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Pack Behavior

Guest myjazzy

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Guest myjazzy

This morning I woke up to barking and an overall commotion. When I went to look what it was all about, Cafe was having a seizure and Gem had bitten into Cafe's back leg and was trying to pull it off it seemed. I got Gem off Cafe and put her outside until the seizure was over. It was too late to take her to the e-vet and too early to go to the regular vet, but I called the e-vet anyway, and they told me to wait until my regular vet opened and take her in.


The wound is pretty bad. I could see a lot of muscle exposed and it went all the way through. There was surprisingly little blood for how bad the wound looks. Poor Cafe is very sore, although she can walk, which I guess is good.


We are working on getting Cafe's seizures under control, but haven't gotten there yet. The last time she had one, I had to keep Gem off Cafe, so without me there awake to intervene, it escalated. Cafe is crated when I'm not home, for her safety, but I will probably have to crate her at night also or set up an x-pen, or muzzle Gem at night.


How have those of you with a seizure dog and multiple dogs deal with the safety issue?


I didn't even think to take pictures of Cafe's leg before taking her in, but I will post pictures of her when she comes home.

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Guest Spencers_Greyt

Oh my gosh I'm so so sorry! What a thing to have to deal with! Poor Cafe and poor Gem who can't help herself. I don't have dogs with seizure problems but I would either crate one or the other dog at night or muzzle Gem. Huggies to your poor girl and I hope she heals quickly.


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Guest greytbookert

I don't have any experience but others on here have had similar situations and should be able to provide advice. From what I understand, it can be normal behavior for a dog to attack a dog that is having a seizure. I'm so sorry that your girl is hurt! I hope that she heals up soon!



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I'm so very sorry this happened and sendyour Cafe lots of good thoughts and prayers for quick healing.

I had a seizure dog and my dogs would pack up if he had a seizure. If I wasn't right there by them, I muzzled everyone. Crating for the seizure dog wasn't an option due to his having huge issues with being crated/separation anxiety etc. Even with muzzling, the pack would still run to him if he seized and they'd still try to gang up on him, so if you can crate, I think it would be the safest option, but be aware that these dogs can still bite through the wires of a crate etc. and if you muzzle, they can still use their feet.

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Guest myjazzy

Thanks everyone. I think I'm still a bit shell-shocked.


Cafe is not crazy about going into her crate, but a treat works and then she has not problem with it. When I'm not there, everyone is contained. The three original hounds are put up in their "room" The rest are crated in the living room in different areas of the room. The two little ones share a crate, my spook goes to his crate when he sees any hint of me leaving and waits for me to close the door, and Cafe (who will do anything for food) will follow the treat into the crate and then doesn't seem to mind staying there because everyone else is contained.


The main problem is when I'm sleeping, since well...I'm asleep. Jetstar and the little ones sleep in the bed with me, but the other four, come and go into my room during the night. Cafe may not be crazy about the crate at first, but she'll probably get used to it. I was thinking an x-pen may work, but was wondering how safe that would be.

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Keeping your little girl in our prayers.

I know this is normal behavior, but I hate it!!

If Judy(Jillysfullhouse) doesn't see this thread, pm her, she has a lot of experience dealing with this


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



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Guest snakes

Ug, what a situation, i am thankfull everyday that UPS does not react at all to FedX having a seizure. Maybe an Xpen with some sort of bumpers like baby cribs have around the sides? that would protect Cafe in times of a seizure and also prevent a foot or tail or whatever from slipping out during a seizure or the other dogs teeth getting in?


Muzzles could work but i would be afraid they would still try to get at cafe and those muzzles are awfully hard and it could be extremely stressfull for Cafe during or after the seizure.

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Guest GreysAndMoreGreys

I had a GSD, Willow who would have seizures. Always in the wee early morning hours (between 1am and 4am) but thankfully Willow always slept on the bed with me right against my legs so when she would go into a seizure I was awake in a nano second.


Cassie was the WORST on wanting to attack Willow. She did 2 times while I was at work and a roommate was suppose to be watching my dogs <_<


Basically it's separate during any hours you are not home or not awake to prevent an attack.

X-pen is a good idea as it gives more room to Cafe if a seizure comes on. But then again I don't know how strong Gem's desire is to attack. IF it's crazy strong then Gem might just bully through the x-pen :(

Maybe best would be larger sized crate then normal with bumper pads to block off any open spaces where Cafe would get a paw or toe stuck.


