruns.

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