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Pain After Slipping

Guest tlterrynva

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Guest tlterrynva

Hi Everyone!


I'm new to this forum. I thought this might be a good place to try and find out what might be going on with our 12 year old Grey. Today he slipped and fell in a wet spot on the floor. He went down and had a hard time getting back up - and finally did with the help of my husband. Skim was extremely agitated by this time and seemed to be in pain. This is when I arrived home from work. We rushed him to the vet and they gave him a good exam and sedated him for x-rays. The x-rays didn't show any broken bones or abnormalities on the hip and/or spine. The legs looked good too. The vet put him on pain meds and said he should be fine in the next few days.


My concern is that he won't get up at all - he screams when he tries. He's also peed on himself - he's never done that before. I'm a bit nervous due to the fact that within the past year and a half we have lost 2 of our Greys to kidney ailments & osteo. I guess now when anything happens, I think the worst.


I just thought I'd pick your brains to see if I'm overreacting and you think the doctor is correct. Or should we take him back in the morning. He's moving his legs and we can rub his legs without causing him pain; however, when he tries to stand or sit up is when the extreme pain begins.


Any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated.





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He's probably in pain and scared of the evil floor. :( If your flooring is smooth (wood, tile or concrete), can you put down some carpet runners with a rubber back so he won't slip and can build his confidence up again? If he's having trouble using his legs, try a sling (like use a towel) under his tummy for added support when he gets up and starts walking. Sending prayers. :hope Please let us know how he's doing. :)

Jeanne with Remington & Scooter the cat
....and Beloved Bridge Angels Sandee, Shari, Wells, Derby, Phoenix, Jerry Lee and Finnian.....
If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven
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I'd say a muscle pull, too. Keep on top of his pain with the meds for a couple days and don't worry if he seems lethargic. Use the sling idea to help him up and to go out and potty. The peeing on himself could be caused by the sedation or the meds, not necessarily by any injury.


If he's not able to walk at all you need to take him back to the vet/e-vet right away since he may have hurt his back. It wasn't clear whether the x-rays and tests covered that area. Can he feel all his feet? His tail? It's good that he's moving them.


See how he does tonight and try not to panic!


greysmom :D

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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Guest tlterrynva

Thank you all for your advice. We had a rough night, he cried the entire night and I guess he finally got to sleep around 4 a.m. He ate a good breakfast and we called the vet this morning and she changed the pain meds and added something to keep him a bit sedated - so he can heal.


The x-rays were done of the hip, legs and spine/back and none showed any damaged, past or new. He did get up to go out last night, with our help. But it wasn't very successful - he hurts to much. I think his crying is out of frustration as much as pain.


we've given him his new pain meds and sedation meds today and he has slept most of the day. He's comfortable now. The vet said it would take 24 - 48 hours - so if he isn't showing signs of improvement by Monday, we will take him back.


thanks again for your feedback.



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Guest FullMetalFrank

Good, I am glad you've got him comfortable. Frank fell in the yard a few years ago and pulled a muscle in his groin. He was very painful for a few days, and he was a young dog at the time. For him, we didn't want to give too much for the pain because we needed him to feel his soreness just a little so he would take it easy; but it sounds like for your fellow the sedative will accomplish the same thing and allow him to be better medicated for the pain. I hope he feels better soon, it's so hard when they are hurting...

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Jim did the same thing on our kitchen floor when he was about five or six. Nothing broken, but he continued to limp for a long, long time. Finally got an appointment at a vet school and were told that he'd torn his tensor fascia lata - a hip abductor muscle. The vet we saw said he has only ever seen it in greyhounds, and slipping on a floor would be a good way to get it.


He consulted with a greyhound expert friend of his in Australia with the conclusion that while there was an op they could do, the chances that it would improve the situation were less than fifty per cent, and as he'd got to the stage where he was functioning well and not in any apparent pain, it was probably better to leave it, which we did. He stopped limping eventually, but the limp returned when he was old.


Until you get a diagnosis, what we've found helpful with the oldies who find it difficult or painful to get their legs under them, is to brace their feet. If you stand with your feet either side of his back feet so that they can't slip outwards when he tries to stand, he may find that helps.




