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Letting Sleeping Dogs Lie In Your Bed Can Kill You


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Oh, for goodness' sake!!!


Seems like not five minutes ago there was a 'ground-breaking' piece of news about how it had been discovered that we were all so unhealthy with allergies, asthma etc because we were too clean and no longer had parasites! It doesn't surprise me at all that FastDogs' son is the only one who's never had a cold!


I want to know how they know that the Japanese woman got meningitis from her dog's head (and not the other way round), how they know that it was the cat's saliva that infected the man's open sores etc. Seems to me that in the case of open sores, the bugs could have got in from anywhere and anything. Did those with open-sores-infected-by-their-pets never walk barefoot, take the garbage out, go to the toilet without washing their hands, handle raw meat, or touch public toilets/rest rooms, buses, trains, wild bird tables or anything else?


The plague caught from a pet cat in Arizona is the one that gets me. Even I know (sitting here in my English house) that ground squirrels etc can carry plague in Arizona, and other parts of the US. So, yeah, their fleas can transmit it. So de-flea your cat, especially if he's an outdoor cat and you live in Arizona! Next they'll be saying 'Nobody should ever keep birds in the house because they can infect you with psittacosis.


I hate to say it, but this is a study done by vets, and the bottom line is a message to de-flea and de-worm your animals more regularly, and I know from my time working for vets that flea and worm treatments are nice little earners. You don't even have to do anything but stock and hand over. It's not going to make them rich but it isn't going to hurt either. Okay, that's cynical and yeah, we should all de-flea and de-worm regularly anyway, but you can make these studies say whatever the heck you want them to say, when all's said and done!


And actually, no. I'm not one of those who has a dog on her bed! :P



It's more dangerous to sleep with a human.



:spoot You are absolutely right! :lol





Taking my chances:




So is my hubby:







I LOVE that picture!! :wub:


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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Guest zombrie

:blink: Oh, my... :rolleyes:

I don't see the difference in having a dog sleep next to my bed, or in it. If I WERE (unlikely) to catch something from my dogs, it wouldn't make a difference if they were sleeping with me in bed or not. But my dogs are all healthy and worm free, so I think I will be ok :rolleyes:

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Venus says that we can't blame the dogs here cuz there's a no dogs on the bed policy. (Um, unless Scott is out of town. <g> ) Even worse she says is that the kittehs do get to sleep on the bed. It's houndie abuse central around here. But wait! What's this?!


"The number of cats snuggling up with their owner is far greater, which may explain the larger number of people acquiring feline-spawned diseases, Chomel explained."


Ah, see. She's been trying to tell us all along. It's the kittehs fault! They're the real danger. LOL


Edited: Because of @!"# this *^!# iPhone.

Edited by kudzu
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Put your son in day care (or wait until he gets to school). He'll catch a cold rightawayquick. And then another one. And another. :lol


I didn't find the article that ridiculous - I didn't think it was drumming up unnecessary drama. I thought it was matter of fact.


But then again, I don't let my dog sleep in my bed or on my furniture, and I definitely don't let his stank mouth that spends hours a day licking his ass near mine.


Christie and Bootsy (Turt McGurt and Gil too)
Loving and missing Argos & Likky, forever and ever.
~Old age means realizing you will never own all the dogs you wanted to. ~

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Guest Patience

I also didn't find the article overly dramatic. It doesn't suggest there's anything wrong with healthy people snuggling healthy animals. Just be careful of smooching un-vaccinated and parasite-infested pets if you are a small child or have a vulnerable immune system.

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Guest BonnieW

I'm starting to feel like a very bad mommy ohmy.gif We look at Draco as being a part of our family, but I don't let, or should I say, encourage or teach him to get on the couch and bed. blush.gif I best not let Draco see this thread wink.gif

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No sooner had I finished editing my post in this thread than I got an email from my mother forwarding this story to her pet loving friends & family. She seemed to be taking it a bit too seriously but that's just my mom's way. Here is the last part of my reply,


"Love ya, Mom, even if you did make us carry umbrellas to school anytime there was a 30% or greater chance of rain. Y'all can stay home alone & safe. I have to go kiss my dogs goodbye now & get to work. "

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Guest katethegreyt

I very briefly dated a doctor (SO pretty and so good on paper, but so awkward). He was absolutely shocked and appalled when I told him I let my cat sleep on my bed and get on the furniture. His eyes got all wide and his mouth got all twisted up with disgust, and he said, "Do you KNOW how many diseases they can transmit?!" I was like: 1) I was basically raised in a barn, and as a little one, I often did not wash my hands like I was supposed to when I snagged a snack in the middle of the day. I also inhaled more crud than you can imagine when cleaning dirty horses and frequently got scratches that I did not immediately bandage up and disinfect. I got strep throat once a year and was super healthy otherwise. 2) My cats never go outside, have very clean litter boxes, have only ever had a run in with fleas ONCE for about a day (saw one flea and went to the vet for some Revolution immediately - never saw another one), and are not allowed to lick me (cat tongues = weird). 3) Have you SEEN how messy my room is? If you think it's the cat that's gonna kill me, you're craaaaazy sir! 4) This is why we stay at your house = )


Granted, he was borderline OCD about germs from working in a hospital, so I get it. Still, between that and his comment about not liking red wine because he didn't like "warm drinks," I knew it was NOT meant to be long term. Did I mention he was super pretty??? Haha.


I considered not letting my new girl get on furniture (for about a day) because they recommend you get to know them first before allowing them on your furniture. Eh. She's been so wonderful, I caved. There are a lot of dogs I wouldn't want on the furniture, but she's extremely quiet and stays put once she's on the couch or bed, and she will hop down in a second if you tell her "off," so I think we're okay. Plus all my stuff is slipcovered, so it's easy to clean = ) And my cats are allowed up there, they shed a lot more and are probably about the same cleanliness as the dog. I do definitely understand those that don't want dogs on the furniture. I've met some incredibly in your face obnoxious dogs that also get on the furniture - there is NO escaping them = )


I have to say, I'm VERY pleased she's not much of a licker (of her bum or me, haha) because I've never been crazy about dog kisses. My friend has an obnoxious terrier that has an itchy butt all summer and constantly wants to lick you - bleeeeeh.

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