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Rainman's At The Vet With A Bloody Nose

Guest isntitgreyt

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Guest isntitgreyt

Last night, Rainman started to bleed from both nostrils. I called the Vet on call who told me to bring him in in the morning but to keep his head elevated and keep him calm through the night. We were up all night! This morning I took him to the vet and was told he could have high blood pressure, a tumor, or Erlichia (sp?). The vet sedated him to help bring his blood pressure down which is up and are keeping him. I just called and was told he's getting IV fluids, some steroids, but he's still bleeding. I'm waiting for the vet to call me and let me know how his x-ray and bloodwork came back.


Does anyone have experience with Greyhounds and bloody noses?


UPDATE: I brought him home since the bleeding stopped. He is on blood pressure meds and prednisone but the vet still has no idea what caused the bleeding. She said she'd call me in the morning with his lab results. They did leave the IV in in case he has to go back tonight if he starts bleeding again. I'm keeping him separated from the others so he can stay calm.

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I am sorry Jenn I have no experience but wanted to send you Hugs and prayers!!!!! :hope :hope :grouphug :grouphug

Darlene Mom to: Aladdin, Sophie ,Pongo, Jasmine, Relic Forever in our Hearts Champ at the Rainbow Bridge.

Let a greyhound race into your heart Adopt

Bay Area Greyhound Adoptions INC. Naples/ Fort Myers Chapter

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Sending prayers.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Careful giving steroids before doing a tick panel-- I'm sure your vet ran one already-- I would also run a clotting profile including a CBC with a manual platelet count (more accurate than the auto). Does your hound have any other bruising? I think the things your vet needs to rule out is vector borne (tick) disease vs immune mediated disease vs a tumor. Ask about getting your pup on blood pressure medicine (enalapril)- to allevate pressure on the kidneys.

Wanted to add that you should perform skull films (x-rays) while your pup is still sedated.

Edited by tbhounds
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Guest isntitgreyt

Careful giving steroids before doing a tick panel-- I'm sure your vet ran one already-- I would also run a clotting profile including a CBC with a manual platelet count (more accurate than the auto). Does your hound have any other bruising? I think the things your vet needs to rule out is vector borne (tick) disease vs immune mediated disease vs a tumor. Ask about getting your pup on blood pressure medicine (enalapril)- to allevate pressure on the kidneys.

Wanted to add that you should perform skull films (x-rays) while your pup is still sedated.


The tick panel was all negative and the platelet count in the office is low but they are waiting for the lab work they sent out for testing. He is on blood pressure medicine and said she would send him home on some as well. She doesn't want to do an x-ray because she thinks it will only show sinus's filled with blood. When I spoke to the vet at lunch time, he was still bleeding but it had slowed down. She said he may need plasma but she hasn't decided yet.

I am not good at waiting and do not like not knowing what is wrong! Thank you for your advice.

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I swear somebody else on GT had something very like this happen to their hound within the past six months -- severe nose bleeding, then it stopped, no real cause found -- does anybody remember who this was?


Edited to add -- I searched, it was Kingsmom's King: http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php/topic/268066-king-is-at-the-e-vet/ Maybe you should contact her to see if she can offer any insight.


Sending good thoughts to Rainman.

Edited by PrairieProf

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Guest isntitgreyt

Rainman's nose stopped bleeding but the Vet has no idea what caused it. All of the bloodwork came back normal for a Greyhound except his initial platelet count was low. He is on Prednisone and Enalapril-for his blood pressure- and the Vet is assuming his blood pressure was the problem. He's doing fine and Thank you for the well wishes!! He had me worried!!


I swear somebody else on GT had something very like this happen to their hound within the past six months -- severe nose bleeding, then it stopped, no real cause found -- does anybody remember who this was?


Edited to add -- I searched, it was Kingsmom's King: http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php/topic/268066-king-is-at-the-e-vet/ Maybe you should contact her to see if she can offer any insight.


Sending good thoughts to Rainman.


Thank you! I did IM her to find out if they ever found out why King's nose started bleeding.

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Glad to hear Rainman is doing well!


He is on Prednisone and Elavil-for his blood pressure- and the Vet is assuming his blood pressure was the problem.

Are you sure it's Elavil? Maybe enalapril? Elavil is an anti-depressant/anti-anxiety medication, and one of the potential (although uncommon) side effects is high blood pressure. Also why the pred? Corticosteroids can also increase blood pressure.

