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I wasn't sure where to put this; here, rants, training and behavior? :( Sadly, Brilly is at the vet right now, so I'll put this here.


We've been so happy with Pogo's growing ability to handle dog interactions, and Brilly in particular, but have said all along that we can't drop our guard entirely. Case in point.


Wabi was too playful with Happy, who snarked at her, scaring us both to death, and it was enough scary excitement that Pogo lunged for Brilly, and chomped him in the throat. This happened last night on the way back in from last turnout, on leashes, but muzzles just taken off. Yeah, timing is everything! :rolleyes: (Our fenced dog yard is separate from the house, so leashes on for to and fro, and muzzles ALWAYS while inside.)


Once I got the dogs sorted out (Pogo was still wound up and wanting to continue his fight with Brilly, so he got leashed to the fence in the yard while I got the other three in the house, enlisting DH to hold Brilly so he didn't drip all over the place while I went to get Pogo), we took stock of poor Brilly boy. This is what we saw, once we'd swabbed it off with hydrogen peroxide, and dabbed on some EMT gel.

(he's in sphinx position)



Owey. Right near the jugular (as the vet helpfully pointed out this morning). He was one unhappy pup, but he just stood like a statue while I cleaned and dabbed this obviously painful wound.


*Fear vent section* We had to get our outdoor kitty in to the vet for an abscess Tuesday, to the tune of $300+. We are so poor right now. The vet let me pay him in two installments, with the other due next week. DH and I are both self-employed, and money has been flowing in the wrong direction for way too long this time, with the promise of good things always just on the horizon, keeping us at it. We've avoided bloodshed between the boys for two years, but now this...


So, we figured we'd try to keep this one at home, do water therapy on it, watch it closely, and proceed with care. We bedded him down where he couldn't get stepped on, he finally settled with caution and obviously sore, and we all slept.

This morning, it was weepy, as you might imagine, and he just couldn't be convinced to get up or even lift his head. Don't blame him! I washed it up where he lay, with a squirt bottle (great simple tool!). This is what it looked like this morning after getting washed up.

(he's laying down with his head flat out)




The edges of the skin looked alright, living anyway, but rolling back in a way I didn't like. When I finally did get him to get up, I saw there was a deep pocket at the bottom where the skin was pulled away from the flesh. No good. We bit the bullet and called the vet.


Just talked to the vet, who said, no way we could have cared for this at home, it would have been "horrible, horrible." :blink: He's coming out of anesthesia now, doing well, with a line of sutures along edges cleaned up by a laser! Vet says it will have minimal pain because it cauterizes and kills local nerve endings, and minimal scarring, not that we care.


*Fear vent section* Don't know how much it'll cost, yet. :unsure


I'll post again when I get him home this in an hour or so.



My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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$480.99. I feel Brilly's pain of the deep cut near the jugular! :P


Anyway, he's already up and wobbling around, I've just been told. I can hardly wait to go get him! I hope this line of tiny sutures holds. Might have to put a booty on his back foot so he can't scratch. There's no way to cover it with a shirt or anything ... Maybe a modified snood sort of thing, with straps to go 'round his front leg to hold it down .... Hmmm...


Thanks for the hugs, y'all. :blush:


Rowdy is doing pretty well, thanks! :) I took out his drain last night, he's putting almost normal weight on the leg, eating, drinking, pottying, and cuddling like crazy. We had a little mishap with worming meds (had a great idea to pulverize the pills and mix it with the liquid antibiotics, syringe the whole mess all at once ... but it sort of foamed up ... and gained a lot of volume ... and my shirt ended up in the wash ... :P ) last night, but he seems to have forgiven all again this morning. :wub:


My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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Aww, hun, I know what you mean about the money. Seems like things crash down all at once, doesn't it? Been there done that, added to it this morning, and now Naples is going to need surgery, most likely. I feel your pain!


Best of luck, and I hope hugs and prayers will help! :grouphug:candle

Sarah, the human, Henley, and Armani the Borzoi boys, and Brubeck the Deerhound.
Always in our hearts, Gunnar, Naples the Greyhounds, Cooper and Manero, the Borzoi, and King-kitty, at the Rainbow Bridge.

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Oh Xan, what a shame this happened.First the cat, now this. I hope Brilly has a quick healing and so does your wallet. Lots of healing thoughts coming your way. If you need anything I'm just a pm away!!


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Toddler turtleneck? Hm. They fit?? I'm having a hard time picturing that ... But thanks for the idea. I'll have to see if I can figure that out.


Naples? What happened?? Now I have to go find out! I hope he's okay!!


Off to get my boy!


My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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Guest greytkidsmom

Hope Brilly gets well soon!


Same thing happened to Kebo. He sleep-startled our foster at the time and caught a claw to the neck. It looked so superficial and clean from the outside but ended up needing multi-layer closure and a drain. Something like $500 when it was all over and done with.


Healing was quick and there was no further drama between the two boys (the foster was with us for another 2 months afterward). Hopefully this was just one of those freak things that happens.


Maybe Pogo should get a part-time job to help pay for the damage to your wallet...

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Xan, I'm so sorry this has happened. That's the problem with packs with one who tends to be aggressive, I should know! I hope he recovers quickly. Just a word of caution, which you probably already know, but around here when things erupt like that, all the dogs are a little on edge for a few days afterwards. It takes them a while to settle down after something like this. I always watch carefully and every little snark for a few days gets a big response from mom.


Pogo, don't make me send Valentino up there to straighten you out little man. :wub::lol


Hugs to you Xan, I know exactly how unnerving this can all be.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Naples? What happened?? Now I have to go find out! I hope he's okay!!


