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Twistmas Probably Has Lymphoma

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I wanted to let everyone know that Twistmas has B-cell lymphoma. This is the better one of the two to have.


She has not been eating well for the last week. The only thing I have gotten her to eat for the last few days is steak and not really enough of that to support her calorie needs. Last night she developed diarrhea, so now she is on metronidazole. She used to take her meds in peanut butter but that stopped a week ago. She has refused them in PB, cream cheese, pill pockets, velveeta, and braunsweiger. So I am now pilling her and following up with a small syringe of water so she swallows.


The results from her urine culture should be done tomorrow or Tuesday. If no infection she can start on pred which hopefully will help her appetite. Note: she had some protein and blood in her urine but her protein/creatinine ratio is okay. They wanted to do a culture to make sure it is safe to put her on pred.


I don't know what to do if her appetite doesn't improve soon. The whole point of the Wisconsin protocol and pred is to keep her feeling as good as possible for as long as possible. Her appetite was poor for a week before her first chemo on Thursday.


She is still happy and enjoys surveying her yard and peeing on top of everyone else. She can still climb steps just fine and loves getting her cuddle time. I just don't know if it is best to allow her to decline quickly from the lymphoma and let her go to the bridge sooner, or to try to fight it.

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Congratulations on Joe's news. Many prayers as you move through this difficult time with Twistmas. I'm sure she trusts you to make all the right decisions for her. She is a lucky girl to be so loved.


Robin, EZ (Tribal Track), JJ (What a Story), Dustin (E's Full House) and our beautiful Jack (Mana Black Jack) and Lily (Chip's Little Miss Lily) both at the Bridge
The WFUBCC honors our beautiful friends at the bridge. Godspeed sweet angels.

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The Wisconsin protocol was very hard on Shi-those first 2 weeks are intense and he had trouble eating anyway. Not to discourage you from trying it. Zinger was the only one who did not have any problems with eating while on chemo here.

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Guest Lillysmom

Thank goodness it's not T-cell lymphoma! I'm sorry to hear that Twistmas is not very hungry or willing to take her pills. I think this can be pretty normal for the first phase of what you guys are going through. I'll send more prayers that she gains some appetite back soon!


Don't question yourself too much on whether or not you are making the right decision, Jane (WAY easier said than done!). I know you will do what is best for your baby girl, and she trusts that, too. :grouphug You are also very lucky to have a group of providers that is open and honest when they think the time has come to re-evaluate your decisions, so trust your heart and know that you're a wonderful mom doing the best you can! Sending more hugs and love!

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Greyt to hear Joe is doing well. I'm sorry Twister isn't. Thinking of you all.


I love you.


Your always & forever foster boy.......Desi


Desi, thank you so much. You know I miss you bunches but your new mom is great, isn't she! You will always be in my heart.






From Twistmas:


Hi there big Bro! If only I had known that all I had to do was quit eating and I would get STEAK, I would have done it years ago!!!!! Mom is trying to trick me into eating other stuff (canned dog food, oh no!) but I'm not having any of it. Steak is the only thing for me.






Twister has been feeling much better. She is eating again, but not as much as I would like. She still needs to eat more to keep her weight up. I am giving her 4 meals a day -- Shelby is very jealous. I am going to try to find the recipe for "satin balls?" or whatever they are called. I know they have hamburger in them and are supposed to be good for putting weight on. I need something that she will eat that won't be too tough on kidneys and pancreas. I know I need to avoid excess fat and phosphorus. Any ideas?


Thankfully, she has started accepting her meds when I hide them in braunsweiger. I really hated having to force them down her throat followed by a syringe of water.


We go back to OSU tomorrow.



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Glad there's some improvement! I do know day one of the Wisconsin protocol they get 2 different chemo agents--- gotta be tough on them-- fingers crossed it will get easier. Personally, I'm not a fan of the "stain balls"-- super high in fat. Please update after your visit-- fingers crossed you will receive a positive update.

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Jane, I had to be careful with Ony's pancreas, so in the last year of her life to keep her weight up I gave her Ensure Plus several times a week. Many times, once daily.


In fact if anyone from your neck of the woods is going to GIG, I have a few bottles left I can give you.

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Guest Lillysmom

We used the vanilla-flavored Boost Plus with Tattoo. It had the most calories of any of the supplemental drinks we could find. He LOVED it! :) More hugs for you both!

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Sorry for the late update. We actually just went to OSU today. I had to cancel yesterday's appointment due to health issues of my own. Anyway, here's the update:


The lymphoma responded very well to the first treatment. Her lymph nodes (at least the ones they can palpate) are back to normal size. Her CBC was good. So she got a good sized dose of cytoxan today. I am to keep her on cerenia, ondansetron, and pepcid for the next five days and to make sure she drinks extra fluids (I already have salt-free homemade broths prepared for her) to help protect the kidneys and bladder from the cytoxan. She ate some i/d canned food for them so they sent me home with a couple of cans to try. Her weight remained the same (about 41 pounds -- remember she is a "whipador" not a greyhound). Her best weight would be about 46 to 48 pounds so she definitely could stand to gain a few. She enjoyed almost all of a burger king double cheeseburger yesterday and also went for a 15 minute walk yesterday. On the way to her appointment this morning, she enjoyed almost all of an egg mcmuffin (minus the salty ham).


I have metronidazole to give her the minute she has any signs of diarrhea. She goes back in next Thursday for a dose of vincristine. They will lower the dose somewhat since she had a strong reaction to it the first time (although it could also have been the L-arginine they give in addition to the vincristine the first week). We will likely do a prophylatic course of metronidazole also after next weeks treatment.


She is a very happy dog right now. She doesn't know what she's done to get steak and hamburgers and egg mcmuffins but she's not complaining about it.


BTW, I did ask them about using ensure. My oncologist said that she has had some issues with dogs on chemotherapy having stomach upset when ensure is used. She suggested just offering food to her every few hours. Since I am home all the time, this seems to be working. I will up her meals from 3-4 a day to every 2-3 hours. She has been eating about 3-4 ounces of wet food at a time (3-4 times a day). Hopefully, she will keep eating that much at each time if I increase the number of feedings. Of course, Twister's sister Shelby -- who never met a food she didn't like-- is quite jealous.



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Guest greyhoundgirl1

I had a lymphoma scare with my own grey 1 1/2 weeks ago. The pathology came back negative for cancer so he's being treated for liver disease. I am so emotional reading what you are and Twister are going though. "There but for the grace of God go I" I will keep you both in my thoughts.

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