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My Badly-Behaved Child...

Guest BlueCrab

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Guest BlueCrab

DH and I have never traveled without taking Trixie and Leyland with us, so we knew we were taking a bit of a risk when DH joined me on a business trip to Croatia & leaving the kids with a house-sitter (HS). HS was (is...) a racing friend of ours who is familiar with our dogs but isn't a "dog guy". He's a retired marine (of the laid-back variety - not the gung-ho variety) but he's smart and can follow directions and is athletic enough to be able to not lose Trixie's leash when she does her post-poop zoomies.


Anyway....first night out, HS was putting her coat on (it was below 10-degrees - she needed it) and she whipped around and bit him under his eye. Yikes. Oy. :blink: She's never put a foot out of place with us - ever. She's fine being handled, is great at the vet, never minds being manipulated around, etc., so I don't know what caused it. HS says there was no warning growl - just a lightning-fast whip around and zap. The remainder of our time (DH was only gone 3 days) was pretty uneventful for them. A bit of a detente was reached, my sister brought over bananas to contribute as peace-making food, they tolerated each other but probably won't ever be best buds. And I feel like hell.


I gather we've let her become something of a brat without realizing it. We've always had them out and about trying to keep them well-socialized, staying in hotels, going with us to tracks, socializing about at M&Gs and things like GIG and Grapehounds. But I gather always having them travel with us has backfired in this case. The bridge-hounds (none of them greys) never flinched at having a HS stay over, so I didn't exactly think this was going to go so badly. I was worried, but not like this. I figured Opel the horrible cat would be the one causing trouble. But not Trixie. Never saw that one coming.


Oh well... lesson learned. I hope DH enjoyed his trip, 'cause that's likely to be the last one on an airplane for a while. Not looking for any advice, really, more just a vent...and please, no flames. I feel bad enough already. :sofa

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No flames from me. Just hugs. Things happen. Could it have been that she was just really excited and nipped him from excitement? I know my Carmen has gotten me just out of pure over zealous excitement and me being bent over and my face or nose in the way.

~Beth, with a crazy mixed crew of misfits.
~ Forever and Always missing and loving Steak, Carmen, Ivy, Isis, and Madi.
Don't cry because it's ended, Smile because it happened.
Before you judge me, try to keep an open mind, not everyone likes your taste.

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Guest BlueCrab

Could it have been that she was just really excited and nipped him from excitement?


I think, unfortunately, that it was her being sulky and unhappy with the situation. She can be a sulker if you tell her to stop doing something...like giving the sofa cushions a bath as she dozes. If I tell her to quit I'll get the stink eye. So I can picture her giving Keith the stink eye, too, and he didn't know to recognize it. ;)

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This reminds me of how often I've scolded myself with, "Good, Xan! Lead with your face!" or, "Great! Put your face in a blender, why dontcha?" :P I get scolded like this when I bend down over my pups in a moment of happy affection, and get happily smacked/bumped/knocked/shaked into, or even run over (pretty much exclusively by Pogo :rolleyes: ) I've had a near-concussion, black eye, split lip ... :P Maybe, just maybe, it was HS's face just in the wrong place at the wrong time?


If, as you suppose, she was cranky getting left behind, and took it out on HS, that's just good info to have, and a basis to start desensitizing from, right?


I hope you can travel with your spouse again, even without your pups. Maybe in shorter training trips, and well-managed (muzzles when in doubt?)






My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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Guest BradyzMommy

I'd agree that a non-dog person probably just didnt recognize the signs.....


Totally and completely off topic, but what kind of auto racing? :P

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Ask your dog family to watch them. I live far away but you've got tons of friends who would take both of your pups...friends who speak dog. :D


I wouldn't blame Trixie for anything especially if she didn't break skin. If it was a quick reaction she may have easily been scared by him and he wasn't reading her signs. Of course I always er on the side of the dog :rolleyes:

Colleen with Covey (Admirals Cove) and Rally (greyhound puppy)
Missing my beloved boy INU (CJ Whistlindixie) my sweetest princess SALEM (CJ Little Dixie) and my baby girl ZOE (LR's Tara)

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Guest IrskasMom

No flames from me. Just hugs. Things happen. Could it have been that she was just really excited and nipped him from excitement? I know my Carmen has gotten me just out of pure over zealous excitement and me being bent over and my face or nose in the way.


That's what I am thinking to. It was more Excitement then anything. How is HS today. Did he needed ER and Stitches ??? :huh

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My guess is he was leaning over her to put her coat on and her not used to being handled by someone else, just basically gave him a kind of warning snap and got too close. I would still travel and take the pups with, but when you plan on going alone next time, bring in the caregiver a few days before leaving and let them spend some time with the pups, handling them like you do so the dogs get used to having someone else there doing things for them.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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I see your in MD and NY... I'm kind of in the middle at Wilmington DE. If she's kitty safe I could always watch her. I'm sure tons of other greyhound people would be willing to open their homes up too.


