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What Happened To Jed

Guest EmbersDad

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Guest EmbersDad

as im sure most of you know, i lost my big brindle boy jed, last saturday. it happened quite suddenly and he passed within 2 hrs. from a pm with a fellow greytalker and talking to others, we THINK it may have been a hemangiosarcoma. im posting here to see if anyone has any other thoughts.


he went out about 1045 with althea for a final bathroom break. when i let them in about 5 min. later, he was whimpering and slinking around, in some obvious discomfort. i noticed what i thought was a small lump ( maybe golf ball size) on his neck. i tried to examine it but he kept moving around. a few minutes later, he came out of the crate into my office and appeared to begin choking. he then started spewing blood...not just a little. at the e vet, he needed a blood transfusion and they got him stable. as they began to wake him up and raise his blood pressure, he began to bleed again. when they wheeled him in for me to say goodbye, that lump was the size of a softball. the said he had trouble breathing and im guessing that choked off his air. i was in shock at that point and just made arrangements for a private cremation and did not think to ask for a necropsy.


i really do not think the e vet did a very good job with him. she never mentioned any alternatives and continued to proceed like it was some form of trauma. i really do not think the outcome would have been any different.


so, i welcome thoughts and theories.



tom and althea

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Guest IrskasMom



Tom ..... the shock over Jed's passing has not worn of. I have no Answer or any Idea what could have happen . I am

so sorry for your Loss of Ember and now Jed. Thank God you have Althea by your Side . I think like you , that the Outcome

would have been any different, but sometimes the urgency of a Vet or their Suggestion could have helped you . We

will never know. Take Care of yourself and Althea . :):):)

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Guest Tuxsmom

I have no answers, but I remember you mentioned two lacerations inside his mouth. Does that support the idea of hemangiosarcoma?


When I read that, and please forgive me if this sounds way stupid, but in my area of the world, this actually happens. I don't know where you live..rural or city or apartment or house...but anyways, is it possible he was shot somehow? with a scatter shot that penetrated his mouth and ruptured something in his neck? or if not shot, maybe punctured with a garden tool? wire? again, I dont' know anything about your yard...so I'm just throwing stuff out there.


I've had to deal with a few stray animals around here that have been shot. One through the neck that developed that type of abcess you mention. Of course, on the dog, we could see the entrance wounds...



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Guest EmbersDad
Tom have you talked to your regular vet about Jed and asked their opinion?


I hope you can figure out what happened to him :(



yes, she didnt have too much to offer other than if it was hemangiosarcoma, it is extremely rare since it usually presents on the heart and spleen....but then we all know, our dogs are far from normal...

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Tom, I did some research on Hemangiosarcoma in dogs. It is something that is impossible to predict before the symptoms appear. Jed's sudden onset and symptoms seem to very much be in line with this awful form of cancer. One of the websites referred to it as the "Silent Killer" because you have no warning. This is one of the links - perhaps it will help a bit. I am so very sorry about Jed having to leave you so soon.





Hobbes - April 2, 1994 to April 9, 2008-----Tasha - May 23, 2000 to March 31, 2013

Fiona - Aug 29, 2001 to May 5, 2014-----Bailey - March 22, 2001 to Jan 20, 2015

Zeke - June 1, 2004 - Jan 26, 2016----Callie - July 14, 2006 to July 27, 2019

Forever in my heart: Chooch, Molly, Dylan & Lucy

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Guest EmbersDad
I have no answers, but I remember you mentioned two lacerations inside his mouth. Does that support the idea of hemangiosarcoma?


When I read that, and please forgive me if this sounds way stupid, but in my area of the world, this actually happens. I don't know where you live..rural or city or apartment or house...but anyways, is it possible he was shot somehow? with a scatter shot that penetrated his mouth and ruptured something in his neck? or if not shot, maybe punctured with a garden tool? wire? again, I dont' know anything about your yard...so I'm just throwing stuff out there.


I've had to deal with a few stray animals around here that have been shot. One through the neck that developed that type of abcess you mention. Of course, on the dog, we could see the entrance wounds...





i checked my yard, nothing..everyones yard around mine is fenced in. i have no problems with neighbors and itw as quiet in the yard. the article i read on hemangiosarcoma mentioned a skin type and a hypodermal ( under the skin) that have been jsut recently investigated. its possible he had one of those and the lacerations were from that


Tom, I did some research on Hemangiosarcoma in dogs. It is something that is impossible to predict before the symptoms appear. Jed's sudden onset and symptoms seem to very much be in line with this awful form of cancer. One of the websites referred to it as the "Silent Killer" because you have no warning. This is one of the links - perhaps it will help a bit. I am so very sorry about Jed having to leave you so soon.





thats the article i read.

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as im sure most of you know, i lost my big brindle boy jed, last saturday. it happened quite suddenly and he passed within 2 hrs. from a pm with a fellow greytalker and talking to others, we THINK it may have been a hemangiosarcoma. ....


Tom, I must have missed this last week (sorry) ... my deepest condolences on Jed's passing.

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Guest Energy11

Sounds like some type of cancer, and I do agree with the fact that this was continued bleeding, and it was going into his lungs, and interferring with his breathing. Second guessing is part of this horrible grieving thing. We ALL do it.

