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Does Your Greyhound Give Kisses?

Guest FastDogsOwnMe

Greyhounds and Kisses  

375 members have voted

  1. 1. Does your Greyhound Give Kisses? Multiple Choice for Multiple Hounds.

    • Yes, s/he will kiss anyone, any time!
    • Yes, but only me/family members
    • Occasionally, but not often
    • No, never
  2. 2. Is your kisser a male or a female?

    • Male
    • Female
    • I don't have a kissing Greyhound
  3. 3. Does your Greyhound randomly lick your hands or arms, or feet?

    • Yes, what a weirdo!
    • Only if I have just eaten or something
    • Nope, sure doesn't!

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Guest bluefawn

Penny used to give me kisses when she was a little puppy. (I LOVES me some puppy breath!) But how she just licks my hands feet, arms, legs (especially when I get out of the shower). Candi doesn't give kisses, but licks my hands and feet - she is 11 months old, but her puppy breath is long gone. But both of them love for me to hold their faces in my hands and smother them with kisses!

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Guest Heehoo

I have 3 that give kisses, Gabby Jack & Smiley. Smiley nibbles when he gives kisses. I don't do the kiss in the mouth thing.

Gabby will lick my arm or hand & I find it affectionate vs weird. Jack pokes me with his cold wet nose, Smiley nuzzles.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Tank very, very rarely gives kisses. Tractor on the other hand is a little mouthier. This morning, I got a very excited wet nose in my eye. Followed by a tongue across my nose. Tractor gives licks on the leg, and he also does this thing where he comes up behind you and "flips" his nose under your butt. He does that mostly to DH. LIke he's goosing him.

Missing Hiro, Tank, and Tractor

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Guest duckbilled

Ike will usually only give one lick to me and my wife on the cheek and an occasional lick on the hand for strangers. I does lick inanimate objects occasionally. He'll look at the wall or a chair, sniff it and give it a lick.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Lgyure85

Maddie didn't start licking until we got a Boston Terrier brother for her. He is a crazy licker, and she caught on. She will still sometimes put her face up to ours and stick her tongue out, but not actually "lick" us. It's too cute!

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  • 2 years later...
Guest PaulEmandStan

Our Stan will kiss me, i think he likes my beard! Never my partner or anyone else though. He cleans my hand for me if I leave it hanging over a couch. Althought I appreciate the sentiment I always go and wash it

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Guest borzoix4

My girl is a " other" in catagory. She likes to nibble at your fingers- or come up behind you and nibble on my robe in the morning etc... She is a nibbler and its cute as Heck!

We renamed Maura as " Bambina" but it quickly went to "Bam Bam" as she also likes to slap at you with her front paws like when heading out the door to hurry us along, or waiting for things to come to her like making her dinner etc. She is quite a charmer!

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Guest SealDogMermaid

Our brindle male loves loves loves to give kisses and our black female is pretty stingy with them, except when she is really psyched to see us and then she will do a little tiny quick one usually on our hands. Too funny !

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Larry's a master kissie boy :):kiss2

Kim and Bruce - with Rick (Rick Roufus 6/30/16) and missing my sweet greyhound Angels Rainey (LG's Rainey 10/4/2000 - 3/8/2011), Anubis (RJ's Saint Nick 12/25/2001 - 9/12/12) and Zeke (Hey Who Whiz It 4/6/2009 - 7/20/2020) and Larry (PTL Laroach 2/24/2007 - 8/2/2020) -- and Chester (Lab) (8/31/1990 - 5/3/2005), Captain (Schipperke) (10/12/1992 - 6/13/2005) and Remy (GSP) (?/?/1998 - 1/6/2005) at the bridge
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut." -- Ernest Hemmingway

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Wow, it never would occur to me to try to teach a dog to lick my face. I guess there is a right dog for everyone as my boy will sniff faces intently, and head butt when excited but does not kiss, and I am grateful for that. I like to kiss him on the middle of this bony head, but learned the hard way to brace one hand over the nose to keep him from spontaneoulsy head butting my face by accident. (Ouch!)


One time he was licking my shirt, it turns out I had gotten food on it while cooking.


The gesture I love is when he is relaxed, enjoying some lubbin' and gives me his foot to hold or rests his foot or nosey on my leg. :-)

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We're still waiting to get Peggy, so I don't have much experience! But both times we've seen her she gave us and our camera lots of kisses! On my hands, ears, neck and on my nose when I wasn't expecting it! It seemed to make her happy because she got all waggy and wiggly when she was doing it! Her brother (my SIL's grey) on the other hand, doesn't kiss much at all. In fact I don't think he's ever kissed me, nor have I seen him kiss them.

Peggy's a racer and SIL's grey Eli never raced, I don't know if that has anything to do with it though.

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Guest Wasserbuffel

My grey only kisses other people, not the family. One thing that attracted me to greys is that they aren't generally as licky as, say, a lab. When Jayne came home she was perfectly happy to hang out with us and not lick our faces. Now she'll randomly lick my feet or whatever, but I can count on one hand the times she's licked my face, and those were probably times that involved some food.


Now, a couple that we spend a lot of time with is a different matter. She is unashamedly fond of slurping their faces. I think it has something to do with how they present themselves. Their dogs always lick their faces, so they meet Jayne with the standard chin out posture that keeps dog tongues out of eyes and nose holes, which I think she takes as an invitation to lick.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nope, Annie doesn't kiss faces or lick hands, even with food on my hands. That's fine with me regarding the face. I don't care what anybody says about a dog's tongue being cleaner than a human's, I don't believe it if only because I don't lick my bottom. :hehe

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Guest blueberri

I'm not a face-lick person, so am really glad Sparky is not a licky boy. When he's in a lovey mood he'll snurfle your face and tickle you with his whiskers, and sometimes nose you.


He is another grey who "gooses" with a quick nudge to the butt... But (thank goodness!!!) does not crotch-sniff. My perfect hound :))

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Celestrina

To adults she'll give the occasional kiss. Kids on the other hand.... She'll sneak up on one side and lick their face. After they wince she'll sneak up on the other side. With DS she'll lick his feet like they are covered in peanut butter.

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Guest DragonflyDM
I'm just wondering...


As for third question, I ask because my new girl will just cuddle up and like my arm, elbow, hands, even my feet, and she'll wash my entire face. A few of mine give lots of kisses too!


Not all the time, but there are occasions I just get this giant slobbered arm. It happens especially when I sleeping or just before falling to sleep.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've only had Rudy a week so don't know his normal kissing patterns, but lately he has been coming to the side of the bed in the morning when I'm stirring/turning on the lamp and giving me quick happy kisses. After I get up he dances and presses into me all the way up the hall with my other two mixed breed girls accompanying. It's quite a procession :P.

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I've only had Rudy a week so don't know his normal kissing patterns, but lately he has been coming to the side of the bed in the morning when I'm stirring/turning on the lamp and giving me quick happy kisses. After I get up he dances and presses into me all the way up the hall with my other two mixed breed girls accompanying. It's quite a procession :P.


Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :)

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