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Please Help Me Not To Worry Too Much!

Guest taylorsmom

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Guest taylorsmom

Hello everyone--

This morning I found a swollen gland on the left side of Rita's neck, right under her jaw. It is the size of a large marble, and it is only on one side. I have noticed over the past few days that her breath is a little stinky--not terrible by any means, but just a bit more odorous than usual (my dogs are raw-fed so usually they don't have any noticeable odor on their breath at all). I have tried to examine her back teeth and I don't see anything major going on there--they have a little tartar buildup which I am going to have my DH (he's a dentist) chip off when he comes home tonight. I thought that maybe she has an abscess or infection going on there, but I don't see anything (not that I'm a vet!!). So I made an appointment with the vet for next Wed. morning, because my work schedule is crazy and that is the first morning I have free. I don't think this is an emergency, but of course I would like to know RIGHT NOW what is going on! My tendency, as I think many of us here do, is to jump right away in my mind to thoughts of lymphoma, etc. But I am hoping that, since it is only on one side of her neck (and believe me I searched her neck, compared her neck to my other greyhound's , etc.) that it is some kind of localized issue, and that the lymph node is just doing its job to fight some local infection. Otherwise, she seems fine--she is not in any kind of discomfort that I can see, is her usual goofy playful self, is eating/drinking/pooping/peeing just fine.

Can you guys keep me company with this while I wait until next Wednesday???? Of course if it dramatically changes/gets worse I will cancel my work appointments and take her in sooner, but am trying not to be immediately hysterical about this, you know?? :unsure


Hi everyone--we just got back from the vet and I wanted to let you all know that it is an infected and/or blocked salivary gland!! I love my vet. He took an aspiration sample, and also had the other vet come in and take a look at her as well, just to make sure he wasn't missing anything more malignant. I am so relieved!! It appears that Miss Rita is back to secretively licking her vulva again (I never seem to catch her at it) and that is all inflamed as well, so that is the likely source of the infection in her salivary gland. She is on Clavamox, which should clear up both problems. Thanks everyone for your support and good wishes!! :rolleyes:

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Next Wed? That's a long time for you to worry! We will keep you in our thoughts and hope this is nothing more than an infection and easily cleared up. Hugs to Rita


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Could they work you in a little sooner if you asked, maybe when they have a cancellation? If she has a dental infection, she may be hurting...Don't worry yet. A dental infection below the gumline wouldn't be something you could see easily.

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I'd get her in sooner regardless of what it is. If it is an abcess, she's probably pretty uncomfortable although she's not showing it yet. If it's something more sinister the sooner the better for treatment. I'd be sick with worry myself....

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If you can try to jump hoops and get her in earlier, that would be best. I know it's hard sometimes with schedules we all have these days (having to work sucks!).

Kyle with Stewie ('Super C Ledoux, Super C Sampson x Sing It Blondie) and forever missing my three angels, Jack ('Roy Jack', Greys Flambeau x Miss Cobblepot) and Charlie ('CTR Midas Touch', Leo's Midas x Hallo Argentina) and Shelby ('Shari's Hooty', Flying Viper x Shari Carusi) running free across the bridge.

Gus an coinnich sinn a'rithist my boys and little girl.

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Sending my prayers and good thoughts. Do you notice any lymph node enlargement behind her knees or in her groin? If there is any way...I would try to get her in before Wednesday. If it is a tooth...that has to hurt. If it is something else...you will want to get a diagnosis for treatment. Our Angel LaceyLaine was diagnosed last September with Lymphoma. She did have enlarged nodes in all the areas I mentioned but she was acting fine...her usual playful silly self. Please update us as you can. :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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Guest taylorsmom

Thanks for the responses thusfar. I called the vet again and there is nothing available on Monday or Tuesday, so for now I will be keeping it for Wednesday, I guess. I suppose I could take her to the evet over the weekend, but I would rather not unless she gets worse or looks painful. I guess I was hoping that I could not think about lymphoma because it looks so one-sided, I was thinking either tooth or blocked salivary gland, but I have not checked the other lymph node areas Patricia mentioned--I will do that as soon as I get back home tonight.

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Sending lots of prayers and white light that is nothing, but to make you wait, I am so sorry. :bighug:hope :hope

Darlene Mom to: Aladdin, Sophie ,Pongo, Jasmine, Relic Forever in our Hearts Champ at the Rainbow Bridge.

