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Need Advice: Possible Stroke/fce/gme/tick Disease

Guest nikkikaye

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Guest nikkikaye

Hi everyone. I have a soon to be 8 year old (b. April1, 2000) super active female - Jasmine-that has been with me since she was 2. NEVER sick- just a couple of scratches & bruises here and there when she was younger. I always believed she was "fit as a fiddle" since she didnt spend much time on a track- whereas my 8 yr old track champ(Ben)-who I got at 5 has been a medical nighthmare since the day I got him (although I wouldnt trade him for the world! no matter if he puts me in the poor house!) So, Sat nite they go running out the back door at around 11pm for the final nite pee.... all good... a few laps like spazes and they come in for the nite. Sunday, I lay in bed lazily until finally Ben gets the toys squeaking at the foot of the bed at around 10:30 am. So, I get up, walk to the back door to let them out for the pee before we go for our morning walk- the USUAL routine....and I see Ben, i dont see Jasmine run out. I go to her bed and she is holding her front body up by her front feet and her back legs are out- completely paralyzed. For a moment, I thought her arthritis was acting up since it was a humid morning here in Florida- so I give her 5 minutes and I come out of the bathroom and she is panting like crazy and scared. I realized this was no arthritis and I started to have a mini panic- bad mom that I am. I start calling everyone - immediately. They all said- be careful-in case she has a slipped disc- get a stretcher and get her to the E-VETS. I had a friend come over and help me make shift a stretcher out of blankets- we barely got her into my SUV and off to evets we went. Spent all nite- with little diagnostic direction- but they had her on anti inflammatories, fluids, and stabilized her til we could get to the neurologist on Monday morning. Needless to say I spent all nite on this site reading every FCE, brain tumor, GME, stroke (etc) thread on here. Wow! What a collection of info! Jasmine's specific behavior is that the onset was freakishly sudden paralysis of hind legs (and extreme stiffness in front 2 legs), severe head leaning to one side, when I could get her to stand... she bent her body in a semi circle... like a "C shape", tons of panting with unreal amounts of saliva coming out (from fear I am sure..because now mon nite.. she is the same but no panting). She didnt do great at evets, but she survived, there wasnt much they could do for her but dope her up, take inconclusive and expensive xrays, and keep fluids going.

Monday at neurologist: Anne Chauvet in Sarasota, FL. She helped me calm down, and did a lengthy physical exam with Jas, but did not give me any diagnosis- which I was hoping she would. Going for MRI ($1450! tommorrow). I thought I would list what her report said for the benefit of others reading this site: "...not seem to be in pain.. but has severe schiff sherrington" " the dog is tetraparetic and not ambulatory w/o support. She is generally ataxic and looks only to the right. .. She has an opisthontonic posture. She is decerebellate. There is a general sway in her. Pupils dilated. there is normal menace. Normal physiological nystagmus" "Assessment: consider vascular accident, hemorrhage, bleed, neoplasia, stroke in the brain, GME, tick borne disease"

So, here's where we are. The neurologist does not think it's a disc, she also does not think FCE is likely, although she has not ruled it out completely- she says FCE is more in the spine and Jas's seems to be "cerebral" especially in light of the fact that she is FAR more responsive on one side than the other. As far as Jasmine physically, it is almost 40 hours after I found her like that and she still is effectively paralyzed. She never stood up at evets- not even lean up on 2 paws- although she did sit up for me (leaned up on 2 paws) on way to neuro. She is home with me and on a fluid drip with a cathater. Hasnt eaten in 2 days and will only lick PB off a knife... tee hee.... but no food. I have to completely pick her up and walk her outiside and gently stand her in the grass to see if she can support any of her body weight. She cant. I have a harness on her and I am holding pretty much all of her body weight. She cant step forward even when I am practically bearing all the weight and pushing her forward. She choses to go sideways and she loses what little grip she has with her back legs and I have to bend down and scoop her back into a standing position, which I would say I am propping up about 80% of her body weight if not more. I have a system to maker her pee. I hold her by her harness and let her spread her back legs, ever wabbly, and I massage her vulva a bit (Ben licked it earlier today when I had her outside in that position and that got the spicket going... eeew! I know.. sorry to be so porno..but isnt it wierd? nature... how that works, it's as if he was trying to help... my angel!... or cop a feel... iam not sure... but he is super worried ... that i know for sure- he wont leave her side)

So- guys- what do i do with my angel Jasmine? I need advice from experinced greyhound people. What would you have done differently with your FCE/stroke/paralysis grehound? Am I doing all the right stuff? How long do I hold out hope? She cannot live any semblance of a normal dog life like this. I have cried so many tears I think I gave myself tissue dermabrasion on my nose and eyes. I have to stay strong for her. She does acknowledge me when I come close. I dont think she is blind, but she has a "lost in space" look in her eyes most of the time. She gave me a little kiss tonite- just a tap with her tongue- this from a dog that licks my face like an ice cream cone every day since she has been with me- every single day. I lay with her and pet her non-stop. Sometimes I feel she gets that I am there- sometimes I dont. I am single and have to do it all myself. Of course, I work at home most of the time and that helps a lot. So far this year I have spent about 3K (hey - it's March people!) in 2008. I cant continue like this, but I cant let my girl down if there is hope. I will repost news if we get any news from the MRI tommorrow (tuesday). Any advice will be greatly appreciated and if you know folks who have been thru these events, pls ask them to email me at NikkiKaye@earthlink.net. Thanks, NIKKI

