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My Husband Is Lucky

Guest greyers

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Guest greyers

This thread is meant for many of us to have a laugh and not in any way, shape, or form for an actual dog food debate to begin. I totally mean no disrespect to anyone's view on dog nutrition by posting this. But any of you that have been around the dog food “circus” might get a kick out of this. :colgate


Not sure if it is this way in your household, but I do not think mine is abnormal in this respect. I do all the research on health and dog nutrition, etc and report back to my husband what we will be feeding or doing! So pretty much I manage to leave my husband out of any sort of “debate” over feeding. Therefore, he is clueless apparently.


So yesterday he goes into a store that we have never gone into to buy this food we are trying for Rego’s upset belly. He picks the food up off the shelf, goes up to the front counter to pay and ask the employee (who I think ends up being the owner of the store) if we can order this other formula of the same food. Now I had already called to inquire about this food and the guy said we could order it and I told him I would send my husband in. Guess the guy was ready for him! ;)


So my unsuspecting husband walks up to order the food and proceeds to get a “lesson” on pet nutrition complete with pamphlets and samples. Hubby comes home and says to me:


“what the hell? I can’t believe you sent me in there! I got lectured how the food we are buying is not good, how no dog should eat kibble and how it is all about ‘whole and natural’ foods. I do not even know what whole and natural means?! But I do not think he was talking about raw because I threw out there that we feed some raw trying to stop the guy and he kept going! I am so confused! Last night our vet tells us that grain free and raw are more about gimmicks and acts like we shouldn’t be feeding them, and now this guy tells me we are not doing right by our dogs by feeding anything but whole food. So who is right?!!”

I proceeded to LMAO and said “honey welcome to the dog food debate! There is no right or wrong necessarily, just difference of opinions and you met people of the opposite end of the spectrum between this guy today and our vet last night.”

He said: “well where are ‘we’ on the spectrum”

I had to explain that we are somewhere in the middle. We like to consider ourselves educated individuals in terms of dog nutrition, but we do not believe that you must be part of a meat co-op to buy a side of beef and make your own raw, nor do we spend hours every day in the kitchen making homecooked meals better than what we humans consume. At the same time, “we” have a list of ingredients we ‘try’ to steer clear of because we feel that provide no nutritional value and in some cases can even be harmful. That said, if our dog couldn’t tolerate or do well on what ‘we’ consider higher end and appropriate foods, ‘we’ would have to possibly make the choice to go to what ‘we’ would typically consider a lower end food in order to help our individual dog not have poop blow outs! Are you clear on where you stand on this issue now?”


He said yes and then explained that he didn’t want to have to go back into the store and be lectured by this guy again when he had to pick up the ordered bag of food. I said “Honey, just tell the guy that your wife makes all the decisions when it comes to the dogs nutrition and that you are just the errand boy and that you already delivered his pamphlets to me!”

I think he was appreciative I was giving him an out by blaming me! :P


Anyway I just thought it was funny how my husband was so terribly confused and overwhelmed by the various philosophies on dog nutrition. He is lucky I shelter him from most of that! :P

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now see.....if it had been me in the store and that happened this would have happened next:


Me: If this stuff is soo soo bad why was I able to walk in here and pick it up off of your shelf?

Store Guy: blah blah blah blah blah

Me: Here is my money

Store Guy: blah blah blah blah blah

Me: Thanks! I'll see you in two weeks when we are ready to buy another bag of this.

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Tell him that I owe him a beer for telling you about that food.....:cheers


Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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Guest greyers

now see.....if it had been me in the store and that happened this would have happened next:


Me: If this stuff is soo soo bad why was I able to walk in here and pick it up off of your shelf?

Store Guy: blah blah blah blah blah

Me: Here is my money

Store Guy: blah blah blah blah blah

Me: Thanks! I'll see you in two weeks when we are ready to buy another bag of this.



I WAS SHOCKED my husband didn't ask him that! But he said he thought this guy was owner of this dog wash that sells some higher quality foods, but he was also part owner or a sales rep for this other company called "My perfect Pet". thus pushing the sale.

i do go to several places for food that really only want to sell raw, but they know in order to keep in business they have to offer a variety. So they try to work people toward purchase of frozen raw from the dozen freezers they have, but they carry other stuff that is the "least offensive" to them in order to stay in business.


