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Stanley Is Limping

Guest poopsie1

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Guest poopsie1

Stanley was fine this morning and this noon. When I came home at 3:45 he met me at the door and he was favoring his right hind leg. I checked it out as well as his foot and can't find anything. He was holding the leg up a little so I thought he might have gotten something in between his toes but nothing is there. Once he's moving around the limp goes away although he still seems to favor it a little. He did quite a bit of running in the yard today so I'm hoping he maybe just pulled something but I'm scared to death. I'm calling the vet in the morning to get him in as soon as possible. If they don't find anything what do I do from there? If they find a pull or something and want to give him medication what should I ask for? I won't give him Rimadyl. My DH keeps telling me to calm down, that it will be okay but I'm a complete basket case. Any advice would be appreciated.

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wow ss about one of your dogs dying from it. my dachsund of 18 years took it for like 5 years . it really helped her pain. i guess each dog different. I am sure there are lots of other meds out there to use. hopefully he will be better soon gl

Lexie is gone but not forgotten.💜

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Guest charmsmom

I wouldn't panic just yet. I would actually wait a couple of days and see if it works itself out. If he's getting better as he walks, it's entirely possible that he got a cramp, pulled a muscle, or even dislocated a toe. Gently but firmly feel down the length of his leg and see if any particular spot bothers him when you press or manipulate it. If not, then by all means, take him in. You should also take him if you feel anything unusual. Otherwise, don't be so quick to come to *that* conclusion. These boards are greyt and there is a lot of information, but sometimes we can get too much information and jump to drastic conclusions.


BREATHE!! You can give him a baby aspirin and see if it helps. If he's putting more on it as he walks, it's probably just a cramp. ;):)

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Have you got something like Ascriptin or another coated aspirin? Try that and see how it goes.

Irene Ullmann w/Flying Odin and Mama Mia in Lower Delaware
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Guest houndlover

I try to keep Ascriptin or something like that on hand in case one of the hounds starts to limp. It probably isn't anything especially if he is putting pressure on it and it seems to get a little better as he is walking around. I would agree with charmsmom that you should probably wait a day or so and see how he is, unless he is in unbearable pain and can't seem to relax or get comfortable. I have had similar limping problems at my house and fortunately it never turned out to be anything more than a strain or pulled muscle. I can be pretty overprotective of my hounds too though so I know where you are coming from. I took Billy, my older boy, to the vet a few months ago b/c he was limping for a couple of days. My vet looked at him, manipulated him leg and told me that she thought that it was just a pulled muscle. I asked if she would do x-rays and she said yes but she thought that it would be a waste of money. We did x-rays and she was right....it was just a pulled muscle. Maybe next time I will learn to listen to the vet. :wacko:

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Guest poopsie1

Stanley is doing better this morning - there was no limping although he does seem to be favoring it just a little. I made sure I let him out this morning alone so there wouldn't be any running around. I'll pick up some Ascriptin at CVS today. How many mg's should I give him? I also give him two tabs of Fresh Factors every day which I think has a lot of glucosomine in it. I get so nervous. Last night when I let him out for the last time, he could barely walk from the living room to the back door but, again, once he got moving he was better. We hear so many sad stories it's hard not to worry but I will wait to call the vet. I run home at 11:30 and let the guys out so I'll see how he's doing then. Thanks for the greyt advice - I am breathing a little better now :rolleyes:

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It sounds like good news if he improves after moving around. When Snickers was limping, her limp didn't improve with walking -- she did have osteo. Sending prayers and positive thoughts for Stanley.

Aero: http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?d=kees+uncatchable; our bridge angel (1/04/02-8/2/07) Snickers; our bridge angel (1/04/02-2/29/08) Cricket; Kanga Roo: oops girl 5/26/07; Doctor Thunder http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?z=P_31Oj&a...&birthland=
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I don't like giving anything for pain unless you know what you are treating. Not treating for minor pain keeps them from using the leg and thereby not injuring it more.