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:grouphug I'm so sorry you and Jasmine are going through this. The MRI should help piece some of the puzzle together. Sending lots of positive thoughts for you two.
Aero: http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?d=kees+uncatchable; our bridge angel (1/04/02-8/2/07) Snickers; our bridge angel (1/04/02-2/29/08) Cricket; Kanga Roo: oops girl 5/26/07; Doctor Thunder http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?z=P_31Oj&a...&birthland=
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I've not been through something like this. Can only imagine how awful. FWIW, the MRI price quoted is comparable to what I paid several years ago. Sending prayers for your girl & that some help can be found for her.


If this turns out to be a stroke or some cerebral event that therapy can help her recover from there, wanted to send a link to something that might help you get her up & moving more easily. http://www.cevanse.com/ The harness is sold seperately from the frame so if you are or have a handy person around, perhaps a less expensive frame can be built.

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Guest GreytMuse

Nikki, my thoughts are with you and Jasmine. I have no wisdom to offer, just prayers that your girl feels better soon.


I'm glad you've found GreyTalk, even though it's at an awful time like this. There is so much wisdom and compassion here to help you.


Please keep us updated after the MRI. :grouphug

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Saying lots of prayers for your girl Jas, please keep us posted and I wish for you the best possible outcome.I hope Jas is comfortable.


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Sending prayers. What about vestibular? Symptoms sound like what Tootsie when through. Sort of walk drunk and possibly towards one way or the other. If it is, it resolves fairly quick. We used a drug that helped a lot. Off to find the thread where I hope I listed the name.


I wish I could remember all of Dr. Couto's talk Saturday but I do remember him saying something like "dogs don't get strokes" at least not like in humans. I will try & contact him and see if I can clarify what he was saying.


Vestibular Disease

Diane & The Senior Gang

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I wish I could remember all of Dr. Couto's talk Saturday but I do remember him saying something like "dogs don't get strokes" at least not like in humans.


Ah, yes, he said dogs don't get strokes. But greyhounds do.


As for GME, it typically responds to pred and something like cyclosporine. A friend of mine had a greyhound with GME and your dog does not sound like it. He did go blind temporarily from the brain swelling, but he had lost weight and his head had a sunken in look to it. There was no paralysis.

Meredith with Heyokha (HUS Me Teddy) and Crow (Mike Milbury). Missing Turbo (Sendahl Boss), Pancho, JoJo, and "Fat Stacks" Juana, the psycho kitty. Canku wakan kin manipi.

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." - Voltaire

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Hey Nikki, wow, I wish I could help but I've never encountered somethign like this. I'm sure there will be others on here who have. My suggestion to you is to contact Dr. Couto asap. I know someone on here can post his information. He will respond on email, but that can take a couple of days so I would call him. He's at OSU in Ohio, which would be really tough on you in terms of actually seeing him, but you could mail any x-rays to him (or your vet, especially the neurologist may have a way to digitize them and email them to him, wihch would be even better). If you pass that on along with any bloodwork and reports, he may be able to give you an idea.


Talk about lucky pups - Jasmine and Ben are both lucky to have you as a mom. So many people wouldn't or couldn't invest all the energy and money you have and are continuing to into these guys. I'll be thinking of you guys, keep us posted on any progress Jasmine makes, and do check with Dr. Couto and see if he can help!


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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Guest fastdogs

Has she been prescribed anything yet? While they try to figure out what's going on, I'd think they would want her to be on prednisone and some sort of antibiotics. Early treatment is key to recovery, even if they are guessing at it somewhat.


Good luck.

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Greyhound Health & Wellness Program consult email: greyosu@osu.edu (Dr. Couto's program at OSU).

Edited by turbotaina

Meredith with Heyokha (HUS Me Teddy) and Crow (Mike Milbury). Missing Turbo (Sendahl Boss), Pancho, JoJo, and "Fat Stacks" Juana, the psycho kitty. Canku wakan kin manipi.

