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Air Snapping

Guest Samantha

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Guest Samantha

I was eating on the sofa watching TV, Maddison lay down on her bed, i called her over and fed her 2 small bits of chicken off my plate, when i said no more she kept poking her nose at me then sort of snapped the air infront of me, i didn't think much off it. About 10mins later i filled her kong as i was going to have a bath and she gets restless alittle when i leave the room so thinking it would entertain her i gave her it. I sat down on the sofa and she was near me playing with the kong, i got up to go in the bath, and she stood up and seemed excited and air snapped again twice at me!.


Is this aggresion or maybe she was excited or playful?

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It's excitement, not aggression, but if any part of you gets caught in it, it still hurts. Darla used to do this right before dinner time, and sometimes she got my backside.....rolleyes.gif

Edited by ivon


Ivon, Spud, Karma & Sasha

Missing Darla (05-22-96 03-01-2010)

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Guest Samantha

Sounds like "knitting" to me. Excited and playful, what a happy girl!



She wasn't chattering her teeth, it was just so loud and like more of a chomp lol, I got abit of a fright and was abit weary of her until she settled down.


There was no growling involved though.

Edited by Samantha
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Guest TheUnrulyHound

Bully does this ALL THE TIME!!! :blush I love it, it is just when he is excited and wants attention (which is all the time :lol ) if you do not like it a stern "NO" when she does it should halt the behavior in its tracks if you do it before it becomes a habit.


Bully has never caught my skin while snapping like this, he is usually a good 2 feet away but the "snap snap" is LOUD!!!

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Guest Samantha

Bully does this ALL THE TIME!!! :blush I love it, it is just when he is excited and wants attention (which is all the time :lol ) if you do not like it a stern "NO" when she does it should halt the behavior in its tracks if you do it before it becomes a habit.


Bully has never caught my skin while snapping like this, he is usually a good 2 feet away but the "snap snap" is LOUD!!!



Yep! it was the loudness that kinda scared me i think!! on both occasions before she done it she was abit hyper, i gave her the look and a NO and off she trotted into the garden came back in and went to sleep behind the sofa in a sulk i think!!


Glad to know it wasn't aggressive and just her saying im excited give me attention.

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Guest MyBoys

Our Henry does it that all the time when he is excited or wants to play, I think it is a riot because he makes this chomping sound and he looks like he is smiling, silly dogs these greyhounds are :lol

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Guest Energy11

Oh ... My Bold Energy was a HUGE "air shapper!" one of the MANY qualites I loved about him! My Curfew will do this as well, when he is excited! I love it! colgate.gif

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Someone on here once called it the 'happy snappy' and that was the most fitting description I ever heard. My angel Bailey used to do this to me when we were playing and I would stop. She would turn her hind end to me, look backward over her shoulder and snap away at me, then play bow and start running around. Man, I miss that.



Michelle...forever missing her girls, Holly 5/22/99-9/13/10 and Bailey 8/1/93-7/11/05

Religion is the smile on a dog...Edie Brickell

Wag more, bark less :-)

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Brucie is an amazing air snapper with the precision of a sniper and the speed of his bullet. I am careful not to move when he does this, but when we are lying around goofing off, he'll air snap so close to me (usually face, head, ears) that he gets his wet nose on my skin and that's it. He snaps faster than I can react anyway so it's best I just don't move. He only does it with me when we are playing and I've learned to trust his precision. Kinda like the knife thrower at the circus!

Doe's Bruciebaby Doe's Bumper


Follow my Ironman journeys and life with dogs, cats and busy kids: A long road

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Guest Samantha

After i posted this Maddison got abit growly and snappy for no reason, enough to scare me abit, as she was even doing it while i was just sitting down. I let her out again in the garden to try and calm her down, she was about about 30mins came back in and was still the same, so just for my peace of mind ive put a muzzle on her for tonight. She's in season so im not sure wether she's being alittle agressive as she's in the 2nd stage where she's ready to mate.