Let a greyhound race into your heart Adopt

Bay Area Greyhound Adoptions INC. Naples/ Fort Myers Chapter

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Hope it turns out to be non-serious. How is she in herself? Is she lethargic and ill, or as normal?


I had the exact same with my senior boy Oscar a couple of months ago- one swollen lymph node under jaw. He was also lethargic and poorly with a high temp (can you check her temp yourself?). The vets did blood work and aspirated the lump, both came back clear. Tried antibiotics, did no good. My vet did fear the worst, so I took him to a Vet School where they have more expertise and equipment and so on and after much testing, they could not find anything wrong and concluded it was some weird autoimmune response of unknown cause. He is about 90% better now, after a course of steroids.


Hope your girl's lump turns out to be benign too, sending best wishes.

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Guest houndlover

Yes, I will definitely keep Rita in my thoughts. I know how hard it is to try not to jump to conclusions and think the worst (I do it all of the time too) and it sucks to have a crazy work schedule and not be able to drop everything and just take her now. Hopefully it is nothing and will resolve its self before Wed. But in the meantime..................Try not to worry.

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Guest AzLazyHounds

We all know the feeling.....As stated before, try to get to the vet earlier....I know it can be a challenge, but the sooner the better. We will keep Rita in our thoughts and I know it's almost imposible to do, but try not to worry.

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Guest taylorsmom

In general, she is totally normal, not lethargic at all. That's a good idea to take her temperature, I will do that also when I get home. I hate it that I cannot just drop everything and take her today, but I am a therapist and it is very difficult to make the decision to cancel out my patients, many of whom are in crisis themselves, when it does not appear to be an immediate emergency for Rita. If she was in more obvious pain, wasn't eating, was lethargic, I would have felt better about cancelling out my patients and would take her right away. But it is much harder to put out my patients when it is just for my own peace of mind, you know? And she is not in immediate distress. My DH is out of town today, otherwise he is usually my back-up to take the dogs in more immediately as needed. I appreciate the support here, though, and it is helpful to hear other experiences and things this could be other than the dreaded "C" word, which my brain goes to right away.

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I will keep your Rita in my prayers. :hope

Please keep us posted.

Rita, mom to Dakota (Dakotas Dream) & Wish (Kiowa Wish Wish) and my angels

Toby (Sol Marcus) and Robin (Greys Robin Hood)

Forever missing our beloved Robin and Toby

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." Anatole France

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I just went through this with Rosemary. She came in from potty break one Friday evening and my DH noticed a lump on her neck. We didn't know if it was infection, spider bite or something worse. I gave her benedryl just in case it was an insect bite. She was not lethargic so to speak, but didn't want her dog bone. For this particular dog, that is a sure sign something is wrong. Saturday morning it was twice as big. I took her to the vet that morning and her WBC was just barely elevated, and her temp was slightly elevated. The vet prescribed antibiotics. Within a couple of days the swelling went down and within 2 weeks it was all gone and she's back to normal.


If she does have an infection, Wednesday is too long to wait for treatment in my opinion. By the time a lymph node swells to the point you notice it, wouldn't the infection already have been in her body for a few days or longer? Wednesday is 5 days away.

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They have very tiny teeth in the very back. The top one abscessed on Pearl. We didn't get any signs from her that her tooth bothered her until it was so bad she couldn't open her jaw. That caused a misdiagnosis and she didn't get antibiotics for another 2 months.


When I thought she was on her deathbed (she has severe heart disease too), we got a correct diagnosis (abscessed tooth).


In all, that tooth caused kidney disease (glomerulonephitis), which caused hypertension. I finally broke down and decided to take the chance to put her under anesthesia. At this point with the hypertension and heart disease, she was considered very high risk.


Guess what. With that tooth now gone, we have her hypertension under control. The damage to the kidney is permanent but is not progressing. Her hypertension and heart are not getting worse.


All from one bad tooth.



Take her in asap.



good luck.

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Guest paulamariez

Sounds suspiciously similar to Bueller with his gum infection. Swollen glands in the neck, one side more so than the other and a bit of a stinky breath. He's had it a bunch of times, because unfortunately, Bueller's got really bad teeth. The round of antibiotics takes care of it quickly. Keeping your precious Rita in my prayers for a quick and complete recovery from her problems.