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." - Voltaire

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Guest nikkikaye

UPDATE**** Jasmine had her MRI- stroke confirmed. It's the best news we could have hoped for (Ever think you'd be happy your grey had a stroke?) So- tremendous improvement in mobility in the last 8-12 hours!!! Bright, alert, responsive- eyes looking back at me, not as depressed. Not able to walk on her own yet- but sure as hell wants to. I still have to do a lot of handling, gentle rump smacks and stuff to start the getting up process (neurologist showed me how and encouraged me to not be afraid to motivate her physically- even if it seems physically insensitive of me to do so.) It is working- i was afriad to disturb her before and the neuro said to "Get on her- tease her- motivate her to want to get up and be her old self. It's the best thing you can do- if she wants it bad enough she will just do it- and that's how they recover Ms. Jasmine") She is still pulling to the right in wierd ways, but now she steps forward- instead of sideways, is showing major affection- ...... LICKED MY FACE LIKE AN ICE CREAM CONE! She's coming back- every time she moves she is showing more control, hour by hour at this point. She walks very wably still (takes 5-10 seconds for each foot to move in each step forward) with my supporting her with a harness- but a lot less weight on me holding the harness and more on her own legs. The MRI was expensive ($1450- wow!), but now at least I know it's not cancer or a tumor (pushing on the brain) or something she necessarily will relapse into. My heart is jumping for joy. Even though she had a stroke, the neurologist said she would not be surprised to see Jasmine make a total recovery or something like 95%. The key is time and TLC. Thank god I dont have to carry her outside and contort her body to pee anymore! She is squating on her own (3 full days til that happened- again- data for people looking on here for specifics- remember I still hold a good deal of her body weight while she pees- via the harness)

The most important thing I want people to remember from my post is- dont make a rash decision early and dont give up hope early. What I learned was that these neurological things can keep your dog in a coma like look and state for days. Go see a neurologist. Find the money to get the MRI. My lengthy consult cost $125 but I finally knew I was with a specialist who knew exactly what was going on. She was the only one who convinced me I was prematurely preparing my goodbyes- primarily by educating me on what was going on-even though we did not have a definite diagnosis before the MRI. Jasmine did nothing but get worse for the frist 24 hours- and the following day and a half were non-responsive and to me she seemd to be in neverland. I never thought she would rebound- she just seemed a gonner. i was totally preparing myself for our goodbyes. i just didnt see even a glimmer in her eyes- I had no reason to hope and neither did the evets, who, although they never said she was a bad case, their body language gave me little reason to keep the flame going. The neurologist told me that many cerebral and spinal strokes (FCE type) are fully recoverable in dogs (or mostly recoverable)- especially with time, and especailly with greyhounds, but a lot of people give up. Dont. If you can afford to - dont. Even my neuro offered me a payment plan for the MRI. Lets not give up on our hounds so easy. You know how I resolved the issue in my own mind? I asked myself "Would Jasmine do it for me if SHE was the master?" I had my answer right then.

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Guest GreytMuse

Oh thank goodness things look better for Jasmine! :yay You are a wonderful mom, and she is a very lucky pup!


Please continue the updates, we all learn so much from each other on GreyTalk and your story with Jasmine could definitely help someone else in the future.

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Guest nikkikaye

PS- I love this site- I love the people-I love the info- and I especailly love the people who make it work like it does, both technically and contributorily (is that a word?). :lol Thanks greyhound die-hards, for all you do for people like me to just have and love one- eh...hheem, I mean 2. (due to another greyhound die hard named Nayla'smom (on here) who suckered me into adopting her problem child foster -4 years ago- who now rules my life! Ben, the lab in a greyhound body! BTW- you know I am kidding and I love that dog on a sick level.. seriously) Anyway- i love you guys for being here for me. Physical update- it's 11:45 pm and she keeps standing up in her bed- wably and she may fall- but she is thinking about water and cant figure out how to get to the bowl... poor Jas.. I wonder if I should bring it to her or let her try to figure out how to get to the water bowl....I doubt she could traverse the room on her own... I'll post more updates so people can see the physical progress for future reference. Thank god people update those old posts for nervous wrecks like me reading these 3 yr old threads until 4 am like the freak that you become when your greys are sick...

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That was greayt news!!!!! :yay:yay:yay I am so happy to hear that she will be getting better! We will continue to pray for her that she gets to be her old self fast. You are a very good mommy.

Darlene Mom to: Aladdin, Sophie ,Pongo, Jasmine, Relic Forever in our Hearts Champ at the Rainbow Bridge.

Let a greyhound race into your heart Adopt

Bay Area Greyhound Adoptions INC. Naples/ Fort Myers Chapter

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Guest FullMetalFrank

I am so happy to hear that she is doing better and that it was "just a stroke" (and that does seem like an odd thing to say!) Wishing you both well on her path to recovery.

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Guest fastdogs

That's great news. Hydrotherapy will help her immensely. I lost my boy to an FCE, so I'm very glad to hear that she is expected to make a full recovery.

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OMG, I am soo happy to hear that it is a stroke and not GME, I read your beginning thread and got a knot in my stomach, my Sara has just gone through 10 months of chemo and prednisone for GME, the symptoms are so similar it is scary, she had an MRI, 2 spinals and almost a year of intense meds, I never gave up, it cost well over 7k total by the time we were through, she is worth every penny and then some for the love she gives in return. Welcome to GT and hope Jasmine recovers quickly!

Roberta & Michael with Furkids- Flower (Shasta Flowers 6/7/06) & Rascal the kitty - Missing our sweet angels - Max(M's Mad Max) 10/12/02 - 12/3/15, Sara (Sara Raves 6/30/01 - 4/13/12) Queenie & Pandora the kitties - gone but never forgotten

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