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Jaynie Recheck Results - One Month After Coming Home

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We saw Dr. Norris on Monday for a recheck. (Jaynie's original story is here and follow-up is here.)


The good news is that her weight is up to 60.5lbs, and her spleen, which had been very enlarged, is back to normal.


Her blood pressure is still a bit high (systolic is 173 and shouldn't be higher than 150) so he is increasing the benazepril dosage a bit.


Her blood values were good on the whole, however, Creatinine is up from a month ago to 211 (was 196 and top end of normal is 141). This is a big disappointment, as is her urine specific gravity, which is 1.017 - slightly better than last time, but well below minimum normal of 1.025.


Platelets were a bit low but the report indicated there was clumping, so he's not concerned about this.


He is having the tick titers run again at North Carolina State University - those will come back in about 10 days. He is interested to see what the Babesia in particular looks like, as she was a low positive on the test run in October.


Ignoring the tests, outwardly, she is a happy, lively dog - hard to believe how critically ill she was less than 2 months ago. She does zoomies (inside and out) eats with gusto, and kills stuffies with great energy and enthusiasm. A bit of a goat though - left to herself she'd eat the bits she pulls off.


So we will continue with a restricted diet (supplemented with her buttery one egg omelets) and the benazepril, and hope for better creatinine, BP and SG values at our next recheck in February.

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Based on how sick Jaynie was, this really is a good report.

I'm not sure how to read the Creat with this scale but I do know most of mine have run a high Creat with a normal BUN.

She's happy,eating, gained weight and very much loved. Life is good!


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest Energy11
:getwell Yes, based on how sick she was prior, this sound like a very good report. Babesia can be a HORRIBLE disease. If they do find it, and treat, she should be fine. I am hoping, however, she has NO TBDs! Love, hugs and lots of prayers for your and that baby girl! :wub:
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Guest eaglflyt

I'm so happy for you and her ... she's feeling better and enjoying being home. We'll keep hoping for those lab values to go into normal ranges and for the Babesia titer to reveal the best next steps. :)

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Pardon me if this has been covered- I'm too lazy to read the original post- but how familiar with greyhounds is your vet? If the systolic is 173, greyhounds naturally run a bit high; Dr. Stack- who is a bit of an authority on the breed- says 160-170-80 is normal:




Similarly, she puts creatinine at up to 1.6x that of other breeds; so, if high normal is 141 for dogs, it could be... 225 for a greyhound. And with platelets, Dr. Stack advises thusly:


"Greyhounds can normally run low platelets - all the way down to 80,000 - 110,000."


That is with the caveat that tickborne diseases (TBDs) can also lower platelets, but you know that and already have it covered, I see. :)


Anyway- I know Dr. Cuoto did a big study a couple of years back on blood pressure, as it related to blood donor dogs, in greyhounds; I can't get access to the full article, so I don't know specifically what values were held as "normal." But 173 doesn't seem too-too wacky, according to Dr. Stack.

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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This is good news, Mary! it was only a month ago that we were sitting in your living room drinking wine, wishing that she was there, also.

Xavi the galgo and Peter the cat. Missing Iker the galgo ?-Feb.9/19, Treasure (USS Treasure) April 12/01-May 6/13, Phoenix (Hallo Top Son) Dec.14/99-June 4/11 and Loca (Reko Swahili) Oct.9/95 - June 1/09, Allen the boss cat, died late November, 2021, age 19.

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