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If it's on one side, you can touch it/move it around and it seems fine, and she seems her usual happy self, take a deep breath and relax. If it's one side and she's feeling fine, it's not anything to worry about over the weekend.


I went through this with Dune, twice:


Once he had an infection that required antibiotics, but if that's the case, you know in a hurry -- they don't feel well, they decide not to eat or don't want their usual biscuit; within a day they're obviously ill.


Second time it was a blocked salivary gland. We tried antibiotics just in case -- no change. This time around, he felt fine. I could squeeze the lump, move it around, and he didn't care. Still walked, ate, acted normal. After a round of antibiotics he hated, and several aspirations, we realized it was a blocked salivary gland.


It eventually grew to nearly tennis-ball size (not really, but it looked like he had the mumps on one side :lol: ). Surgery on an old dog for something not dangerous nor painful seemed pointless, so we left it. He lived that way for three years, and the only sign beyond the obvious lump was that he drooled more than he used to -- I guess it had nowhere to go!


My lapsed vet-tech certification says, unless she's acting sick or seems in pain, it can probably wait until Wednesday. Good luck!

Dash (Mega Batboy), & forever missing Kipper (RD's Kiper, 2006-2015) & Souldog Dune (Pazzo Otis, 1994-2008)
"..cherish him and give him place with yourself for the rest of his but too short life. It is his one drawback. He should live as long as his owner."
James Matheson, The Greyhound: Breeding, Coursing, Racing, etc., 1929

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Guest taylorsmom
If it's on one side, you can touch it/move it around and it seems fine, and she seems her usual happy self, take a deep breath and relax. If it's one side and she's feeling fine, it's not anything to worry about over the weekend.


I went through this with Dune, twice:


Once he had an infection that required antibiotics, but if that's the case, you know in a hurry -- they don't feel well, they decide not to eat or don't want their usual biscuit; within a day they're obviously ill.


Second time it was a blocked salivary gland. We tried antibiotics just in case -- no change. This time around, he felt fine. I could squeeze the lump, move it around, and he didn't care. Still walked, ate, acted normal. After a round of antibiotics he hated, and several aspirations, we realized it was a blocked salivary gland.


It eventually grew to nearly tennis-ball size (not really, but it looked like he had the mumps on one side :lol: ). Surgery on an old dog for something not dangerous nor painful seemed pointless, so we left it. He lived that way for three years, and the only sign beyond the obvious lump was that he drooled more than he used to -- I guess it had nowhere to go!


My lapsed vet-tech certification says, unless she's acting sick or seems in pain, it can probably wait until Wednesday. Good luck!


Thank you!! This is pretty much what I am thinking (the blocked salivary gland, that is). It is definitely one sided, is soft and can be moved around and she doesn't care at all when I poke and prod at it. Rita is her usual happy self, thank goodness. I showed the lump to my DH and he of course pooh-poohed it (said he could barely see it, but that's just him--Mr. UnderReactive!!). She is eating, hungry, jumping around as usual. So unless it gets worse or she shows signs of illness, I think I will wait until Wednesday. I will keep you all posted!


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do you have a good enough rapport with your vet's office that they might give 5 days of abx contingent that you bring her in no matter what on Wednesday? if it is an abscess then she's getting the meds to kill the infection so they can get the tooth out that much sooner and if it isn't an abscess the abx won't really hurt anything serious, it'll just waste some $$$.

Angie, Pewter, and Storm-puppy

Forever missing Misty-Mousie (9/9/99 - 10/5/15)
Fort Wayne, Indiana

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Guest greydogluvr
Thanks for the responses thusfar. I called the vet again and there is nothing available on Monday or Tuesday, so for now I will be keeping it for Wednesday, I guess. I suppose I could take her to the evet over the weekend, but I would rather not unless she gets worse or looks painful. I guess I was hoping that I could not think about lymphoma because it looks so one-sided, I was thinking either tooth or blocked salivary gland, but I have not checked the other lymph node areas Patricia mentioned--I will do that as soon as I get back home tonight.


Does your vet do drop offs? Maybe you can take her in in the AM when they open and they can fit her in as time becomes available. I do not know if this would be stressful for her or not but at least she would be in good hands. Just my 2 cents.


She is in my thoughts and prayers.

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