Because this dog wash is one of only a few in town that carry this precise stuff, I bet they keep it because they have a few loyal customers.


Tell him that I owe him a beer for telling you about that food.....:cheers


HA!!! Don't you mean "I" owe YOU a beer for telling me about that food! ;)

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LOL - this is kind of like our household. DH can't remember for the life of him what we feed or have fed in the past; he ranks he preference for Bella's food by the ease of picking up her poops :lol We order online and it comes regularly every few weeks - he doesn't need to have a clue.

Dave (GLS DeviousDavid) - 6/27/18
Gracie (AMF Saying Grace) - 10/21/12
Bella (KT Britta) - 4/29/05 to 2/13/20



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Guest KennelMom

We kinda have the opposite problem...Ken and I both do our own research and have our own opinions on feeding the dogs and they don't always mesh up. Try having the debate in your own house about your own dogs! Fortunately, we're usually only nickel and diming over smaller details....and I usually win (ie, let's just try it my way for a couple weeks and see what happens... ;) )


One that I have never ever ever ever been able to win is about veggie mash. Ken really thinks it's important. Me...meh...I think they do fine without. But, they get a few tbsp several times a week b/c it's important to Ken and I don't see it hurting them at all. Maybe they benefit a little, who knows. :dunno Just a PITA to make up a huge batch of it and freeze it.

Edited by KennelMom
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Guest greyers

LOL - this is kind of like our household. DH can't remember for the life of him what we feed or have fed in the past; he ranks he preference for Bella's food by the ease of picking up her poops :lol We order online and it comes regularly every few weeks - he doesn't need to have a clue.


HA!!! Well Hubby does have a clue what we feed but only because I make him pick stuff up on the way home quite often. But I have to send him a specific list and usually a picture of what the bag looks like the first half a dozen times we buy it. :P

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Guest greyers



One that I have never ever ever ever been able to win is about veggie mash. Ken really thinks it's important. Me...meh...I think they do fine without. But, they get a few tbsp several times a week b/c it's important to Ken and I don't see it hurting them at all. Maybe they benefit a little, who knows. :dunno Just a PITA to make up a huge batch of it and freeze it.

Oh... never good to have the debate in your own home! fortunately Jim doesn't do his research, however the dogs and cats have his number and we disagree constantly over how many treats dogs truly need in a day! Thank goodness I feed 90% of the meals or we would would win the record for the worlds fattest greyhounds!


I do not know how you cook and food for all of those dogs Heather. It just amazes me how much you guys have taken on and its truly wonderful. I have a funny story to tell you though... maybe you will get a kick out of it.


I noticed the other day you had a blog so I looked at all your pooches. I know you said you do raw or cook for them all, etc. Well I saw the recipe index thingy on there and I didn't realize it was for humans! :blush So I looked at the first recipe, some sort of corned beef or something and I thought "OMG.... that looks good enough to eat! and then I contemplated how much tomato can be used in dog things because I thought it was toxic or something, then I noticed the meat looked "cooked" and I was befuddled and thought "maybe it is mostly raw and she sears the outside or something!" Wasn't till I noticed some of the other recipe names such as "taco salad" I realized it was probably not dog food recipes! :lol:P

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I pick the food, I buy the food, I feed the food, I pick up the output. Pretty simple. :lol

Greyhound angels at the bridge- Casey, Charlie, Maggie, Molly, Renie, Lucy & Teddy. Beagle angels Peanut and Charlie. And to all the 4 legged Bridge souls who have touched my heart, thank you. When a greyhound looks into you eyes it seems they touch your very soul.

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more then he loves himself". Josh Billings


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Guest greyers

I pick the food, I buy the food, I feed the food, I pick up the output. Pretty simple. :lol

:lol :lol well that DOES simplify it now doesn't it! Edited by greyers
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Guest greyhound9797

I pick the food, I buy the food, I feed the food, I pick up the output. Pretty simple. :lol

Same here. I make the decisions on what our pets eat (MeMe the grey is on raw, 2 never-gonna-eat-raw-no-matter-what cats are on kibble and 1 cat is half and half), drive 1.5 hours round trip to pick up the raw from a supplier or occasionally send him to the pet boutique to get the kibble, pay for it, bring it home to defrost (I buy in bulk), package it, feed it and any and everything else involved with feeding. Sometimes I like having a clueless husband!!