I'm sure Cafe is super sore and fingers crossed for not too much damage. Pain meds will be her friend over the next few days :grouphug

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Guest mickie37

I had a foster who had seizures and I kept him in my bedroom at night. That way no one had to be muzzled or sleep in crates. I had a baby gate in the doorway and even when he had a seizure the rest of the family did not try to get through the gate. sad.gif

Good luck and I hope you get the seizures under control.


Ohio on the North Coast

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Guest KennelMom

Jillysfullhouse def has experience with this...I'm sure she'll chime in. We've only ever had one seizure and there was no pack reaction, mostly I think b/c we were right there when it happened and it was a pretty mild seizure. If you have a seizure pup, you need to make sure she's protected when not directly supervised (crates, muzzles, etc...). It is quite common for one dog to attack another who is having a seizure. Not a breed thing or pack thing...just seems to be a dog thing.


I hope your girl recovers quickly :hope

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Guest vahoundlover

We were very fortunate that nothing ever happened to Buster. I can't recall a time in 10 yrs that Buster ever had a seizure at night tho. We crate everybody too when we are gone and if he had started seizing at night we would have to try new sleeping arrangements for him. Buster always sat on my feet when a seizure was starting. When a dog was new to the house they would have some interest in what was going on, but it never went past that. After a couple of times it became business as usual. Maybe because one of us was sitting with Buster? The boys were definitely more interested than our girls.


I'm sorry you're going through this, seizures are scary. :grouphug

Sending lots of healing thoughts for Cafe

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Sky had a seizure one morning so my SIL & I put her in a crate. Sometime during the day she had an other one & got her ear badly torn. When she had one a few days later outside I stood guard over her with the hose while all other dogs were taken inside. Not all dogs will go for the seizure dog but a lot will. The old corgi sits queitly beside the seizing dog & checks the dog all over when the seizure ens. Shorty has lived with 3 seizure dogs & always acted this way. Luckily Sky has now beeb seizure free for a year but we watch her closely. Always seperate the dogs when you are not around just for safety.

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Guest myjazzy

Cafe only has seizures when she's asleep. In the middle of the night or when she's napping around the house. She has had them while I've been gone when she's crated, I guess I've been lucky she hasn't hurt herself, but I never leave her crated with a collar.

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Maria- I am so sorry. You have my prayers.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

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I answered your pm before reading your thread. :lol You are absolutely right in crating her. All of mine are crated because Saint seizes at night also and if the rest of your pack can't get to Cafe, they can also turn on each other! The times that Saint seized (during the day) I had to put myself between my pack and Saint and when they couldn't get to Saint they started turning on each other. Even little Jilly Bean was in on it. When we leave the house or at bedtime, all the pups are crated for everyone's safety. Even though it's been over 4 years since Saint seized last, I still crate everyone because you never know when he will have a breakthrough seizure and I don't want anyone getting hurt.


I'm so sorry Cafe got hurt and hope she heals quickly. Hopefully you will be as lucky as I am and find the right medications to keep her seizure free. Hugs to you both!

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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I'm so sorry. Poor Cafe.


I have no advise, though we had a seizure dog for 4 years until we lost her to kidney failure. It seems my pack was very uncharacteristic in their response to Libby's seizures - Copper and VooDoo never seemed to pay any attention to her whatsoever when she was seizing. It could be that they didn't because we were right there with her (we don't believe Libby ever had one when at least one of us wasn't home). Even with us there the two of them would usually sleep right through - no interest at all.


I hope she's going to be all right.

greysmom :D

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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I'm curious to know the pack dynamics behind this behavior. Is it get the sick one while they are vulnerable? Sorry this is happening to you..



It's typical pack behavior. The pack remains strong if there are no sick dogs in it. Personally I think it depends on the dogs and their basic personalities. I have a couple who tend to get aggressive when playing and such and those are the two that will start an attack on Saint. Unfortunately if they can't get to him they will go after the pup standing close to them. If your pack is basicially made up of passive dogs you may not have this problem.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest myjazzy

Thanks everybody for your well wishes. We are back from the vet and there's a lot of damage. She has two drains and the wounds are draining quite a lot. I took a picture of the leg, but that's only part of it. She's got another seam on the inside of her leg and the inside of the other leg. She's sleeping, but she's still quite groggy. I came home with Rimadyl and tramadol plus the antibiotics.



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