We are sooo sorry for you loss, but you boy is without pain, and free now. :f_red:gh_run2:angelwings

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Guest PhillyPups

Tom, first :bighug


I know with the sudden loss of my Runner at way too young, I have second guessed myself to no end, was there something I should have known, did I miss something - and on and on.


I do not have any answers for you or for Runner, just deep gratitude that we got to share their journey, even if it was brief. :bighug

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There's no way to know :( .


Can't speak to all your e-vet's actions, but acting on assumption of trauma wasn't a bad thing for them to do. Between trauma and, say, a ruptured tumor .... at least you'd have a chance with trauma.


It could be, tho, that the lacerations in his mouth came from him pawing at himself, if he felt odd.


Just no way to know anything :( , and believe me I know how much that can drive an analytical person nuts.


Hope it's OK to send a guy some hugs 'cause there's a bunch coming at you.



Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Is it possible that he could have eaten something jagged/pointed/sharp? Some dogs will eat inappropriate things just because they're there (Mom's Corgi eats rocks). Sometimes it's something more sinister. When I was a child someone in our neighborhood thought it was funny to toss ground beef mixed with broken glass into people's yards. Since the vet found lacerations in Jed's mouth, perhaps these are possibilities. Were it not for those lacerations, I would agree that hemangiosarcoma sounds like the most likely culprit.


Whatever the cause, I'm sorry you lost your Jed. :(

Kristen with

Penguin (L the Penguin) Flying Penske x L Alysana

Costarring The Fabulous Felines: Squeak, Merlin, Bailey & Mystic


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What about an aneurysm ?......a swelling of an artery caused by pressure of blood flow through a weakened section of the vessel wall. They can often rupture suddenly with devastating results. Often times you never know you or your pet has one.

Carol-Glendale, AZ

Trolley (Figsiza Trollyn)

Nevada 1992-2008...always in my heart

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I don't know about a lump. But I lost my Brindle girl very suddenly to hemangio.


She was fine in the morning, then gone that night. She started bleeding internally, she went in for emergency surgery and they said they would not be able to stop the bleeding because cancer was throughout her body.


She had internal bleeding into her peritenial cavity.


I'm so sorry for your loss. It sucks.




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Guest Tenderhearts

Hemangio is called the silent killer for a reason. A good friend of mine lost her beloved Golden to it. I'm so sorry for your loss, Tom.

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Tom, I can give you my experience with our sweet DeeYoGee. He was perfectly fine, we had no clue that there was anything going on with him until the day he passed. He had a tumor on his spleen. From what the vet told us, hemangio is the type of tumor that causes no symptoms until it's too late. The tumors can rupture and depending where they are you have no clue, they can stop bleeding, the body can absorb the blood and then at some point in time rupture again. That's what happened with us. The day our baby passed away, he wouldn't eat. That was all, until that night when he went into our spare room, away from the family. I went in to see where he was and he was just standing there. He didn't look quite right so I brought him out and I noticed his gums had no color to them. It was at that point and told Mike there was something terribly wrong. We went off to the evet and he did a belly tap and our babies belly was full of blood. It turned out to be a tumor on the spleen. Even with surgery the vet told us he would probably only live for 3 to 6 months more because at that point the cancer had probably spread to many places in the body and we let our baby go.


I don't know if that helps you or not at this point but I thought I would throw it out there for you. I'm so sorry for your loss.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest IrskasMom



My Brain is going round and round ! Du you have lots of Squirrels in your Area /Yard ??? My Morty had one time, no two

times an altercation with Squirrels and he had two puncture Wounds on his Nose. Now if he should have tackled with a

Squirrel and they have razor sharp Claws ....... maybe just maybe one clawed him in the Mouth and it was bleeding heavily and

he swallowed all that Blood ??? Just guessing !

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Guest GentleHugs

I lost my heart girl to hemangiosarcoma a little over 2 years ago. It is indeed the silent killer. She's been the only hound that I've lost to cancer, too, out of the 4 that have passed and out of a total of 7 kids that I've adopted. She lacked 10 days before turning 12.


She was playing that morning and didn't show ANY symptoms at all until around 5pm that evening. She even ate dinner but as she walked away after eating, she almost fell over. That wasn't like her at all and that's when I knew something was seriously wrong. By the time we got her into the evet, she had NO pulse in her hind legs and when I saw the exray of her heart I knew. The mass on her heart was bigger than a golfball and she had mets in her lungs, too. The e vet didn't have to say a word. I just looked at him and said I'll need a few minutes to say goodbye to my baby girl. I had a close friend who lost one of her dogs the year before from the exact same thing. After I let her go in my arms, I asked him how long he thought she had it and he said hemangio is probably the most aggressive and the one type of cancer where symptoms don't show until it's too late. He said it usually takes them within a few days to maybe a week. Luckily I knew the e vet when he was a vet at another clinic and knew he was very grey savvy, too.


I'm so sorry you didn't have more time with Jed but for the short time he was in your life, he was here for a reason. You might know or not know what that reason was but he did know he was loved and it was obvious he loved you, too.

Edited by GentleHugs
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Guest ThunderPaws

I am so sorry about your Jed.... :(


I lost my GreenBean to hemangiosarcoma, she had no symptoms, until she collapsed one day and bled out from a ruptured spleen. Cancer had already spread into her lungs and liver. She crossed peacefully at the e-vet, but I couldn't believe she was gone so quickly...

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