Feel the muscle in the leg he is favoring. See if there are any muscle tremors. If he is still limping in 3 days, vet time. Do you have a certified chiropractic vet or acupuncture vet close?


When you have to use a pain med, tramadol works pretty good :)


Even ascriptin should be given with food. Be very careful with it. Some dogs cannot tolerate aspirin.


Sending prayers!

Diane & The Senior Gang

Burpdog Biscuits

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Guest SoulsMom

Oh Anne Marie, I know how scary it can be! Soul started limping on a Friday in October and I was so worried. He actually hid it very well, but when we the vet examined him the next day it was apparent just how much pain he was really in. My vet put him on Rimadyl and Tramadol for three days, and "bed rest" for two weeks (no zoomies!) If there was no improvement by Weds, the next step would be Xrays. But thank goodness Soul improved, and was back to his old self in no time.


Don't feel silly or like you're overreacting, I felt the same way. Even my vet was worried more than he let on. When Soul went for his yearly recently, Dr Schettino confessed to me that he was very concerned and extremely relieved that Soul improved so quickly.


Hang in there, and keep us informed. Sending lots of good thoughts to you and your boy :grouphug

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Guest KennelMom
I don't like giving anything for pain unless you know what you are treating. Not treating for minor pain keeps them from using the leg and thereby not injuring it more.


Feel the muscle in the leg he is favoring. See if there are any muscle tremors. If he is still limping in 3 days, vet time. Do you have a certified chiropractic vet or acupuncture vet close?


When you have to use a pain med, tramadol works pretty good :)


Even ascriptin should be given with food. Be very careful with it. Some dogs cannot tolerate aspirin.


Sending prayers!


100% agree.

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Guest poopsie1

I checked the muscles in his leg and didn't find any tremors so I then checked the pads and in between all his toes but nothing was there either. Since we got the foster, he's been doing more running in the yard and he's a big boy so maybe he did manage to pull something. I can't explain it but it just seems like something is not quite right with the leg. It's something about the way he uses it and how he seems to put it down gently rather than putting full pressure on it. Once he's on it though he's full weight bearing. I'll check him out again thoroughly when I run home later and will let everyone know. This is driving me crazy.

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Ryan was in pain from his hock since Saturday. I have Tramadol in the house but wouldn't give him anything until we knew what was causing the pain. I didn't want him not feeling so bad and trying to use his leg and have that turn into a bigger problem. Once the vet saw him, he said we could go ahead and start giving him tramadol again so he COULD use his leg more.



Sometimes a limp is just a limp.

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Guest poopsie1

I just ran home for the noon turnout and he met me at the door limping. He went very gingerly down the deck stairs, did a couple of little spins, and then just walked around. He didn't even attempt to chase Dan today. Still no tremors in the muscle but I did notice that the limp is pronounced when he has been lying down for a while but once he gets up and moving it does get better. He doesn't seem to be in any discomfort just that he is favoring it. It didn't stop him from grabbing the morning newspaper away from Dan though and ripping the front section right down the middle :lol . As long as he's not running around and aggravating it I'll give it another day.

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I recently had something similar with one of my hounds. The limp did not resolve after day two, we went to the vet. Doc thought it was an injury (perhaps soft tissue) in his shoulder. After a short course of Previcox (then Metacam when it became impossible to get the Previcox in the dog) he is fine now.

As Trudy said, sometimes a limp is just a limp. Good luck with Stanley.

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Guest greymom1997

I know why you're limping Stanley... Mommy's giving more attention to Dan than you!!! You big mama's boy!!!!!


Seriously though... fingers crossed that ... a limp is just a limp and it is nothing more serious than he just ran too hard with Dan in the yard.

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Hey Stanley, stop worrying your Mom!


Anne Marie, I just saw this and agree that he might just have a twist from running. If it does not resolve a vet check is in order.


