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Questions On Behalf Of Monty (greytmonty)

Guest Hollys2hounds

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Guest greytmonty

We are back from the evet. Holly please note update post 26 if you have a chance, and thank you!!!!

Monty probably has a bad infection under his incision site. he has already had two surgeries there and he may need a third. I am going to scream! If the antibiotics don't work, they open him back up,more drains, etc.

She sent him home on two VERY VERY expensive antibiotics: Batril and Clavamox. We can get the latter at our human pharmacy for maybe 1/2 the cost, but the Batril is only a vet med it looks like. They total $43 per day for his meds, and he may need up to 3 weeks or more. Again, I am going to scream.

She is sending the gross fluid that came from the infected area for culture, that test alone costs $240. She says if we don't get a culture he might be on the wrong meds for three weeks and still have an infection, so we have to do that.

The vet was excellent and Monty is a bit less painful due to draining the fluid, but he still cannot walk well (he goes slowly sideways like a crab) and he has no appetite. We are giving Tramadol for pain.

Poor Monty. He is such a good boy.

Poor us. Literally.

We love love love our dog and will not withhold care, but as DH says, "When is it going to stop?"


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Guest greytmonty

Penn vet has the batril for $2.60 per pill vs $9 at CARES!!!! Three per day means good savings. I will get the meds Tuesday!

Monty is still in a lot of pain and panting .

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Guest MnMDogs

Poor Monty and you :( Just a word about my only experience with Baytril. It made Matty very sick within a couple days. I hope that he doesn't have the same reaction, but she started vomiting on day 2 I think and had to be switched. I've not seen anyone else post that Baytril made their pups sick, though.

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Get the prescription for Baytril and you can get it on Pet Meds for much less than you are paying. You can get the tramadol at Walmart. If they switch the Baytril for Amoxicillin, and I am not sure than they can, you can also get that at Walmart.

Good luck and I am so sorry you guys are going through all this. Sometimes, when it rains it pours. The sun does eventually come out.

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Guest jettcricket

Oh Karen....big hugs to you. :grouphug I'm so sorry for all your going thru....sending prayers that Monty will be on the mend soon with no more further surgeries and things will get much better for you and your family.


I know financially and emotionally how incredibly stressful it can be. :(


Hang in there....it will get better.


Monty is still in a lot of pain and panting .

...poor boy....my heart goes out to him. Give him a gentle, soothing hug from me and Ms. Cricket. :heart

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I am so sorry. Sending my many prayers for sweet Monty. :grouphug An Angel walks beside you precious boy. :grouphug


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I do wish you luck and am lighting a candle for Monty ...


I might suggest (if you have not already done so) just getting enough antibiotics for a few days just in case the cultures suggest using another antibiotic. How long till you get the results?



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I am so sorry Monty is having so much pain. Sending prayers that the infections clears up soon for your sweet boy.

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Guest greytmonty
I do wish you luck and am lighting a candle for Monty ...


I might suggest (if you have not already done so) just getting enough antibiotics for a few days just in case the cultures suggest using another antibiotic. How long till you get the results?

The culture won't be back til Friday and so I have to get the scrip filled Tuesday (we only got three days worth). I know we may end up with expensive meds we don't need , but at Penn's prices I can take the chance I guess.....

Monty ate some chicken and rice and took his medicine . He seems "urpy" so I hope it stays down .

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Praying that he's comfortable and keeps his dinner down. That boy has been through so much, it's really passed time he catches a break.

The Baytril is expensive but a great antibiotic.


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



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Poor Monty. Good they are doing a culture - I had a foster cat once who my vet tested for resistance and it turned out the antibiotic he was on (ironically, Baytril) was one he was resistant to.


Good you found better pricing - I was staggered at what you originally quoted - these are pricy drugs, but that's way more than I have ever paid for either.


Please keep us posted on your sweet boy, who, as Claudia says, needs to catch a break! Hugs to Monty and to you! :grouphug

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:( So sorry poor Monty has had another run of bad luck. Will light a candle :candle , pray :hope and call on all good karma to heal him quickly :getwell . You and he have been through so much! :grouphug

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:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Oh Karen, thinking of you and your sweet Monty, sending healing thoughts. :candle:hope:grouphug

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