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Rickie Has A Bad Foot Infection

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Yesterday morning Rickie was limping a bit. It happens from time to time - he's 11 and he has arthritis. By early afternoon I thought one of the toes on his left front foot looked swollen. DH thought I was imagining things. By dinner time there was no question and a couple of hours later the whole foot was huge, with one toe in particular looking especially bad. The underside was bruising and he wouldn't bear weight at all.


Off to the e-vet. By the time the vet saw us (it was busy), the swelling was moving up his leg and the foot was weeping blood. X-rays showed no breaks or bone issues, vet felt it was an infection (x-rays showed no bone implicated, thank goodness). Under good light and using a magnifying glass, vet could find no trauma - not a cut, puncture, not even a scratch. The origin of this infection is a mystery.


We went home at 1AM with Metacam, Tramadol, Baytril and Clindamycin. Vet chose not to culture - didn't think it was a good idea to stick a needle in the foot at that point, which would have been the only way to get a proper sample - taking from the weeping area on the outside of the foot would be too contaminated.


Vet called early this AM to say the bloodwork looked OK - white cell count was a little elevated, but everything else was in proportion, so no sign of real toxicity, thank goodness.


Rickie is at least starting to bear weight on the foot and it looks somewhat less awful than last evening, so the meds must be helping, however, we are heading into catch-22 territory - he needs food with most of these meds, but his appetite is gone. I'll call my regular vet in the AM to see if I can get something for his tummy. In the meantime, roasted chicken and vanilla Ensure are still OK.


This is so small compared to many worse health issues many hounds are experiencing, but scary how quickly it appeared "out of nowhere".

Edited by Rickiesmom
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This is so small compared to many worse health issues many hounds are experiencing, but scary how quickly it appeared "out of nowhere".


Not at all "small." Bacterial infections can quickly get out of hand, and be severely debilitating- even fatal- if not acted upon promptly. I'm glad the clindamycin and Baytril seem to be effective.


Glad to hear he'll still nibble on something- keep it up!

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Poor Rickie! Glad to hear the meds seem to be working! Sending lots of good thoughts your way! :goodluck :goodluck :goodluck


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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Guest greymama002
:kiss2 to Rickie and hope he continues to improve & keep his strength up. That is so scary when things appear so suddenly without an apparent cause! :bighug
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Guest Tenderhearts

Here's hoping he gets well and you can still get him to eat! I was going to suggest the vanilla Ensure, but I see you already are using that!


:hope :hope :hope:kiss2 <----- for Rickie


:grouphug :grouphug <------- for you :)

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Guest jerrybird

Has the swelling gone down? I think it's a good idea to have your regular vet look at him too. Hope he continues to improve for you.

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Guest Energy11

Might want to give a Pepcid AC about 30 minutes before his meds, with a little Ensure or yogert, if he'll eat it. You can CRUSH the Pepcid and mix in the Ensure, if that is all he will eat. Poor guy! Yes, infections CAN really get out of control. Might have been a VERY small puncture wound on the pad/foot, dirt got in, etc., etc., ....


Hope he feels better, and the meds sound like what he needs! Give him a huge hug for us!

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Guest LynnM

Foot infections are miserable! I'm glad this one is coming under control pretty quickly. Make sure you're rinsing it off several times per day (outside with the hose is perfect). Dilution is the solution to pollution!



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Has the swelling gone down? I think it's a good idea to have your regular vet look at him too. Hope he continues to improve for you.

Thanks - I forgot to mention we have an appointment for Tuesday and if need be I'll move it up to Monday. Reason for waiting the extra day is to get the vet I like and trust the most.


The swelling has definitely gone down somewhat though it has a ways to go. But given the quick progression to worse prior to the e-vet visit, it looks like things are heading in the right direction.


I am cleaning the foot gently several times a day, initially with peroxide, now with witchhazel, and will give it an Epsom salts soak this evening and a couple of times tomorrow too. It's bitter-appled so he doesn't lick, and at night that is reinforced with a light sock. He is somewhat zonked with the Tramadol, which for now is helpful.


Thank you all for your suggestions (I'll pick up some Pepcid) and well wishes.

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Guest Energy11
Has the swelling gone down? I think it's a good idea to have your regular vet look at him too. Hope he continues to improve for you.

Thanks - I forgot to mention we have an appointment for Tuesday and if need be I'll move it up to Monday. Reason for waiting the extra day is to get the vet I like and trust the most.


The swelling has definitely gone down somewhat though it has a ways to go. But given the quick progression to worse prior to the e-vet visit, it looks like things are heading in the right direction.


I am cleaning the foot gently several times a day, initially with peroxide, now with witchhazel, and will give it an Epsom salts soak this evening and a couple of times tomorrow too. It's bitter-appled so he doesn't lick, and at night that is reinforced with a light sock. He is somewhat zonked with the Tramadol, which for now is helpful.


Thank you all for your suggestions (I'll pick up some Pepcid) and well wishes.

WE use the generic Pepcid here. Saves a lot. You can get it anywhere. Wal-mart has the best deals. Hope everything continues to improve!

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Sending hugs to Rickie. Hope he heals quickly. I hate when you have no idea how.

Casual Bling & Hope for Hounds
Janet & the hounds Maggie and Allen Missing my baby girl Peanut, old soul Jake, quirky Jet, Mama Grandy and my old Diva Miz Foxy; my angel, my inspiration. You all brought so much into my light, and taught me so much about the power of love, you are with me always.
If you get the chance to sit it out or dance.......... I hope you dance! Missing our littlest girl.

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This is so small compared to many worse health issues many hounds are experiencing


NOT when it comes to Rickie Ekko says. She worrys about her friend, and we're both glad to hear the swelling has gone down some. The Epsom Salt soak should really help as well, and the Pepcid should help his stomach.


Mary, please keep us posted on how he's doing


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest eaglflyt

OH, I hope the antibiotics kick the infection out quickly. Infections can be scary to deal with. I'm praying he gets better quickly and has a full recovery.


Shelly in OK

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Guest Flysmom

Sending positive thoughts that the swelling will go down and that Rickie feels better soon! Having your Greyhound start to limp and his/her paw start to swell is a horribel feeling! Every Greyhound is important!!

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Sending positive thoughts that the swelling will go down and that Rickie feels better soon! Having your Greyhound start to limp and his/her paw start to swell is a horribel feeling! Every Greyhound is important!!

Thank you for the good thoughts. In the interest of full disclosure, Rickie is a whippet - should have mentioned that - I've posted about him so often that sometimes I forget.

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