I haven't posted yet, but I will.And Naples is a girl - not that I am upset, but it is integral to the story! :lol


Sarah, the human, Henley, and Armani the Borzoi boys, and Brubeck the Deerhound.
Always in our hearts, Gunnar, Naples the Greyhounds, Cooper and Manero, the Borzoi, and King-kitty, at the Rainbow Bridge.

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Xan I am sorry! Hurt pups, nice vet bills all in one just sucks. How big is Brilly? I may have a kid turtleneck I can send up to you. I have to look. Trevor would share. :) Shanti is 60lbs and it fit on her last time I had one and it would have been a bit smaller.


I hope Brilly heals quickly and easily. I also hope Pogo and crew settle down again. Very unsettling I am sure!

The Girls

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Toddler turtleneck? Hm. They fit?? I'm having a hard time picturing that ... But thanks for the idea. I'll have to see if I can figure that out.


Naples? What happened?? Now I have to go find out! I hope he's okay!!


Off to get my boy!


They fit, I think I got a 3T? I have a picture on my old computer, I'll dig it up for you.


edit: Well... this isn't the best angle, but hopefully you get the idea. The neck was high enough to cover his boo-boo.



Edited by BauersMom

With Buster Bloof (UCME Razorback 89B-51359) and Gingersnap Ginny (92D-59450). Missing Pepper, Berkeley, Ivy, Princess and Bauer at the bridge.

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Guest gottaluvgreysindy

Awwww poor Brilly. i hate this and more than ever, I hate unexpected vet bills. Hugs to you and your crew, I'm sorry. Get well soon sweet boy.

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Hope Brilly gets well soon!


Same thing happened to Kebo. He sleep-startled our foster at the time and caught a claw to the neck. It looked so superficial and clean from the outside but ended up needing multi-layer closure and a drain. Something like $500 when it was all over and done with.


Healing was quick and there was no further drama between the two boys (the foster was with us for another 2 months afterward). Hopefully this was just one of those freak things that happens.


Maybe Pogo should get a part-time job to help pay for the damage to your wallet...

Psh! You got THAT right! :rolleyes: If I could figure out something he could do for money, besides be a trainer for fighting pit bulls! (SO kidding!!!! :P ) Glad Kebo and friend worked out their thing quietly!



Sending good thoughts for a quick recovery! When Jersey had shoulder surgery, we used a turtleneck (adult), with the sleeves cut off:

That looks pretty good! :)


Xan, I'm so sorry this has happened. That's the problem with packs with one who tends to be aggressive, I should know! I hope he recovers quickly. Just a word of caution, which you probably already know, but around here when things erupt like that, all the dogs are a little on edge for a few days afterwards. It takes them a while to settle down after something like this. I always watch carefully and every little snark for a few days gets a big response from mom.


Pogo, don't make me send Valentino up there to straighten you out little man. :wub::lol


Hugs to you Xan, I know exactly how unnerving this can all be.

Thanks! Yeah. *sigh* It's a definite part of multi-dog households. We will all be watching closely. When I brought Brilly back in, Pogo greeted him all wiggles and wags, but I held him back, praising him for being friendly, but keeping him from being too pushy. Brilly held very still to get sniffed at the groin, then the neck, then the face ... but then growled, so that was that. Greeting over. At least Pogo isn't feeling mean right out of the box. It's all over as far as he's concerned, it seems... but our guard is up!! :nod:



Naples? What happened?? Now I have to go find out! I hope he's okay!!


I haven't posted yet, but I will.And Naples is a girl - not that I am upset, but it is integral to the story! :lol


Oops! :blush: Well, I hope SHE'S okay, and I'll keep my eye out for your posting!


Xan I am sorry! Hurt pups, nice vet bills all in one just sucks. How big is Brilly? I may have a kid turtleneck I can send up to you. I have to look. Trevor would share. :) Shanti is 60lbs and it fit on her last time I had one and it would have been a bit smaller.


I hope Brilly heals quickly and easily. I also hope Pogo and crew settle down again. Very unsettling I am sure!

Oh thanks!! You're so sweet. I think I have a turtleneck I can donate to the cause. Since I buy (IF I buy) my clothes from second hand establishments generally, I'm not too attached to them, y'know? :lol


They fit, I think I got a 3T? I have a picture on my old computer, I'll dig it up for you.


edit: Well... this isn't the best angle, but hopefully you get the idea. The neck was high enough to cover his boo-boo.

That looks great! Even stylish, in a apres ski sort of way! B)


Well, he's home, he's finally stopped panting, and is sacked out here next to me. The girls at the vet's were both saying how sweet and well-behaved he is, not pulling them around on the leash and all, so gentle. Now, I'm no genius, but with a big ol' neck wound, how likely would he be to be yanking on his own leash? :lol But, he is a sweet, gentle fella, for sure. :wub: Now I've got two pets on twice daily antibiotics and wound care!

Here's what it looks like now:



You can't really see it in these pics, but there's already some edema starting. He always gets a bit of a hematoma when he gives blood, so it's not too freaky to see it here. Not sure if this is blood pooling or fluids. Doc didn't think it needed a drain. Y'know, it only occurred to me looking at the pics here that no one said anything about removing the stitches! I'll have to call on Monday to find out.


*One more little fear rant* Happy is doing her hunger strike again! Still have no idea what that's about. Thought it was she didn't like the kibble, changed it, happy Happy for a couple weeks ... now she's not eating again - despite nutritional yeast! :rolleyes:


Thanks again for all the comfort and support! I really DON'T want to make this a habit!! :P


My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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They did a nice job of stitching him up. Hope he heals very quickly and life returns to normal again.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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