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Administering Pills

Guest izzi_iz_lazi

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Guest izzi_iz_lazi

We've just had our new hound, Izzi, in for her first vet check-up. All went well except for the fact that she has hookworm. They are nasty looking creatures :eek


Anyone have any advice/tricks into getting her to take her pill? I'm going to consult "Greyhounds for Dummies" when I get home.



Scott (and Izzi)

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You can try putting it in her food. If she's too smart for that, you can use a piece of cheese and wrap the pill in it, you can use cream cheese, peanut butter, liverwurst or even a hot dog. Anything she loves that's soft enough to put the pill in. She'll have eaten it before she knows it.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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My hounds love their pills wrapped in a bit of Hawaiian bread (or any bread, but they really like the sweet stuff) and smooshed into a ball with the pill inside. I always load up as many little balls of bread as I have pills so they like it when they've got lots of pills.


If you have a second dog (even if it isn't a hound) give them empty balls of bread at the same time, and the competition for the "next" piece will be sure to keep them from chewing, LOL.


If Izzi turns her nose up at the bread, try Liverwurst.

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Guest koolaidnconner

Yeah peanut butter was our favorite when Conner had hookworms. He did get to a point that he would not ake any food as he knew what was in it so we had to do the old fashion way grab him open up his mouth and shove them down.

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Guest BlackandBrindle

I bought a pill gun. Sadie gets pills twice a day and I don't have a lot of extra time in the morning to get her to take it.


I give her a cookie immediately afterwards.


Roy puts it in peanut butter or marshmallows work well too. We did liverwurst but that made me want to vomit. Cheese is fine but we don't often have cheese (I'm lactose intolerant :lol )...

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I use hot dogs for my two. I tried peanut butter but the both figured out how to lick it off the pill and then spit out the pill. :rolleyes: The hot dog is something they rarely get so when I put a pill in it they've swallowed it before they realize there is medicine in it.

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Guest eaglflyt

Our girl is on antibiotics and an anti-inflammatory currently. We use Pill Pockets and she loves them. The stink like crazy! But, we've also used hot dogs pieces and just shove the pill inside the piece of hot dog. Ady is currently on 4 pills a day and she comes running when she hears me getting her medicine ready ... looking forward to her Pill Pockets!

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Guest sheila

another hot dogger here. My hounds will jump up and catch a treat in mid-air and so the pilled hot dog is down the chute before the hound knows that he has been pilled.

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Guest Energy11

Good Lord! Seems everyone is coming up with Hookworms! :-(


I have to give Curfew four pills, twice a day for his "condition ..." I use Velveeta cheese ... roll them into balls! He loves it! Good luck with the worms!

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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

I guess I am just a big meanie. I manually pill the dog. I lift the head with one hand, pinch open the mouth, put the pill with my other hand at the back of the mouth, close mouth, rub neck to ensure swallowing. Then give a treat afterwards.

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Guest Mommydog

Up until recently Joe was on 11 pills a day, now he's down to 6 :P I buy the packs of wafer thin ham, and cut a strip of it, roll the tablet up in it, and it goes down no probs. In fact he comes running now when he hears me getting them out of the blister packs :lol

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greyhound are the easiest to pill. just open their mouth and shove the pill down their throat. the neck and throat are the same size, that's why we use martingale collars. after it is down their throat, your fingers should be a tad slimey, close the mouth and rub their neck. this way you know they got their dose! you can always give them a reward after, to ensure swallowing and they will come back for more pills since they have been rewarded. ah, it take a second!

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Guest TexasGreytMom
I guess I am just a big meanie. I manually pill the dog. I lift the head with one hand, pinch open the mouth, put the pill with my other hand at the back of the mouth, close mouth, rub neck to ensure swallowing. Then give a treat afterwards.


We do the same - so quick, painless and easy.


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Guest PhillyPups
I guess I am just a big meanie. I manually pill the dog. I lift the head with one hand, pinch open the mouth, put the pill with my other hand at the back of the mouth, close mouth, rub neck to ensure swallowing. Then give a treat afterwards.


We do the same - so quick, painless and easy.


Another meanie here :wave

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Guest IndysDad

Another Pill Pockets person here....any and all of our crew that need meds absolutely love the Pill Pockets...my guys are real pro's at eating the hot dog and not the pill, same for the marshmallow, peanut butter and they're especially good at sucking bread from around the pills also :rolleyes: It's a little disappointing to watch your hound slurp, slobber, chew and finally send the pill out of their mouth in a gentle arc towards the floor :lol


Anyway, the Pill Pockets just work wonderfully for us.



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VELVEETA!!!!!!! It is the only thing that has worked here for any length of time. Shanti gets medicine 2x a day EVERYDAY of her life. I buy the generic Ralphs version. She refuses meat, meatballs, cream cheese, sandwich meat, hot dogs and many more. On rare occasion she thinks of refusing it, but I put it in her mouth and she eats it then takes the other one willingly.

The Girls

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