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Healing Chants For Baby Gus Please! Update Added Post 38

Guest Vinnie

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Guest Vinnie

:lol OK - GSOD is not something we like hearing but a puppy GSOD is heart wrenching! When we finally got him to stop running on his front right paw (yes, that would be the same paw that Vinnie was first diagnosed with osteo in :ohno ) the first words out of dh's mouth - I think he broke his leg! - ok, not something you want to hear when you are trying to remain calm and not freak out the puppy or any of the other members of the house (as many of you know from our rememberance post this week, my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer last week and it was also the 2nd anniversary of our Angel Vinnie's going to the Bridge) after the week that we have had! In the same breath he also said ripped nail - dislocated toe - sprain - and broken toe. Later after everything was said & done I explained calmly why you just don't play armchair doctor and start spouting diagnosis' out without knowing the facts, I can sort of laugh about it now :lol:lol but I coulda killed him then! :angry::wacko::wife2


So off to the e-vet (our first visit ever and hopefully last, even if they are super nice!) we went, dh carrying poor baby Gus who had finally stopped the GSOD thankfully, as it was freaking out everyone including Gracie who kept poking him with her nose as if to say "how about here, does this hurt?" - so cute :wub: - Quick check of everything - once they got him to stop kissing all over them - and we have a broken toe on the right front paw - second toe from the right if you are looking down from his view. They said they would put a soft cast on it in the shape of a spoon to bind the toes together and help them set - we were thinking maybe up 1/4 of his leg - instead out he comes with the same length cast as they originally had Vinnie in to support his paw from snapping - needless to say, my heart hit my stomach and dh said he thought I was going to burst out in tears - this is definitely not a memory I wanted to re-live ever.


We are supposed to keep him quiet and kind of limited on his paw (that's real easy for a 5 mos old puppy! :blink: ) so that he can heal quickly. And here I had just been saying how fast he was starting to get as he was chasing after Gracie. They said 4 - 6 weeks though it could be quicker to heal since he is a puppy. So we are hoping quicker and healing well without having to go to any extremes (like surgery, as it was a clean break).


Please keep Gus in your prayers, as a cast in the middle of summer on a puppy is just no fun, he wants to play and run and go in his pool. We will post photos later of his stylin new cast - it matches his beautiful new martingale for the 4th of July - and if you didn't feel so bad for him, you would think he is just heart wrenchingly adorable.


We knew he was going to be a handful and would keep us hopping, but little did we know it would be this much. Never a dull moment with a little landshark around. :headwall:jaw:yikes:riphair:beatheart

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Guest vahoundlover

Gus, you aren't supposed to scare your mom like that! :shakefinger


If you are as good as you are cute :wub: , you'll be all better in no time. :kiss2

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Guest redreed

Baby Gus -- sending you good vibes and zen hugs to you and mommy and daddy!!!! Listen to da'grownups and be a good boy and you will heal nice and quick!!!!

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Guest trevdog

Poor Gus! Keep him crated a lot is all I can think of. When Dallas had her spay surgery and instestinal surgery, we kept her crated a lot. She didn't like it but it helped her heal.

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Oh no, poor baby. :( Fenway and Grace send kisses and healing thoughts. I'm sorry your week is not going well, and I'm sorry I missed all of that other stuff going on in your life too. Sounds like you could use a break! I'll be thinking about you.

Poppy the lurcher 11/24/23
Gabby the Airedale 7/1/18
Forever missing Grace (RT's Grace), Fenway (not registered, def a greyhound), Jackson (airedale terrier, honorary greyhound), and Tessie (PK's Cat Island)

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Aaww, poor baby Gus! Sending lots of good thoughts! :goodluck :goodluck


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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Oh sweet baby boy....rest up and heal swiftly. :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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Guest greytful4

Oh No !!!! I can totally relate, Kylie is also in a spoonbill splint...STILL ! Her middle toe on her rear leg was broken ! I'm so sorry for all you're going thru and now this !!! Huggies and kissies to baby Gus and Gracie!



