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So Proud Of Garry!

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We have had Garry for just over 4 years...we have a female as well. Garry was "living" in the bedroom closet of his adoption rep..he was scared and preffered to be alone. I was hoping once he came to us, he would come out of his shell..well 4 years later it has finally happened! He is the BEST dog...so happy. He would prefer to stay upstairs in my bedroom all the time..then it started getting really bad. I had trouble getting him to come to eat or go outside. He was afraid of the dark. started elavil..with no luck. Then I read a small pamphlet I had gotten from Greyhound gang that discussed shy dogs. I started by blocking of the stairs for a short period of time daily..and watching him. he also stood in one spot in the livingroom. I put his bed there. also gave him another bed in the corner so he would feel secure. we gave him a lot of attention and treats when he was down. The anxiety was so bad we decided to try prozac. saw a little change as we kept working with positive interaction and increased his required family time. He was slowly realizing it was good to stay with us..and became a beggar!!. weaned the prozac as he continued to improve. Then he fell down the stairs (didn't see gate at the top). Vet felt he hurt his neck and suggested acupuncture..my female gets it at home. This was amazing: the day after the acupuncture he was like different dog...happy, jumping, walked at night, etc! We are not sure if he was maybe in pain all along or the acupuncture simply helped his anxiety...whatever the reason...Garry has turned into the best dog :colgate . he is affectionate, funny and happy! I am so happy for him..he seemed miserable before we started all the intervention. I just wanted to share!

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Love to hear a happy ending!


We've only had Nixon for 6 months and he has settled in here really well with our two senior non-greyhound females.

We've been to the dog park a lot and he is always curious and interested in meeting other dogs, but once he has met them he comes back to just hang out with me.

But...yesterday, for the very first time, he actually initiated a game of 'tag' with one of his greyhound friends at the dog park.

I am thrilled.


Nancy...Mom to Sid (Peteles Tiger), Kibo (112 Carlota Galgos) and Joshi.  Missing Casey, Gomer, Mona, Penelope, BillieJean, Bandit, Nixon (Starz Sammie),  Ruby (Watch Me Dash) Nigel (Nigel), and especially little Mario, waiting at the Bridge.




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Awesome! Good work Garry! And good work Mom and Dad!

HA! Mom and son! my husband takes no part except to complain when they act up or play with them when they are happy!! my son has a psych. degree and I am a special ed teacher..so we see things differently than my husband. Now to get the IG trained...that is a JOB in itself! :rolleyes:

Edited by dbullwinkel
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Congratulations! It's so amazing to see them learn to trust and be happy! Wonderful that you didn't give up on him.


I think that is why he was returned to the track...he is such a sweet soul. I could see that as soon as we met him. I also have a CRAZY Ig..who was in multiple homes before ours. Believe me, at times, I can understand why people give them up! But would NEVER do it...my little Flex (Ig) is still nervous when we leave; i think he is so afraid of being abandoned. I told him he is never leaving me!

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GREYT job Donna, This has a lot to do with the love and trust he feels from you. GO GARRY!


off topic- MBL is on maternity till 1/111. Dr Anastiou (sp?) is in every day but Tuesday and Friday.


Hope you don't need him.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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Guest Houndstown

Yea! I'm so happy for all of you. I guess it's true what they say, persistence pays off. BTW, thanks for giving me hope for our new grey. It's still a work in progress at our house!

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GREYT job Donna, This has a lot to do with the love and trust he feels from you. GO GARRY!


off topic- MBL is on maternity till 1/111. Dr Anastiou (sp?) is in every day but Tuesday and Friday.


Hope you don't need him.


Thanks Robin..she told me about her leave last time I was there with Flex. She was leaving notes for Dr. A..it would be nice not to have to go to the vets until January :colgate


PS: I am hoping to join in on one of your walks eventually. I know Garry would love it now..that makes me so happy! I may be having another cervical fusion..so I have not been feeling too great..and limit their walks because I can't take the chance of them pulling me.


Yea! I'm so happy for all of you. I guess it's true what they say, persistence pays off. BTW, thanks for giving me hope for our new grey. It's still a work in progress at our house!


Good luck and stay positive! it is such a good feeling (for us and the dog) when they reach their potential.. kinda of funny..tonight Garry was being a skooch..and my husband said I think i liked it better when he hid upstairs :colgate

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