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Iris Is Gone


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Guest jeannejj

I am so sorry for your loss of Iris. That final gift of love is very hard. May your beautiful memories bring peace to your aching heart.



Run free, sweet Iris.




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Guest WYOwhy

I just saw this and my heart is hurting for you. I am so sorry for your loss!


I can still see in my mind the picture you posted many moons ago with her standing there so regal and beautiful in her crocheted coat. What a sweet and beautiful hound she was. We will always remember her fondly.

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Deep felt sympathies to you :grouphug May the memories replace the grief in time and smile again when you think of both of them.


"To err is human, to forgive, canine" Audrey, Nova, Cosmo and Holden in NY - Darius and Asia you are both irreplaceable and will be forever in my heart beatinghearts.gif
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I'm so sorry. It's never easy. :f_white :f_white

ANGELS: SUSIE (BANDIT SUE) 3/26/1991-5/13/2006, TIPPER (MPS KRISTINA) 7/23/1999-2/4/2008, LADYBUG (BB'S LADYBUG) 5/19/2005-7/9/2008,
HAPPY 12/2000-10/9/2013, RICHY (DON L RICHY RICH) 11/5/2002-5/17/2015, DARREN 9/24/2005-3/2/2017, TUCKER (AWESOME ABILITY) 12/29/2004-12/4/2017,
BUG (BB'S DANCING BUG) 5/19/2005-11/17/2018, Dee (KIOWA DIANDRA) 10/9/2007-6/20/2022, Buddy (PJ PLUTARCH) 11/21/2013-9/8/2023)

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Oh, she's beautiful! I'm so sorry you lost your precious Iris.

Nancy, Mom to Evangelina and Kiva
Missing Lacey, Patsy, Buster, my heart dog Nick, Winnie, Pollyanna, Tess, my precious Lydia, Calvin Lee, my angel butterfly Laila, and kitties Lily, Sam and Simon
My Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/Catsburgandhoundtown

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