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Shanti Has Blisters

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Poor girl, lets add some more to her. :(


She has green/yellow "pustules" on her belly and inner thighs now. After some help from another GTer, and looking at some links, I am guessing a bacterial infection/staph infection. Probably due to the immune suppression. We were afraid of kicking of an infection, looks like we may have.


I have a call into the vet. Waiting to hear what we do next.


I feel bad for my girl. She is just not catching a break!

The Girls

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Icarus developed those at one point to. A bit of antibiotics and he was all clear :)

Jennifer and Beamish (an unnamed Irish-born Racer) DOB: October 30, 2011


Forever and always missing my "Vowels", Icarus, Atlas, Orion, Uber, and Miss Echo, and Mojito.

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geez, poor Shanti!! she definitely deserves a break :hope :hope :hope



Michelle...forever missing her girls, Holly 5/22/99-9/13/10 and Bailey 8/1/93-7/11/05

Religion is the smile on a dog...Edie Brickell

Wag more, bark less :-)

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Our vet is on vacation. We have a appointment with another one in the office at 10:30. I think it is the one Paula (greypupppyluv ?) She popped the blisters she had, but I have photos. Sick aren't I! See what GT has taught me. :P

The Girls

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Heal swiftly sweetie. :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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Guest shelbygirl07

Poor shanti, haven't you been through enough, baby?


Those sound like the same infections shelby gets from meat proteins. Antibiotics should clear that right up.


I am sending scritches to you shanti!

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Shanti really deserves good news here. Let's hope antibiotics will take care of it. Let us know how you make out at the vet.Shanti is a special girl and deserves the best!!


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Okay we are back. She does not feel good! We are doing a fecal as well, if you can call it that. :puke Thankfully she did not do that in my car and waited for their lawn. :) Full blood work which she was due for next week anyway. We added Enrofloxacin and Metronidazole to her medicine list. Hopefully this will help the skin infection and the runs at the same time. She would not eat today. Even chicken and pasta. So I know she feels yucky. She is at 61.2 lbs which is good! We were down to 58 for a while. I don't want her dropping to that again.


Guess I better not plan any time away. No one would want to keep up with her medicine and feeding schedule. I have one trip in August, and was hoping for a weekend in June and July. We shall see!


I hope this helps her feel good! She is turning platinum by the minute. :P

The Girls

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Feel better soon sweetheart. :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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Thanks for the update. And know that Shanti is ALWAYS welcome here. But you have to realize that you run the risk of never getting her back!! She'll have Wayne here to protect her. Can't get better than that :lol


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Thanks for the update. And know that Shanti is ALWAYS welcome here. But you have to realize that you run the risk of never getting her back!! She'll have Wayne here to protect her. Can't get better than that :lol


Thanks! :grouphug I may take you up on that someday! My other girls are goof proof. I don't trust Shanti to very many. ;)

The Girls

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Hi Jenny


So the vet agreed it's probably infection? At least you now know what it is, and that it's curable. I'm sorry Shanti has to go onto antibiotics again, but you'll feel better about it when you see her improving in the next couple of days.


Immunosuppressants are a mixed blessing - they may control the underlying autoimmune disease, but they have their own set of complications, too. It starts to feel as if life becomes a cycle of stomping out fires. But this girl has one tough spirit (and so does her mom).




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Hi Jenny


So the vet agreed it's probably infection? At least you now know what it is, and that it's curable. I'm sorry Shanti has to go onto antibiotics again, but you'll feel better about it when you see her improving in the next couple of days.


Immunosuppressants are a mixed blessing - they may control the underlying autoimmune disease, but they have their own set of complications, too. It starts to feel as if life becomes a cycle of stomping out fires. But this girl has one tough spirit (and so does her mom).




But we are tired of being stomped on! :P:lol I am thinking I have to go back to work to keep up with her vet bills. :blink:


Thanks for your help Jordan! I did not worry as much last night knowing what it probably was.

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I just fed her. We are on 8 medications! YIKES! She takes a whole print out sheet. ^_^ Good thing I love her dearly!!! And she is eating tonight. YIPPEE! And gassy!! :(


Spoke too soon, she did not eat much.


She is avoiding the medicine like the plague. Any suggestions? We have tried about everything I can think of.

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poor Shanti! Sugar gets her pills in Pill Pockets. I use the smaller cat ones (salmon and chicken flavors), one per pill. That way, if she spits one out, I know which one she didn't get. Usually, she is eager to eat them like treats, but if she's not feeling well and won't eat them voluntarily, they are a good size and texture to shove down her throat :rolleyes: I hope Shanti starts to feel better

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Guest Winterwish

How bout putting a pill in liverwurst? I know you may not have any tonite,but maybe tomorrow.


If it's okay for any of them to be crushed,which you'd need to check first- maybe try to put a crushed one in a bit of light cream or half and half? She may lap it up before realizing it's 'spiked'.--Not sure how often it'd work tho'.

She may know instantly tho'-- most likely. Just trying to think of ideas on it.


Is it hard for you to just place the pill on the back,to the side,of her tongue,or 'pill' her?

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Guest AussieWilma

Our Wilma is also on 8 tablets morning and night and the most distressing thing was trying to get and keep those pills down. A friend suggested 'hiding' them in peanut butter, cream cheese or ground beef as that worked for her. Wilma is being really fussy with what she will eat at the moment so we opted for the ground beef. Now in addition to whatever else we can get her to eat she has 8 mini meatballs which she eats straight away! Hopefully she wont realise she is being 'conned'.


We're happy - she's happy and that's one less drama for us all.


Hoping your girl feels better soon and you find a way to get those pills down too.

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Our Wilma is also on 8 tablets morning and night and the most distressing thing was trying to get and keep those pills down. A friend suggested 'hiding' them in peanut butter, cream cheese or ground beef as that worked for her. Wilma is being really fussy with what she will eat at the moment so we opted for the ground beef. Now in addition to whatever else we can get her to eat she has 8 mini meatballs which she eats straight away! Hopefully she wont realise she is being 'conned'.


We're happy - she's happy and that's one less drama for us all.


Hoping your girl feels better soon and you find a way to get those pills down too.


I was thinking of making mini meatballs last night. Liverworst is a thought, but I don't know what that will do to her stomach.


She has HUGE restrictions on what she can eat. Just about EVERYTHING sets her off right now. Pill pockets no longer work, cream cheese no longer works, peanut butter no longer works, sandwich meat works on occasion, hot dogs no longer work. She figured me out!


I have ground chicken. Maybe if I put some egg and ground up bread to hold that together? Should I bake them or boil them? Would they stay together if I boil?


Good news is she ate her chicken and fresh cooked pasta this morning. YIPPEE!


My goodness, what we do for our pups! :P Some people think I am nuts. Not GTers! :D

The Girls

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