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Anal Gland Problems

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About 11 days ago, I noticed Dylan looking at his butt. I lifted his tail to look, and smelled a horrible odor. Took him to a vet that I heard was familiar with greys, (we were out of town at the time) and she took him, expressed them and said she found some blood in the right sac. She infused the sac with Panalog and she put him on Baytril 136mg 1x a day. I started to think this was an extremely low dose for an 85lb greyhound. I called back the next day and she said it was a low dose so she raised it to 204mg.a day (1 1/2 pills of the 136mg)I took him back yesterday to our regular vet here in MI and she expressed them and found a small amount of blood again. She raised the Baytril to 204mg twice a day now. This morning when he woke up, there was a small amount of dark tinged, stinky stuff on his butt. I wiped it off and put a warm compress on it. After his poop this morning, he had some more discharge. I started to freak out. It is not abscessed to where there is a hole near the anus, just the discharge. Should I see if the increase in Baytril will help?? It's not leaking on the beds or blankets, just near his butt...Any suggestions??

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I am going thru the same thing with Topper (too much butt-licking, trip to vet, who expressed glands and found that 1 was infected). We were just at the vet yesterday (Friday). He gave me Trimethoprim Sulfa tabs, 960 mg, which I'm to give to the poor boy 2x a day. I think the expression helped to relieve his uncomfortableness, and the medicine may already be working. He's licking less, and is less stinky :blush

Hope this helps!


Jen and Topper. Missing Cole
(Kiowa True Topsy)(Cry Kohlton)

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...This morning when he woke up, there was a small amount of dark tinged, stinky stuff on his butt. I wiped it off and put a warm compress on it. After his poop this morning, he had some more discharge. I started to freak out. It is not abscessed to where there is a hole near the anus, just the discharge. Should I see if the increase in Baytril will help?? It's not leaking on the beds or blankets, just near his butt...Any suggestions??


When all is well, dogs squeeze out that fluid when they poop, so seeing it after poop is good news, not bad. You don't particularly want it leaking while he's sleeping, but having it out is better than having it in.


Put some washable blankets or towels on his bed so you don't have to wash the whole bed. Don't try squeezing out the fluid. If he's licking or chewing or "scooting," check with your vet. If the fluid changes from the stinky, brownish stuff (which is normal) to something yellow or opaque, talk to your vet.

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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Kathy, I'm glad you said better out than in. That's kind of what I thought, but wasn't sure. The discharge is a little bloody (dark tinged)but not bright red blood. This infection has cost us $450.00 so far. One expensive butt! The Baytril is expensive, but she said he needed a "big gun" antibiotic.

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We just went through it with Dustin. Initially, he was just licking his tail and I didn't think much of it. Then he had some blood with his poop. I though he might have been having his IBD problem again...so the vet had me immediate start him on the metrondiazole because I hadn't really thought much about the tail licking. Then, the day we were going to go see her, I noticed the smell. She expressed him and he still had a little blood for a day or two after. But, she did have me keep him on the metrondiazole since we had started it....and it seemed to contain any infection that might have been there.....and yes, we had a bit of a leaky butt, too!


Good luck.


Robin, EZ (Tribal Track), JJ (What a Story), Dustin (E's Full House) and our beautiful Jack (Mana Black Jack) and Lily (Chip's Little Miss Lily) both at the Bridge
The WFUBCC honors our beautiful friends at the bridge. Godspeed sweet angels.

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We just went through it with Dustin. Initially, he was just licking his tail and I didn't think much of it. Then he had some blood with his poop. I though he might have been having his IBD problem again...so the vet had me immediate start him on the metrondiazole because I hadn't really thought much about the tail licking. Then, the day we were going to go see her, I noticed the smell. She expressed him and he still had a little blood for a day or two after. But, she did have me keep him on the metrondiazole since we had started it....and it seemed to contain any infection that might have been there.....and yes, we had a bit of a leaky butt, too!


Good luck.


I'm not as freaked out now that I've read other peoples replies..I had to laugh when "mychip" said they had "leaky butt too"...

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Went through the same thing with Bobber-chronic.... it abscessed etc. etc. Multiple trips to regular conventional vet to no avail. Took to my holistic vet-she told me to try The Missing Link supplement- and it flat out cured it. They don't even need to be expressed anymore. This also worked for another person that I told it too. Have no idea why it worked-just glad it did. Just thouht I'd pass on.



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Guest Swifthounds

Went through the same thing with Bobber-chronic.... it abscessed etc. etc. Multiple trips to regular conventional vet to no avail. Took to my holistic vet-she told me to try The Missing Link supplement- and it flat out cured it. They don't even need to be expressed anymore. This also worked for another person that I told it too. Have no idea why it worked-just glad it did. Just thouht I'd pass on.


Dietary fiber. :)


If you can treat the issue, you can avoid having to have them expressed or lanced - both of which damage the anal glands and worsen the issue.

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Went through the same thing with Bobber-chronic.... it abscessed etc. etc. Multiple trips to regular conventional vet to no avail. Took to my holistic vet-she told me to try The Missing Link supplement- and it flat out cured it. They don't even need to be expressed anymore. This also worked for another person that I told it too. Have no idea why it worked-just glad it did. Just thouht I'd pass on.


Dietary fiber. :)


If you can treat the issue, you can avoid having to have them expressed or lanced - both of which damage the anal glands and worsen the issue.

I know fiber has been recommended to aid in the expression of the anal glands as the dog defecates, however, in my experience it does not help. I have expressed more anal glands then I would like to admit and many, many of those dogs have large firm stools. Those owners were told to try adding fiber to the diet to no avail.

Personally, I feel it's more allergy related.

I do agree that expressing them too oftern will cause more problems- inflamming the glands-become a vicious cylce.

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Guest Swifthounds

I tried fiber before the Missing Link via adding pumpkin etc. and it didn't help.:dunno I haev no explanation :)


Might be the B vitamins then. Haven't used ML in a long time (fixes the diet instead) but it could be that it's high in b vitamins. They are hugely responsible for tissue health, especially along the gut. They're also one of the first thing the body starts burning through during times of stress, inflammation and allergies.

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Pumpkin is the magic ingredient in this house. As soon as someone starts with the bum issues, they go on Pumpkin for a week, and voila.. back to normal.

Jennifer and Beamish (an unnamed Irish-born Racer) DOB: October 30, 2011


Forever and always missing my "Vowels", Icarus, Atlas, Orion, Uber, and Miss Echo, and Mojito.

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