You are going over him with a fine toothcomb, I'm sure, but be sure to check his paws too for foreign objects.




Gillian, Catwalk, Pilgrim and Murphy



Caesar (Black Caesarfire) and Olly (Oregon) the Galgo


Still missing: Nell (spaniel mix) 1982-1997, Boudicca (JRT) 1986- 2004, and the greys P's Catwalk 2001-2008, Murphy Peabody (we failed fostering) 1998-2010 and Pilgrim (Blazing Leia) 2003-2016,

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Guest charmsmom

They ARE drama queens!! It's entirely possible that he slipped on ice (?) and hurt his shoulder, or it could be early signs of arthritis. Paris and Diamond especially are a little stiff when they first get up. The vet did x-rays and other things and she never found a problem. So, we just give her some Metacam when we do start seeing the cold affecting her.


I don't think it's much to worry about (or at least not osteo)...but you can always call the vet if you're worried. Hugs!!

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Stanley is doing better this morning - there was no limping although he does seem to be favoring it just a little. I made sure I let him out this morning alone so there wouldn't be any running around. I'll pick up some Ascriptin at CVS today. How many mg's should I give him? I also give him two tabs of Fresh Factors every day which I think has a lot of glucosomine in it. I get so nervous. Last night when I let him out for the last time, he could barely walk from the living room to the back door but, again, once he got moving he was better. We hear so many sad stories it's hard not to worry but I will wait to call the vet. I run home at 11:30 and let the guys out so I'll see how he's doing then. Thanks for the greyt advice - I am breathing a little better now :rolleyes:


What Burpdog said. :) I would bump the Fresh Factors up to 4 a day.

Greyhound angels at the bridge- Casey, Charlie, Maggie, Molly, Renie, Lucy & Teddy. Beagle angels Peanut and Charlie. And to all the 4 legged Bridge souls who have touched my heart, thank you. When a greyhound looks into you eyes it seems they touch your very soul.

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more then he loves himself". Josh Billings


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Guest poopsie1

Stanley is doing much better today. There was no limping this morning and he really wanted to do some zoomies outside but I made him calm down and just take care of business. I'll increase the Fresh Factors and check around to see if we have any acupuncturists or chiropractors in this area. Thanks for all the advice, prayers, and hugs. I really was a basket case.


Hey Stanley, stop worrying your Mom!


Anne Marie, I just saw this and agree that he might just have a twist from running. If it does not resolve a vet check is in order.


You are going over him with a fine toothcomb, I'm sure, but be sure to check his paws too for foreign objects.




Gillian, Catwalk, Pilgrim and Murphy

Hi Gillian,

Good to hear from you. And how is Stanley's favorite sister and his best girlfriend? And who is Murphy? Send some pics.


Anne-Marie, Stanley, and Dan

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Hi Gillian,

Good to hear from you. And how is Stanley's favorite sister and his best girlfriend? And who is Murphy? Send some pics.


Anne-Marie, Stanley, and Dan


Anne-Marie, I'm so glad that Stanley is feeling better. Catwalk sends her sisterly love to Stanley and Pilgrim sends girlfriend smooches! Murphy wants to meet Stanley soon. I think they'll like each other.


Murphy is our failed foster! He is 9 years old with a mild (controllable with pheno) seizure disorder, horrid painful teeth (now dealt with), and corns. We agreed to have him "temporarily," :lol . He decided to stay forever, and he is such a sweet, mellow, tall loving brindle boy, there was no way we could disagree! We don't know what we ever did without him.


Photos are forthcoming because my digital camera and computer decided to die, and I'm working in the new ones. I'm so computer challenged!



Caesar (Black Caesarfire) and Olly (Oregon) the Galgo


Still missing: Nell (spaniel mix) 1982-1997, Boudicca (JRT) 1986- 2004, and the greys P's Catwalk 2001-2008, Murphy Peabody (we failed fostering) 1998-2010 and Pilgrim (Blazing Leia) 2003-2016,

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