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Hello From Wv!

Guest HappyBirdy

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Guest HappyBirdy

Hello everyone! First off, what a lovely site! I've been doing a little pre-intro browsing, and am very, very impressed with..well...everything!! =]


Now for a little intro..I'm Ashley, and I live in St. Albans, West Virginia, with my fiance, Jerimy, and my oh-so-fabulous, gorgeous, enormously-spoiled-and-he-knows-it greyhound, Bird! Aka Freeridejailbird (Dominator x Jubal Dollar).


Bird and I developed quite a history even before he came to rule our couches! Before I began working for Blue & Gold at Tri-State Racetrack, I was once a leadout - I took care of the dogs racing that day/evening at race time. Lots of running and loooots of dogs, and Bird was one of 'em. Everyone down there had a favorite dog - or five - and I remember distinctly the first time Bird and I met. He's a beautiful solid white boy with just the barest of brown freckles on his ears, and had to be kept in a special crate when he came down to the track because of his little "issue." Bird had a very sensitive tummy so in tune with his nerves that once he left the kennel and got all worked up to race, he would mess in his crate. Despite being a very calm, very noble boy, he was usually made fun of and handled with disdain by the rest of the leadouts.


The first time I ever saw our kennelmaster cleaning him up before his race, Bird was standing so perfectly still, head lowered, and only glanced up occasionally. He couldn't help his upset tummy; he was just excited to race! So from that day forth, with just that little glance, Bird became my boy. When he came down to the track, I escorted him into the back with lots of petting and sweet-talkin', and insured he was given his special crate. And when he had accidents, I rinsed his fur, dried him off, and always always ALWAYS took him to the starting box myself. When we stepped out of the paddock area and into the back while a race ran, I sat with him in the vets office and talked to him, petted him, and gave him a good behind the ear scritching. When he ran on my day off, I made a point to come visit before he ran, watched his race, and gave him oatmeal cakes after. Even then Bird was quiet and calm, never one to jump up in your lap or drag you to the door. When I came to see him he would wag his tail a few times, then click his teeth. And that was Bird's way of saying hello.


But to adopt Bird, I had to move out of my apartment. No dogs allowed there, and, after weeks and weeks of searching, it appeared that no one would allow Bird and I a home! I searched and searched, and while all this happened, I met my fiance Jerimy, who was more than willing to bring Bird home.


At four years old, Bird's career was beginning to wind down. He had been the occasional AA and A winner, but now he was sitting comfortably in Grade C. And then came terrible news - Bird's trainer meant to retire him, but his owner wasn't interested in, and I QUOTE, "Spending money on adopting dogs out." He wanted to put Bird and his brother down once they were done running. It broke my heart, but thankfully there had always been the understanding between Bird's trainer and I that Bird had a guranteed home with me. Five months after this conversation, Bird ran his final race - he stumbled in the turn, and his trainer turned to me and said "Take him home in the morning. Better he go now, healthy, than with a broken leg or worse." The timing was incredible - just a week before I had left my job as a leadout to work for one of the kennels. I could no longer baby Bird and treat him with the respect he so deserved...I could only watch his races and give him a good luck pet before he went to his crate.


And so, after many trials and tribulations, much adjustment and a few frustrations, my retired racer lies curled up in a corner of the couch. He's snoozing as I type this, enjoying the summer breeze blowing in through the window. I would never give my boy up, and I thank God for the opportunity to rescue this beautiful, noble creature.


And, in even happier news - when I told a fellow leadout the story on Bird's half-brother, he was just as shocked as I, and stepped up immediately to adopt Demar. Both boys are doing beautifully in their new homes, and we couldn't be happier. The days of quite-Bird are long gone. When I come home, he bounds in from the kitchen, crouching down and slapping the floor with his feet, all of his teeth bared in the biggest, goofiest cheese ever. He'll take laps around the living room, then jump up, nipping the air and any ponytailed hair. Sometimes, I just can't believe it's the same dog.


And of course, pictures to come.




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Welcome to Greytalk! :wave Great story about Bird... thankfully you and the trainer had an "understanding" and you were able to provide a home for him when the timing was right! Both of you are lucky! Pics are a MUST. ;)

Jeanne with Remington & Scooter the cat
....and Beloved Bridge Angels Sandee, Shari, Wells, Derby, Phoenix, Jerry Lee and Finnian.....
If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven
and bring you home again.

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Guest onefloppyear

Thank you for caring about and saving this fabulous hound. Best wishes to you and Bird. He sounds wonderfully happy, just as he deserves. Please continue to spoil him mercilessly, and we look forward to pictures! :)

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Guest mountain4greys

Wonderful story about Bird!!!! 2 of my 5 are from Tri-State, and my group get dogs from there occasionally.


:welcome2 from Harpers Ferry!



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Welcome from Ozark, Alabama! That has to be one of the most heartwarming :beatheart greyhound adoption stories I have read. Thank you for sharing it and for being there for Bird during his racing career and for working so hard to bring him home when it ended. Saw his picture on Greyhound Data, he is gorgeous! His grandsire, P's Raising Cain is also grandsire to my Beanie (BB's Beans) :) .



Mom to Nadir, Beanie, and Bruiser

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Guest greytlady

Welcome from Va. I am at Tri-State at least once a month picking up dogs from Anita and other kennels. Hope I get to meet you one day!

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welcome.gif to you and Bird! What a great story! You two were meant to be together. I look forward to hearing more about him and, of course, the mandatory pictures! :D

Cynthia, & Cristiano, galgo
Always in my heart: Frostman
Newdawn Frost, Keno Jet Action & Chloe (NGA racing name unknown), Irys (galgo), Hannah (weim), Cruz (galgo), & Carly CW Your Charming

Princess http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?i=1018857

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life, gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are." -- Unknown

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Guest Ladyluther

My old man Luther raced at Tri-State and Wheeling Downs - racing name was Roogie. He is almost 15 now and still enjoys every day.


Thanks for your story and for all you did for Bird and his brother


Martha and Luther

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Guest jenmm

:welcome Welcome To GT!


My Ross and Laurie both raced at Tri-State. The one trainer from Tri-State helped to get me Ross' brother and sister, Joey and Rachel.

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Guest argolola

Welcome from Florida!


I have tears in my eyes after reading about Bird's happy ending. Sounds like he has a wonderful home, and I'm so thrilled that you got him.

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Guest HappyBirdy

Thank you all so much for such a warm welcome! I'm sorry it took me so long to reply, but weekends are just crazy around here.


It's very exciting to join all of you here; I just loooove reading so many other inspiring tales. And thank you all, also, for your comments about Bird and I. You've all been so kind! :)


And those of you in the area, I certainly hope we cross paths some time.


Again, thank you all so much; Bird and I are honored to be among such lovely company! :colgate

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Guest Spencers_Greyt

Hi and Welcome from Arizona! What a wonderful story you have for Bird. I don't understand though why the owner thought there was a cost involved in adopting out the dogs?? Just give them to an adoption group. Anyway, it all worked out and I'm looking forward to seeing pics of Bird!


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Guest HappyBirdy
Hi and Welcome from Arizona! What a wonderful story you have for Bird. I don't understand though why the owner thought there was a cost involved in adopting out the dogs?? Just give them to an adoption group. Anyway, it all worked out and I'm looking forward to seeing pics of Bird!


I'm not really sure. I only spoke to an assistant trainer about Bird, and he was the one who told me what the owner had said. It was worked out so that ownership was transferred from that man to the assistant trainer when Bird retired, SUPPOSEDLY. There weren't a lot of people involved with Bird that I trusted, so I'm very, very happy that he finally got to come home and get away from that environment.

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