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Tiny Gnats Swarming Around Bama In Yard

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I just moved to the "country" (Hamilton, NJ :rolleyes::lol ) a few weeks ago, and several times I've noticed these little flies or gnats when we're out in the yard. They're so small - practically invisible, but I can see them swarming around Bama if he's in the right light. They don't seem to go after Stephanie & Henderson, I guess because they run around so much, or maybe I just can't see them near them. And they don't seem to swarm around me (again unless I just can't see them!). They seem to come out around dusk. Does anyone have any idea what these things are, and if they bite or sting or transmit any kind of disease? They don't seem to bother him, but still. Is there any safe way to get rid of them, or some kind of safe repellant I can put on Bama? They swarm around his legs and genitals, not his face or top side. The yard is just grass, and it's pretty short. At this point, my action plan when I see them on him is to try to whisk them away, and take him back into the house! These bugs are so tiny, I've never seen anything like them! Any gnats I've ever seen were a little larger.

Edited by tamborine

Maryann, Bama (TW Beltram), Stephanie (Tom's Stepinhi) & Henderson the Cardigan Welsh Corgi

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We have those at the farm where I board my horse. They are very annoying, but don't bite or cause any problems otherwise. I usually spray my head with bug spray to keep them away from me.

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Could possibly be noseeums. Very tiny, hard to see. Seems you would know if that is what they are since they do bite. :(


These don't *appear* to bite - Bama doesn't react to them, at least. Just wish I could keep them off him! I'm starting to itch just thinking about them, though. They give me the creeps!

Edited by tamborine

Maryann, Bama (TW Beltram), Stephanie (Tom's Stepinhi) & Henderson the Cardigan Welsh Corgi

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They are noseeums and I think they are a type of gnat. They don't seem to bite my dogs, but you should see my ankles.

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My daughter calls them Dog-a$$ gnats.

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Kind of off the point, but my father discovered he has glaucoma because my Mom kept asking him what he was swatting, and he kept telling her there were gnats everywhere, and she kept telling him there were none at all...visit to the doctor, and he found out he was seeing spots and had glaucoma!


I hate those little bugs. They're all over George too, but they don't bother him a bit, so I concentrate on keeping the little buggers away from me.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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