I recently left my pups for a long weekend and drove 3 hours round trip to drop them off at a greyhound friend's house, then 3 hours round trip back to pick them up 4 days later! :lol Lots of driving... but I was relaxed and both girls (even my extreme shy one) were spoiled and happy as clams! My shy one morphed into "It" and forgot she ever had manners. I think she acted worse than a fresh off the track dog... :blush She has always been a bit shy so they were scared to say the word NO to her. Yup she had LOTS of fun running that household and bouncing off walls. :P


The best part was when I walked in the front door to pick the girls up Rainy came up to me all happy and Sunshine, "It", came running around the corner, saw me, skidded to a stop, went "oh $***", tucked her tail, put her ears back and wandered very sedately and politely over to a dog bed and crossed her paws. She knew she was busted and not behaving all weekend. No one could believe the instant behavior change. Apparently she didn't lay on a dog bed her entire stay and kept going like an energizer bunny.


Yup I def vote leaving her with other greyhound people. Every guest I've had has just blended right in with the rest of the household.




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Bootsy hates having his back covered or touched. He might do the same thing to a stranger as a warning and accidentally make contact. Don't stress about it. He's fine, she's fine. :)


Christie and Bootsy (Turt McGurt and Gil too)
Loving and missing Argos & Likky, forever and ever.
~Old age means realizing you will never own all the dogs you wanted to. ~

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I'd agree that a non-dog person probably just didnt recognize the signs.....


Totally and completely off topic, but what kind of auto racing? :P



I concur.... :rolleyes: maybe he just didn't get the signals....


and ... :blink: I'm wondering too.. what kind of racing?




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Guest BlueCrab

Thanks, all. As I said, more of a vent than anything else. I had to laugh, tho, at Jessica's story. That's kind of what I think Trixie did...waited patiently for us to come home (per usual) and when Keith walked in, she want all "It" on him. Apparently the entire 3 days was pretty disagreeable. When my sister showed up with bananas, Trixie was all sweetness and light again. Keith is a racing buddy so sees them at the track with us all well-behaved and socializing. Even he couldn't actully understand the change.


Sister just had double knee replacement so she couldn't handle walks and zoomies. She did bail DH out when he landed in the blizzard and it took him 7.5 hours to drive the 31 miles home from the airport. She went down to walk everyone in the snow, but even she couldn't master the concept of taking the leashes back off so DH got home at 2 in the morning to find leashes still on. And there really isn't any other family....elderly in-laws, dog-stupid brother ("you just open the door and let them out, right?"), or else dog-lovers who are allergic to the cats. I may take one of ya'all up on the greyhound camp next time. Leyland has better recall and is a real "dog" so could go stay with the in-laws and be trusted to behave.


Oh - and for the inquiries: we race sports cars with the SCCA. Husband races a Triumph Spitfire, I race a VW Rabbit GTI and a Nissan Sentra, house-sitter Keith races an "open-wheel" car that looks kinda like Indy 500 cars (but not nearly as fast). We travel all over the east coast, from tracks in North Carolina to New Hampshire and all in-between, out west to Ohio, Kansas and Wisconsin. Almost all tracks allow us to bring the dogs so it makes it extrelemely easy to take them with is. And since they are our "kids", I just like having them along. They're good travelers and social and just fun to have with us.


Trixie did break skin...he probably could have used a stitch or two, but hey, he lived.

Edited by BlueCrab
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I think it was just an unfortunate freak thing. Probably would never happen again. I wouldn't make too much out of it. Shes still the same Trixie she ever was. Dogs bite. Horses kick. Handle either of them enough and you'll get bit and kicked. It means nothing to me. I haev been bit and kicked by my own dogs/horses more times than I can remember. They didn't mean anything by it and I didn't think anything of it. I figure we surely do dumn human things to them that they don't like and they always tolerate and even more love us so what the heck? I can guarantee you it didn't hurt that Marine. Even the laid back ones are plenty tough and are more than capable of doing whatever it takes (most also have kind hearts but they don't want that to get out).

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He could have hurt her... a new person putting on her coat, he could have bent something the wrong way or pinched something... since it was supposedly such a sudden reaction, my guess would be that she got hurt and reacted strongly to "the new guy"

Amy and Tim in Beverly, MA, with Chase and Always missing Kingsley (Drama King) and Ruby (KB's Bee Bopper).

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I would feel terrible too... but try not to worry about it!


I've heard it take a dog 2-6 days to get over a bite....glad to hear the rest of the time everything was fine between them. Maybe have him come over again with you present to give her lots of treats, pets, etc. It might make you feel better too :)



I'm afraid that if someone comes to the door and doesn't know dogs, Phoebe might get excited, nip, and have the person think its a bite! She sometimes does that to me (we're definitely addressing it and working with her on that), but I know that it's because she can get very hyped up when someone new comes in.

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