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Guest KennelMom



One that I have never ever ever ever been able to win is about veggie mash. Ken really thinks it's important. Me...meh...I think they do fine without. But, they get a few tbsp several times a week b/c it's important to Ken and I don't see it hurting them at all. Maybe they benefit a little, who knows. :dunno Just a PITA to make up a huge batch of it and freeze it.

Oh... never good to have the debate in your own home! fortunately Jim doesn't do his research, however the dogs and cats have his number and we disagree constantly over how many treats dogs truly need in a day! Thank goodness I feed 90% of the meals or we would would win the record for the worlds fattest greyhounds!


I do not know how you cook and food for all of those dogs Heather. It just amazes me how much you guys have taken on and its truly wonderful. I have a funny story to tell you though... maybe you will get a kick out of it.


I noticed the other day you had a blog so I looked at all your pooches. I know you said you do raw or cook for them all, etc. Well I saw the recipe index thingy on there and I didn't realize it was for humans! :blush So I looked at the first recipe, some sort of corned beef or something and I thought "OMG.... that looks good enough to eat! and then I contemplated how much tomato can be used in dog things because I thought it was toxic or something, then I noticed the meat looked "cooked" and I was befuddled and thought "maybe it is mostly raw and she sears the outside or something!" Wasn't till I noticed some of the other recipe names such as "taco salad" I realized it was probably not dog food recipes! :lol:P


That's funny :lol Maybe I need to put in some clarification! :lol


We feed a raw diet to our pups....we have about 300lbs of raw chicken and parts delivered from the processing plant every couple weeks. They dogs have their own (huge!) deep freeze and fridge.

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Guest greyers

I pick the food, I buy the food, I feed the food, I pick up the output. Pretty simple. :lol

Sometimes I like having a clueless husband!!



:lol There are definitely benefits at times!




One that I have never ever ever ever been able to win is about veggie mash. Ken really thinks it's important. Me...meh...I think they do fine without. But, they get a few tbsp several times a week b/c it's important to Ken and I don't see it hurting them at all. Maybe they benefit a little, who knows. :dunno Just a PITA to make up a huge batch of it and freeze it.

Oh... never good to have the debate in your own home! fortunately Jim doesn't do his research, however the dogs and cats have his number and we disagree constantly over how many treats dogs truly need in a day! Thank goodness I feed 90% of the meals or we would would win the record for the worlds fattest greyhounds!


I do not know how you cook and food for all of those dogs Heather. It just amazes me how much you guys have taken on and its truly wonderful. I have a funny story to tell you though... maybe you will get a kick out of it.


I noticed the other day you had a blog so I looked at all your pooches. I know you said you do raw or cook for them all, etc. Well I saw the recipe index thingy on there and I didn't realize it was for humans! :blush So I looked at the first recipe, some sort of corned beef or something and I thought "OMG.... that looks good enough to eat! and then I contemplated how much tomato can be used in dog things because I thought it was toxic or something, then I noticed the meat looked "cooked" and I was befuddled and thought "maybe it is mostly raw and she sears the outside or something!" Wasn't till I noticed some of the other recipe names such as "taco salad" I realized it was probably not dog food recipes! :lol:P


That's funny :lol Maybe I need to put in some clarification! :lol


We feed a raw diet to our pups....we have about 300lbs of raw chicken and parts delivered from the processing plant every couple weeks. They dogs have their own (huge!) deep freeze and fridge.

Heather, I think the second thing that screwed me up was the name of the cookbook you get some recipes from "primal blueprint" absolutely could be the name of a book for home made dog food!! :lol

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Guest greyers

Wait...your hubby listened...to the whole thing?!?!? Next you're going to say he remembers birthdays and anniversaries! :lol


NO... he doesn't. He actually forgot my birthday a couple years ago when we were traveling home that day from Ireland. He still blames the jetlag. ;) He does pretty good at remembering our anniversary though. But that is because when we were looking at date options he said "lets pick the summer solstice as that will be harder to forget the date!" :colgate

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