Jennifer &

Willow (Wilma Waggle), Wiki (Wiki Hard Ten), Carter (Let's Get It On),

Ollie (whippet), Gracie (whippet x), & Terra (whippet) + Just Saying + Just Alice


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Guest mountain4greys

Hey Jenn, just seeing this. I hope Rainman will be ok, and you can get to the bottom of this. It sucks.

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Guest isntitgreyt

Glad to hear Rainman is doing well!


He is on Prednisone and Elavil-for his blood pressure- and the Vet is assuming his blood pressure was the problem.

Are you sure it's Elavil? Maybe enalapril? Elavil is an anti-depressant/anti-anxiety medication, and one of the potential (although uncommon) side effects is high blood pressure. Also why the pred? Corticosteroids can also increase blood pressure.


You are correct it is Enalapril and not Elavil. I goofed writing this in a hurry and I did update the name in my other post. He is on Prednisone in case it was a Platelet issue which it isn't but the Vet wants him to finish the Prenisone anyway. I feel like banging my head against the wall because the bill was $500 and I got no answers as to what is going on. Thanfully he has had no more bleeding and continues to be normal as always.

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Sorry about the bill. :( But I am very happy to hear that everything came back negative.... Please give him a :kiss2

Darlene Mom to: Aladdin, Sophie ,Pongo, Jasmine, Relic Forever in our Hearts Champ at the Rainbow Bridge.

Let a greyhound race into your heart Adopt

Bay Area Greyhound Adoptions INC. Naples/ Fort Myers Chapter

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Guest isntitgreyt

Sorry about the bill. :( But I am very happy to hear that everything came back negative.... Please give him a :kiss2

I will give him a kiss for you Darlene :kiss2 I don't mean to complain about the bill but sometimes it drives me crazy how much a Vet charges and still get no answers. I am glad everything came back negative too but I wish I knew what caused it so maybe I can prevent it in the future!!

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Sorry about the bill. :( But I am very happy to hear that everything came back negative.... Please give him a :kiss2

I will give him a kiss for you Darlene :kiss2 I don't mean to complain about the bill but sometimes it drives me crazy how much a Vet charges and still get no answers. I am glad everything came back negative too but I wish I knew what caused it so maybe I can prevent it in the future!!


I'm sure we can all relate--and you're upset. Complain away, if you want!


It's frustrating to pay big bills and learn nothing.


George recently had an ultrasound at my vet's insistence. When she called she said, "I have good news, and bad news." Which was 1) they found nothing wrong, and 2) they found nothing wrong so she still had no idea what the problem was.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Sorry about the bill. :( But I am very happy to hear that everything came back negative.... Please give him a :kiss2

I will give him a kiss for you Darlene :kiss2 I don't mean to complain about the bill but sometimes it drives me crazy how much a Vet charges and still get no answers. I am glad everything came back negative too but I wish I knew what caused it so maybe I can prevent it in the future!!


I'm sure we can all relate--and you're upset. Complain away, if you want!


It's frustrating to pay big bills and learn nothing.


George recently had an ultrasound at my vet's insistence. When she called she said, "I have good news, and bad news." Which was 1) they found nothing wrong, and 2) they found nothing wrong so she still had no idea what the problem was.


Jenn, I know you are not upset to have to pay the bill but like Susan says and I have been there too with Pongo! When you have to pay and they tell you they don't know what is "Wrong"..... after you have had to pay several hundred... That is very disturbing.... :(

Hope it never happens again poor baby!

Darlene Mom to: Aladdin, Sophie ,Pongo, Jasmine, Relic Forever in our Hearts Champ at the Rainbow Bridge.

Let a greyhound race into your heart Adopt

Bay Area Greyhound Adoptions INC. Naples/ Fort Myers Chapter

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Good thoughts for Rainman!


Robin, EZ (Tribal Track), JJ (What a Story), Dustin (E's Full House) and our beautiful Jack (Mana Black Jack) and Lily (Chip's Little Miss Lily) both at the Bridge
The WFUBCC honors our beautiful friends at the bridge. Godspeed sweet angels.

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Guest 2dogs4cats

I don't know if dog noses are like human noses, but it can be hereditary. I got them a lot and so do my kids. It's really nothing more than a propensity towards them and dry air/nostrils. If the air in your house is dry, they can occur more easily. A little vaseline in the nostril every so often can help a lot. Sometimes they can occur just out of the blue. I know they can be scary, but often not really a problem unless you lose so much blood as to become anemic. Doctors really don't know why some people get them and some don't, but they're not considered serious for people anyway. I have had some that last for hours and then fine after it stops and it's not medically related to anything. Not sure if this helps, but it may be the same thing with dogs.

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