The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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Guest GreytMuse

Atticus sprained his back leg running in the yard a few months ago and it was at least a week before he near normal again. The first few nights were just awful, he'd yelp getting up, laying down, and adjusting his position. Lots of panting and restlessness. At one point he was just so pitiful he went in the furthest, darkest corner of our yard and lay down -- then wouldn't get up!


Hope the pain subsides quickly and your pup gets back to feeling better! -- and welcome to GreyTalk!

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Poor love hope he feels better soon..


Our lurcher slipped and sprained something deep in her underbelly between the pelvis, it took a few weeks for her to come right......lots of rest and pain relief.

Run free our beloved Sir Snowy, Pip, Queenie, Sadie, Tess & Rosie until we meet again......I would rather feel the thorn than to never see the rose

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Guest tlterrynva

Skim is about the same today.


He finally had a BM yesterday and I think that made him feel much better. He still won't walk or get up. When we try to get him up his toes curl under and we can't even get his feet properly on the ground. He doesn't seem to be in too much pain today and I've cut way back on the meds. He is bored I think and is tired of laying around. Tomorrow he goes back to the vet. I'm trying to be patient and not worry or panic - hopefully I'm being successful. :unsure


You kind words and reading about your experiences has really helped us get a grip on this. It is so much appreciated. Hugs to you all and I'll let you know how the vet goes tomorrow.

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Guest tlterrynva

We took Skim back to the vet this morning and they ran some more tests. They say that he has an small injury to his spine which is causing a bit of swelling. Which is why he has no balance and can't use his feet (although he can move them when he's laying down and he does have feeling - the problem starts when he tries to stand and walk). She doesn't think it needs surgery but they are keeping him for the day to run some scans and further tests. They are starting him on steroids for the swelling.


I'm worried sick - has anyone every had this happen before?? What are we up against here?? I guess it's too early for anyone to guess - I'm still waiting for the doctor to call me.

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Orion had stretched a nerve in his leg when he did the splits earlier this year. It took several months before his leg healed enough and he started to use it properly. He was knuckling for several weeks after he did it.

He's still not back to where he was... there's a funny movement in his gait now.


Sending positive healing thoughts to your boy.

Jennifer and Beamish (an unnamed Irish-born Racer) DOB: October 30, 2011


Forever and always missing my "Vowels", Icarus, Atlas, Orion, Uber, and Miss Echo, and Mojito.

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Guest tlterrynva

Hi Everyone:


I stayed home from work to be with Skim today. The doctor started him on steroids a few days ago and he started walking (with a LOT of assistance) and he corrects his feet. He's been spending the past few days at the vet's for observation & treatment and then coming home at night. Today was the first day the vet didn't think he needed to go there, so he stayed home. I was a bit nervous to leave him alone, so I took the day off.


He can walk with much coaxing and a whole lot of help. But it's a start. Although the vet didn't think a CT was necessary; we opted to have one done - to be safe. However, neither she nor the orthopedic surgeon think there are any disk problems. I guess now it's just gonna take time to heal before our boy is feeling a bit better. I asked about starting him on therapy but he's not at that point yet but hopefully will be able to do that soon. Most of the time we still have to carry him (okay my husband does the carrying)...but if he's in the mood, he will attempt it on his own.


Thanks to all for your prayers & thoughts during this time - I will keep you posted on Skim's progress.

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Guest tlterrynva

Hi Everyone!!!


Things have improved so much in a few short days and our Skim is doing so much better. He has started wagging his tail and got his "goofy" look back. There should be no permanent damage - but will take a few weeks before he's back to his old self. He has stopped going potty in the house (and on himself) and has started going out again. The steroids have sure worked magic.


It is hard to believe it was a week ago and Skim couldn't walk or stand or move. Now he's doing all of that. We are truly blessed!


Thank you all for your encouraging words, advice and support - it has sure helped us get through this past week.


Hugs to you & your hounds!!!!

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Time - and the right meds! - help tremendously! Glad he's back on track.


greysmom :D

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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