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My New Boy Broke His Leg

Guest urchin

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Guest urchin

I've been lurking for awhile, but decided that this problem warranted a first post. A couple of weeks ago, my DH and I adopted our third greyhound, Blue (we were really original with the name :blink:) We also have an Irish Setter. As we have a very small backyard, we take the dogs to the park daily. They have favorite friends there, the park is very large and fenced - they really get to tear it up. Eager to get Blue used to the routine, we gave him a couple of days to settle in and started taking him too. All was going well until someone decided to allow their chihahau's run free on the outside of the park. You can all probably imagine what happened next - Blue decided these were pretty interesting and ran to the fence, then he put his paws at the top at the fence (just under 5'-0" high) and watched. Just as my DH reached for his collar he sprang from his back legs only and was over like it was nothing. You're probably all thinking I am an idiot, but honestly, although I've heard they can jump fences like that, I've never seen one even come close to attempting it. There are at least a dozen greyhounds that have come to the park over the years.


We, of course, pretty much freaked out and screamed at everyone (at least a dozen people were with the chihahau's) to grab his collar. They all just stood there smiling, like this was funny. In Blue's excitement he ran right into a 'decorative' fire hydrant at the park, shattering his front leg and flying across the sidewalk with a sickening thud and yelp. My husband was right there and in tears because it was obvious the leg was broken, Blue was yelping in pain and of course there's not a lot you can do but keep him calm.


Needless to say, we felt absolutely incompetant. We've had this gorgeous, sweet dog for less than a week and we let this happen :cry1 After a trip to the emergency vet, a two night stay and $4K later he's home and actually, doing pretty well, all things considered. He has an external fixator on the front leg, but the swelling has really gone down and he's generally calm and happy. Here's the problem - he's trying to lick it, especially when I'm gone - I work but have been coming home at lunch, so he's unattended for two four hour stretches each day. The vet has put the fear of god in me telling me if he licks it at all it will get infected and he will have to start all over. He must be confined to the crate, so an ecollar is out because it won't fit. I don't think the bite-not is going to work because it's his front leg and there are pins all of the way down by the ankle joint. I tried muzzling with a piece of fiberglass screening layered on the inside (better air than duct tape) but I came home one day to find the muzzle on the outside of the crate and Blue on the inside. Apparently he worked his head through the corner of the crate and used it as leverage to remove the muzzle. All of the corners of the crate are now zip-tied shut, but I'm still worried he might get stuck. He has worn all of the fur off of the back of his neck trying to remove the muzzle.


Are there any other thoughts about what could be done to keep him from licking? I have to go back to work Monday and would like to not be sitting there terrified he's doing more damage. BTW, while I'm typing this he's laying next to me on the bed completely unfazed by the whole thing, hasn't even tried to lick this morning. Despite everything he is settling in really well, eating great and is a super addition to the family!

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Guest Energy11

This is one of the MANY reasons I HATE dog parks! Idiot people with little doggies that they do not control. One GPA group in Florida, totally advises against doggie parks, unless it is "greyhound day." This wasn't your fault, at all.


RE, keeping him away from the foot? Only suggestion I have is, keeping the E-collar on, but him OUT of the crate during the day. Sound like the crate is stressing him, and that could be your problem. OR, what about muzzling and not using the crate? Do you think he'd keep the muzzle on outside the crate?


Good luck with this one for sure!

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Guest kydie

What about he use of baby gates, when you are not at home, is the reason you crate him due to the fact he gets into things? Because if it is the ecollar will prevent this during the day while you work. I love baby gates!

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Guest greytloves

Good golly what a first week! :grouphug


These things happen, lesson learned, don't beat yourself up. Just give him lots of love.


It may be the crating is stressing him. Is there a room you could let him have free roam in? Maybe the muzzle was on too loose? (however, someone always seems to figure it out!) I know you have already paid out the nose for his repair, but could you drop him off someplace during the day when you are at work? Maybe having someone with him that can distract and watch him?


BTW, Welcome! and even with this excitement, pictures still needed!

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Guest urchin

I know everyone hates the parks, but it's the only way ours get any really good exercise, and they do love it, much more than leash walks around the neighborhood. Once the housing market changes we are going to get a house with a bigger yard!