Believe it or not Kylie can still do zoomies in the house with that splint on !

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*chanting* your crate is your friend your crate is a great pleace to be your crate is your friend your crate is a great place to be



Patsy and DH with the Humane Society specials, Linus & Jazz, in North Dakota

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I can totally relate!! When Bella was 13 weeks old she needed major surgery on her leg to repair a leg deformity and was in several casts during her recovery!1007244763_5f7d49c396_m.jpg


She could still roach



And still play, just more reserved play



It was hard with a cast on a puppy but she really did much better than I thought, it is amazing how resilient they are. The hardest part was keeping it dry and relatively clean. I found that putting a child size sock over the cast with duct tape on the bottom helped to keep her from biting it as well as helping it from wearing down to the actual splint when she walked.


When Bella was spayed at 6 months she also had a toe removed (again deformed) and was in another cast, I thought it would never end...


Luckily now she is happy and healthy at 14 months old, the puppy months were so much fun, enjoy!


Linda, Valor, Keeva and Bella

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Guest Machbragal

OH NO!!! Poor baby Gus!!! And what a terrible memory for you all.


I know it won't be easy, but you'll get through it. Last year I had a cat with two broken toes -- in a cast (well, several casts as he kept getting them off the leg) for 8 weeks. It's challenging! I would imagine even more so with a puppy.


Gus, heal up, dear boy. And don't be scaring your parents like this!!!

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*Baby Gus, your puppy growing skills will now come in handy! Grow that bone all healthy in RECORD time! They'll think you did magic inside your cast! You'll be tearing around making Mom crazy once you get that thing off, so hurry hurry fast and heal! :bounce:bounce Baby Gus, your puppy growing skills will now come in handy! Grow that bone all healthy in RECORD time! They'll think you did magic inside your cast! You'll be tearing around making Mom crazy once you get that thing off, so hurry hurry fast and heal! :bounce:bounce Baby Gus, your puppy growing skills will now come in handy! Grow that bone all healthy in RECORD time! They'll think you did magic inside your cast! You'll be tearing around making Mom crazy once you get that thing off, so hurry hurry fast and heal! :bounce:bounce *


My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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Oh poor Baby Gus (but more to the point, poooooor Baby Gus's parents!!) :eek


I feel for you. I can't imagine trying to keep 4 month old Ned 'calm'.


Get better soon Gus :wub:

Deerhounds Darcy, Duffy, Grace & Wellington, Mutts Sprout & Buddy, Lurchers Ned & Jake plus Ella the Westie + cats. Remembering Del, Jessie, Maddison, Flo, Sally, Stanley, Wallace, Radar, Mokka, Oki cat, Tetley, Poppy & Striker.


Please visit our web store at http://www.dogsndubs.com for our own range of Greyhound related clothing for humans!

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Guest Vinnie
We will post photos later of his stylin new cast - it matches his beautiful new martingale for the 4th of July - and if you didn't feel so bad for him, you would think he is just heart wrenchingly adorable.


We knew he was going to be a handful and would keep us hopping, but little did we know it would be this much. Never a dull moment with a little landshark around. :headwall:jaw:yikes:riphair:beatheart





7/1/08 11:40am - Here is a photo of our ensemble creative landshark - notice the beautiful new collar we just got matches his new cast - do you think this will become the newest greyhound fashion craze?



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Guest greyt2love

Marlee says, "Baby Gus, behave yourself now !! You have to be good so your toe heals properly !"



Last July, Chloe broke her right front leg. It was a nasty break, down near her ankle, but my vet and the ortho specialist both said it was perfectly set and doing surgery could likely cause more problems than do good. But keeping that girl off that leg was a nightmare ! She was determined to go on her own. I carried her everywhere I could - thank goodness she is small.

Good luck !!!

Gus, you are adorable !!!!



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