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Lung Mets

Guest HeatherDemps

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Guest HeatherDemps

I know I tend to be on the verge of paranoia with Dempsey after since his osteo diagnosis. He finished chemo last month and overall seems to be doing well. With that said, he has been making these noises that I am not sure how to describe- kind of like a yawn/cough thing that will then usually turn into a sort of gag. So, of course I'm worried.... We go back next week to U of I for a checkup- full blood work and chest x-rays. I'm so scared of them finding something.


For those who have experience with this, what were the symptoms/signs that the cancer had moved to the lungs?


Thank you!


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With Bounty....it was just a subtle cough...his cancer didn't start with Osteo but it ended with his lungs being covered. But sounded like when you have a dry cough....not really coughing anything.

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Guest MorganKonaAlex

Alex didn't seem to bounce back after his 3rd chemo; his appetite didn't return and he was lethargic. Then I noticed a cough. The Vet didn't hear anything in his lungs but I asked for a lung x-ray anyway. I just knew. He had pretty extensive lung mets. A few days later, we met with the Vet Oncologist to discuss the options. She thought the lung mets should not have been causing coughing yet. Sure enough, his cough did go away so it may have been unrelated. Alex stopped eating shortly afterwards and we had to euthanize him.

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Guest HeatherDemps

I told DH about the replies here and he said a "dry, unproductive cough" is exactly how he would describe what's been going on with Dempsey. Not what I wanted to hear. I guess we'll find out in a few days for sure. I'm hopeful that we're both just being paranoid but I'm realistic as well and know this is eventually where it'll end up....

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Cullen didn't have any that we know of. He seemed to have gastro bleeding and they found the lung mets incidentally on xrays.


It all just stinks. I'm sorry about Dempsey's cough.




Edited b/c lousy spelling.

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Guest MaxiesMom

Max is 3 yrs and 3 months from dx and tx. He has had a dry cough for well over 6 months. He has given me a few scares but still races around the yard, eats like a piglet and kills stuffies faster than I can buy them. He has even caught several birds. Go figure. He is maintained on pain meds and still has a great life. I wish the same for Dempsey.

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I am with you on the paranoia Heather :grouphug Darcy is now seven and a half months post amp for osteo and every time she makes any noise which is out of the ordinary, my heart skips a beat. She does the very very occassional gag/cough thing (maybe once or twice every few weeks) but then I figure that most dogs probably do (they have hair in their throat or some other simple thing).


I hope Dempseys results come back as you (and all of us) wish for :grouphug

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Praying it's just a cough Heather.



Jack, in my heart forever March 1999-Nov 21, 2008 My Dancing Queen Jilly with me always and forever Aug 12, 2003-Oct 15, 2010

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Let's hope it's just a normal cough. :goodluck :goodluck :goodluck


You're doing a FANTASTIC job, Heather. :grouphug


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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Been thinking about you and Dempsey. Sending lots of good thoughts out to your sweet boy.

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