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New Foster Had A Broken Hock

Guest FastDogsOwnMe

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Guest FastDogsOwnMe

Is there anything I should worry about? He looks mostly normal, slightly off looking shape to the bad hock. No limp. This happened in early spring. Should I be doing anything special? Is he more likely to break it again some time? The trainer said had he been two instead of almost four, they probably would have brought him back for more races, so I am assuming then it can't be that bad. He's been chilling for several months and is a happy, shiny, healthy (maybe even a little porky ;) ) guy. He's got great muscle tone. Any experiences or advice would be wonderful!

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Is there any hardware in there--screws and plates?


It doesn't happen very often, but they can work themselves out of position over time. We've had it happen a couple of times, poor Arcee had a ten screw plate in her hock (it was taken out when it started bothering her again and helped her immensely). Otherwise they may walk a little funny when they first get up (my foster Wendy did this) and then be pretty much ok.

Edited by Pepperjack
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Zoe broke her left hock racing at age 4 and was retired. It was left to heal on its own. Her leg is kind of wonky looking, but fully functional. She will be 9 in a couple weeks and just started taking S.O.D. and Bosweilla, in addition to fish oil, Fresh Factors and Longevity (I think). I was told that she shouldn't run and we didn't let her for several years. She now has bursts of running at play group and will limp if she runs too much. I would probably give your pup supplements and let him determine how much he can do. Zoe knew when enough was enough. Oh, and this doesn't apply to you, but winter is rough on her and she refuses to wear a leg warmer, so we restrict her outdoor time when it is really cold.


Cindy with Miss Fancypants, Paris Bueller, Zeke, and Angus 
Dante (Dg's Boyd), Zoe (In a While), Brady (Devilish Effect), Goose (BG Shotgun), Maverick (BG ShoMe), Maggie (All Trades Jax), Sherman (LNB Herman Bad) and Indy (BYB whippet) forever in my heart
The flame that burns the brightest, burns the fastest and leaves the biggest shadow

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Guest PhillyPups

Gremlin had a first career ending broken hock - at 12-1/2 she has a wonky walk (I love my wonky walkin Mama Dawg) but that does not slow her down in the least.

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Guest FastDogsOwnMe

Good to know. I actually had to look at him for a while (and I can spot things faster than many due to a history with performance dogs) to even know which leg it is, so I hope he can go on to lead a normal life. He's a beautiful big black boy.

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Guest TeddysMom

Good to know. I actually had to look at him for a while (and I can spot things faster than many due to a history with performance dogs) to even know which leg it is, so I hope he can go on to lead a normal life. He's a beautiful big black boy.


Can we see pictures? What is this boys name? You are amazing at finding these houndies homes, hope he will be adopted quickly. :bow

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Guest FastDogsOwnMe

I need to take some pics... haven't done so yet. He is just gorgeous, looks a lot like my Sophia.


Captain got adopted, but I still have Phantom. My other foster got adopted last week, and left this morning for his new life. Might take a while to get this big guy adopted but I have no doubt that he will.

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Cash broke her right rear hock at the track. It was left to heal on its own. It is all knarly and her foot does not hit the ground right and has deformed somewhat over time as a result of it. When I adopted her I asked my vet(board certified) and he said she should be OK and that he would be very surprised if it broke again. That was when she was 6. She is 11 now and it has never been a problem to her with the exception of pain which I give her supplements etc. for as necessary and for which she receives acupuncture a couple of times a year. I have never restricted her at all. She has always run at will and enjoyed it and is 11 now-no problems.

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Guest humveemom

My Grey Cairo Had a broken leg which retired him. When we adopted him his cast had just been off for a little over a month. I took him to our vet for a check and had many questions regarding his leg's sturdiness. I was assured not to worry, and he runs around like nobody's business so I guess it doesn't even bother him. I worried about it for the first month or so...but I don't ever give it a thought now. He's 3

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My Ollie retired last August after an amazing career due to a right back broken hock. It was almost deformed when I got him in Nov and he had a severe limp. Fast forward to now and he is perfectly fine. i don't even notice that it doensn't look like the other leg.


So how about Zander!? Am I in your dreams!?



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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My Toni broke her hock in September 08 and was in a cast when she was transported back to the farm here in Oregon. Out of the cast in October. We got her at the end of January 09 and it was fully healed. That leg is kind of curved below her hock, but it doesn't slow her down any at all! I keep some rimadyl on hand just in case but I've never had to give her any since the first couple weeks (due to other issues also, not just her hock).


She gets salmon oil every day and I might start giving her a joint supplement in a year or so.

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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Guest 4dogscrazy

Piper had a career ending hock injury also, at age 2, and I worry about the future too. For the life of me, and everyone else, we can not figure out what leg it was, so it must have been set correctly. I have no idea if there is any metal in there either!! She runs just fine, although see seems leg sensitive and will yelp if she gets bumped (Tempe hip checked into the trampoline pole one time, talk about GSOD, held her leg up for a while, stopped my heart, then moved on, thank god). She will snarl if anyone steps on her legs.


Couple things I noticed: she doesn't jump much, never gets on furniture or the like.

One time she pushed herself up to stand, ending up in a sitting position and was stuck like that. I had to help her stand up, her leg (s) just wouldn't push off the ground. I've never seen anything like that, and it took me a minute to figure out she was stuck!!


She runs like a champ though, and does a hilarious spin that I swear I will get on camera one day!

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Guest humveemom

Cairo's vet was able to tell which leg had been broke when she felt it. Said she felt the calcification. He truly has no after effects it seems. The vet said he may have arthritis problems down the road, but that's not definite. I'll have to wait and see. To the person who mentioned her Grey's leg "locking" sometime..That happened to my Grey Rocket and his leg was never broke. Although he may have sustained an injury no one knew about. He was found on a person's farm with 9 other Greyhound & Coonhound mix starved, frozen and awaiting sale to a research lab! This was back in '94.

He would sometimes get up from a laying position and just start yipe-ing and stiffen his leg. It took several seconds for him to "walk it off"

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Guest GreysAndMoreGreys

I would have to say trust in the trainer. Most know what they are talking about :)


Some supplements of course couldn't hurt. Keeping his muscle tone is really key because as you know muscle supports bone.

I have chatted with many vets about broken leg dogs that we repaired and wanted to try and race again. My biggest fear was always, would the leg break again.

The answer was always, to look at the break as if it was a weld of metal. It tends to be a stronger area after mending.


My Angel boy Augie had a super nasty break. He rested and rehabbed in the kennel for about 3 months then came home. Unrestricted access to the yard and was perfectly fine for the rest of his days.

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Generally speaking, most bones that were broken and now healed are a bit stronger than they were to start with. At least that was the thought of the day back in the old days when I went to nursing school!! (you know, back when dirt was new and dinosaurs walked the earth!!) And the biggest issue may be the possibility of arthritic problems as the dogs ages.

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