He's not supposed to be walking on the leg except to go to the bathroom, so he must be crated. Additionally, since he's so new to the house, I would have crated him anyway for these first few weeks until he gets the hang of things. Believe it or not, the crate seems to be ok for him - he's even sitting in there on his own with the door open, it's the muzzle that's driving him nuts, because he can't play with toys or hold the tennis ball. I think he feels a little vulnerable being injured with the rest of the pack around, so he feels like it's his 'space'. He has a checkup in another two weeks and I'm hoping at that point they tell me he can be allowed to at least be confined to a room rather than the crate, until then I'm just trying to keep him from being beyond bored and licking :colgate


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Guest urchin

I like the concept of the baby gate, but even with the broken leg *someone* managed to get the paws on the kitchen counter while I was putting peanut butter on the meds, so I don't think the gate will contain him, he'll just jump over it and cause more damage - smart little guy. I'm going to try and add his pic, he's quite the looker.



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I'm so sorry this happened to you & Blue. :( But glad to hear that surgery went well & he seems comfortable. :getwell


Would an ex-pen work for a non-crate set-up? Or do you still need to keep him crated for house-training purposes? It sounds like he's licking from boredom (who can blame him) while you're gone. Since he's muzzled, I guess Kongs are out of the question. Can someone come in at other times of the day (mid-morning & mid-afternoon) to give him some attention & check up on him? A neighbor, friend, pet-sitter?




Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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Guest greytloves

How about one of those Yak bones that Lori sells? A Dogs Dream is the store. I know mine love them and would chew for hours. More if I would let them. Maybe that could help distract? Maybe some soft music to help settle him down? Dope his butt up? (OK, I know, I know but maybe it could work for the most active days and just for a few days)


So, you have to keep him inactive, so a crate is good for that but his mind is still active. Crate situated where he can see lots of things?


Thats it for me, I'm out of ideas! Good luck keeping him still. At least its just temporary.

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Just checking to make sure we are talking about this boy.


Is this your baby boy


M's Sherrie Ray



The more I see of man, the more I like dogs. ~Mme. de Staël
Missing my Bridge Angels Ryce, Bo, Jim, Miss Millie, Miss Rose, Gustopher P Jones (Pimpmaster G), Miss Isabella and Miss Star

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Guest urchin

Yup, that's him!!! House training has been going really well, so I wouldn't worry about a slightly bigger 'pen' area. This is what we tried this morning, per the vet: cleaned the pins, wrapped the ex-fix with an ace bandage and sprayed it with bitter apple. He hasn't touched it. I am going to go to the store for about a half-hour and see if he tries to remove it. If not I'll keep upping the time this weekend until I feel confident he won't tear it off. I'm also going to check out one of those comfy cones - maybe that will work! Thanks all for your kind replies.

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This being summer, I wonder if there's a trustworthy neighborhood teenager whom you could pay a few bucks to sit with him while you're gone.


Prayers for good healing.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Guest GreytMuse

Welcome to GreyTalk (and out of lurkerdom!). :) I have no good medical advice to offer, just well wishes for a quick, uneventful healing for your gorgeous boy.


Please don't beat yourself up over this; things can happen no matter how many precautions we try to take. I can totally see my Steven doing the exact same thing to get at the chihuahuas.


Please keep us updated and let us know how Blue is doing.

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Yup, that's him!!! House training has been going really well, so I wouldn't worry about a slightly bigger 'pen' area. This is what we tried this morning, per the vet: cleaned the pins, wrapped the ex-fix with an ace bandage and sprayed it with bitter apple. He hasn't touched it. I am going to go to the store for about a half-hour and see if he tries to remove it. If not I'll keep upping the time this weekend until I feel confident he won't tear it off. I'm also going to check out one of those comfy cones - maybe that will work! Thanks all for your kind replies.


I thought he sounded familiar! Welcome to GT and welcome again to the Friends of Greyhounds family. I know that Blue has an extremely high prey drive so is probably not good dog park material. Call Lee, FoGs kennel manager. She will help you with what you might need. Cell phone number is, with her permission, 305-310-6367.


Leslie G


The more I see of man, the more I like dogs. ~Mme. de Staël
Missing my Bridge Angels Ryce, Bo, Jim, Miss Millie, Miss Rose, Gustopher P Jones (Pimpmaster G), Miss Isabella and Miss Star

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If the bitter apple works I would stick to that.


Another thing that usually works is Vicks VapoRub. Putting it like you do the bitter apple, on the pins or near, but, not on the incision.


Most dogs hate the menthol smell.


