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Remembering Topaz


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Ten years ago today I received the shock of my life. I lost a 5 yr old goofy white and black girl named Topaz. I adopted her 1 year after getting Brindle, my first greyhound.

Oh, she was trouble. After a marathon work day of 20 hours, I came home to find that she had shredded 20 lbs of wood pellets (my home heat source). The plastic bag they were in were in pieces no bigger than a 1/2 dollar coin. And the wood pellets are no bigger than rabbit food. It was scattered throughout the den. Obviously I couldn't use the pellets because they were mixed with plastic. I had to throw away half a bag. But she survived my yelling at her for that.

My favorite memory of her doesn't even include her. On another day I came home from work and was not greeted by Brindle and Topaz as I usually was. I rounded the corner to find out why. Topaz had pulled her teddy bear (stolen from a human weeks before) thru the dog door, but didn't make it. The teddy bear was stuck in the dog door, with Brindle and Topaz 'locked' outside.

When she was in the wheat field, she would leap high above the waist high wheat in search of critters. When she realized she made me laugh, she would start to do it just to entertain me.

She was such a clown.....walking down the hallway from my bedroom to the den took about 10 minutes because she would take one step and bow. I, of course, had to scritch that butt sticking up in front of me. She got a kick out of that and made it a game. So she'd take another step and bow. I scritched. She took another step and bowed. I scritched......see why it took so long?

We visited my sister down in Virginia. We decided to go shopping and we left my two girls downstairs with my sister's lab, where we thought it was 'safe'. When we got back, my sister's lab was all upset and "talking" to her family. Then we saw what seemed to be a dead rat in the middle of the playroom. All slobbery wet, but not torn up. Upon closer examination, we realized Topaz got to one of the nieces' gerbils.....oops.

If I stuck my tongue out and gave Topaz the raspberry, she would roooo.

When I asked her to speak, her mouth moved but nothing came out.

On several occasions when we went to the local petstore (small family owned, not a big box store), Topaz would steal a toy and run around the store. (when we visited, since we were friends, the girls were allowed off leash inside) I bought a lot of toys for her that way.

Remember that teddy bear? Well, being a human toy, not a dog toy, the stuffing is not like giant wads of cotton. She and Brindle started on a great game of tug-o-war with that toy. Both thought they had won and started to shake their piece. They had decapitated it and the small foam pieces were flying all around the backyard (windy day of course).......it looked like it was snowing.

One unfortunate bunny made it's nest in the middle of Topaz's backyard. Well for months/years afterwards, Topaz would go to the hole and start digging (it ended up a couple feet deep eventually). After a couple good swipes with her feet, she take a sniff then jump up into a puppy upper and run around like her tail was on fire.


She would rest her head on the back of the sofa to watch me work in the kitchen.


sigh.....next monday you would have been 16. Still a reachable age had you even made it to 6.

Momma still loves you and misses you very much my little clown. My Punkin Pie.



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Guest Che_mar_Cody

She'll always be a part of you! I know some days it just seems like they just left us, and you can still feel that loneliness and pain. Run Free sweet Topaz :grouphug

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They each seem to have their own special place in our hearts, where memories live and what is lost is really very much there.



The more I see of man, the more I like dogs. ~Mme. de Staël
Missing my Bridge Angels Ryce, Bo, Jim, Miss Millie, Miss Rose, Gustopher P Jones (Pimpmaster G), Miss Isabella and Miss Star

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A beautiful tribute to a beautiful soul. :grouphug

Greyhound angels at the bridge- Casey, Charlie, Maggie, Molly, Renie, Lucy & Teddy. Beagle angels Peanut and Charlie. And to all the 4 legged Bridge souls who have touched my heart, thank you. When a greyhound looks into you eyes it seems they touch your very soul.

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more then he loves himself". Josh Billings


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Guest lynne893

She sounds like the very reason why we all love these goofball dogs so much.


Thank you for sharing your beautiful Topaz's story with us. It made my evening!

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Guest HappyHarleysMom

A beautiful tribute for a beautiful girl. Thanks for sharing those wonderful stories and the pics. I love the pic of her happy and leaping in the wheat field.


It's been almost 8 years since I lost Wag. Sometimes it seems like yesterday, and sometimes it seems like a lifetime ago, but they are always in our hearts with love.


Remembering your beautiful Topaz


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