Is it ok to leave a muzzle on all night do you think? I'm trying to calm down she gave me a fright growling and snapping like that!

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Guest mpportraits

Someone on here once called it the 'happy snappy' and that was the most fitting description I ever heard. My angel Bailey used to do this to me when we were playing and I would stop. She would turn her hind end to me, look backward over her shoulder and snap away at me, then play bow and start running around. Man, I miss that.



I love that Happy Snappy! How perfect!!!

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Guest Ashleigh

Lucy did it and Millie does it too. It's cute! :wub:

Hank does this...mostly in the morning when I stop petting him. He's done it a few times when I come home...a couple of times nipping my neck. Ouch! But it is so sweet...I love it! That dog melts me every day!

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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

In season? Are you saying you have an unfixed greyhound? So you dont have a retired racer? I am just confused. I do know that things are different on your side of the pond, but I thought all racers had to be fixed upon retirement. And for the record, I seriously doubt it is agression, regardless if it is or not, you CANNOT show fear, it removes any authority you happen to have. The muzzle, if you are using a plastic basket muzzle, it can be worn for extended periods of time.



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Oh ... My Bold Energy was a HUGE "air shapper!" one of the MANY qualites I loved about him! My Curfew will do this as well, when he is excited! I love it! colgate.gif


Breeze does this too. When my husband gives her a rubdown on the sides of her thighs, she snaps, jumps around and wags her tail like crazy. When she first did it, we thought she didn't like being rubbed, but now realize it means she does. Glad to hear other greys do this too!



Humans Kathy and Jim with our girls, Ivy (Carolina Spoon) and Cherry (Fly Cherry Pie)

Missing our beautiful angel Breeze (Dighton Breeze) and angel Beka (BM Beko) - you are forever in our hearts.

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Guest Shermanator

It's excitement, not aggression, but if any part of you gets caught in it, it still hurts. Darla used to do this right before dinner time, and sometimes she got my backside.....rolleyes.gif



Patton's a super jaw snapper. He does it all the time. When its time for food, walks, when I come home from work, anything that happens that he thinks includes him- its jaw snapping time. He did it to my MIL once, he was so excited to see her, he did ti twice. She almost went through the roof, he scared her so badly. :blush Once I explained its excitement - there is no aggression, she was fine, and was flattered he jaw snapped for her. He does it ALL the time. Sherman does it for attention. If he does not feel we are paying attention to him, he'll jaw snap, bark, and wag that tail like a fool. :) He's so cute!

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Guest Samantha

In season? Are you saying you have an unfixed greyhound? So you dont have a retired racer? I am just confused. I do know that things are different on your side of the pond, but I thought all racers had to be fixed upon retirement. And for the record, I seriously doubt it is agression, regardless if it is or not, you CANNOT show fear, it removes any authority you happen to have. The muzzle, if you are using a plastic basket muzzle, it can be worn for extended periods of time.





Maddison never raced, my Dad used to breed and race greys before he became unwell, I got Maddison straight from the kennels from a friend of my Dad's. She was kept to breed from, only never ever came into heat, so instead of her being sent to a adoption group I asked if i could have her. She was booked in to be spayed last Thursday only for her to come into her 1st heat on the Monday. So yes I have a unfixed grey, and no she isnt a 'retired racer' as such.


I ended up walking Maddison to my mothers house as I was alittle afraid so, we are staying there with my parents untill her heat passes. She seems fine and hasn't done it again, and today she's just found her voice!! letting out afew little barks :colgate .


For the record I have Bipolar Disorder so sometimes panic abit too much. Anyways she seems fine now and i was assured from my Dad she was snapping only because she was either happy and excited or wanted me to play.


Thanks for all you replys x

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Guest IrishGH

Our boy Dylan "air snaps" when he get excited, usually when we are walking out to the field with a tennis ball chucker. He gets very vocal, whinning, yapping, air snapping and spinning circles as we walk, while the others just run out and back. :)

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