I see your boy ran at Lincoln and Mardi Gras, use to be called Hollywood. His last race was May 10th and the comment was Bumped 1st turn. That's not an unusual comment, but, he must have done something to have them retire a two year old dog. He won a couple of races, but, wasn't real competitive at these upper grade tracks. I'm sure they would have sent him to a mid grade track and with his speed he would have done good.



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Guest urchin
Yup, that's him!!! House training has been going really well, so I wouldn't worry about a slightly bigger 'pen' area. This is what we tried this morning, per the vet: cleaned the pins, wrapped the ex-fix with an ace bandage and sprayed it with bitter apple. He hasn't touched it. I am going to go to the store for about a half-hour and see if he tries to remove it. If not I'll keep upping the time this weekend until I feel confident he won't tear it off. I'm also going to check out one of those comfy cones - maybe that will work! Thanks all for your kind replies.


I thought he sounded familiar! Welcome to GT and welcome again to the Friends of Greyhounds family. I know that Blue has an extremely high prey drive so is probably not good dog park material. Call Lee, FoGs kennel manager. She will help you with what you might need. Cell phone number is, with her permission, 305-310-6367.


Leslie G





My other two greyhounds are also FoG, so I felt sick calling Michelle telling her what happened, but she was able to give me another vet's name for a second opinion, etc. I'll try Lee too and see if she can offer other suggestions. Thank god he's such a mellow boy indoors or this would be excruciating for him. He seems to have minimal separation anxiety, though he likes the other dogs to be within view, so during the day they're all hanging out in the living room with the TV on. If you could see him now, asleep with his jowl stuck to the floor, you wouldn't even know he broke his leg. I'm laughing just looking at him.

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Who are the other two hounds you have from us?

The more I see of man, the more I like dogs. ~Mme. de Staël
Missing my Bridge Angels Ryce, Bo, Jim, Miss Millie, Miss Rose, Gustopher P Jones (Pimpmaster G), Miss Isabella and Miss Star

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Guest urchin




Who are the other two hounds you have from us?



I have Jake (Bow Big Jake), who will be 7 in August and Woody (Lil in Contempt), who is 9. I adopted them 4 and 5 years ago respectively, so I haven't been down to the kennel for awhile. I was feeling the need for a youngster, I guess. Woody especially seems like he's getting older, Jake is still a live wire - he is one wacky Greyhound.

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Guest Energy11

Once the housing market changes we are going to get a house with a bigger yard!


Trust me, I Know about this! Had a house in Central Florida! Where are you guys located there?


In lieu of a dog park, we contacted our local parks and rec, and they actually allowed us to use the fenced in baseball area for our dogs to frolic! :-) Ya never know ... worth asking.


Good luck with this one. I like that x-pen idea, too!

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Leslie -


Call me

HM 305-223-7979

Cell 305-439-8267



The more I see of man, the more I like dogs. ~Mme. de Staël
Missing my Bridge Angels Ryce, Bo, Jim, Miss Millie, Miss Rose, Gustopher P Jones (Pimpmaster G), Miss Isabella and Miss Star

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couldnt' you put a tube sock over it to keep him from licking? cut the bottom off and actually let some of the hardware poke through the sock so that when he licks he will have a hard time getting it to slide off...



Michelle...forever missing her girls, Holly 5/22/99-9/13/10 and Bailey 8/1/93-7/11/05

Religion is the smile on a dog...Edie Brickell

Wag more, bark less :-)

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Guest Energy11
couldnt' you put a tube sock over it to keep him from licking? cut the bottom off and actually let some of the hardware poke through the sock so that when he licks he will have a hard time getting it to slide off...



Wowee!! What a good idea! See what all of our collective idea do? I will definitely have to remember that for our next dog first aid class! Thanks a ton! DEE

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I'm so sorry that you're having to deal with this accident so soon after adopting him (he's GORGEOUS, by the way).


My little boy is keeping away from his own wounds with a t-shirt. You might consider it (or a long-sleeved shirt or turtleneck) if you don't have any luck with just the bitter apple or vicks. I'm sure some alterations will be needed to avoid getting overheated, but hopefully scissors and creativity are your friends!


Good luck!

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Try spreading a liberal application of peanut butter on the inside of the fiberglas screening you're putting inside of the muzzle. Let him amuse himself licking off a lot of peanut butter.


Be prepared to find him wearing some of the peanut butter on his own muzzle, but a damp washcloth will take care of the worst of it.


The peanut butter will distract him. The Bitter Apple and the sock over the fixator will discourage him, I hope.

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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