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Harley's Results Are In....

Guest Jamie

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I'm so sorry the news wasn't better :cry1


Sending prayers & healing thoughts from Down Under!!!

"Hurricane Sandi" (Baurna to Run).

Forever missing my "Angel-With-A Crooked-Halo" Hailey, and "Mokkah" (Xpress Point) with all my heart.

"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." ~~Will Rogers

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I'm very sorry to hear this news :(


Speaking personally, if they already say it's bone cancer, I'd not bother with a biopsy. I don't think there's anything to be gained from it and if you are thinking of amputation, its a week to ten days lost whilst you wait for the biopsy results. If you do go for an amp, you can get a sample sent off for analysis at that point. If it turns out to be osteo, you may choose to go ahead with chemo and if it's fibrosarcoma, maybe you'd choose not to do chemo (as fibro spreads in less than 20% of cases, unlike osteo which is approx 98%).


Whatever you do, I wish you and Harley all the very best :grouphug

Deerhounds Darcy, Duffy, Grace & Wellington, Mutts Sprout & Buddy, Lurchers Ned & Jake plus Ella the Westie + cats. Remembering Del, Jessie, Maddison, Flo, Sally, Stanley, Wallace, Radar, Mokka, Oki cat, Tetley, Poppy & Striker.


Please visit our web store at http://www.dogsndubs.com for our own range of Greyhound related clothing for humans!

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Guest TriciasZoo

You are in my thoughts and prayers. I know it's the call no one ever wants. :weep I've seen myself grow extremely more sensitive to other people's greys and other pets, since losing Peatie to Cancer in November.



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I'm so sorry. :grouphug I echo the advice not to do the bone biopsy. We did a fine needle aspirate with Snickers and it came back inconclusive. Nothing else looks like osteo in x-rays except a fungal disease that occurs only in part of the U.S. Osteo is really aggressive, and if you're considering the amputation/chemo route, I wouldn't waste any time.

Aero: http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?d=kees+uncatchable; our bridge angel (1/04/02-8/2/07) Snickers; our bridge angel (1/04/02-2/29/08) Cricket; Kanga Roo: oops girl 5/26/07; Doctor Thunder http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?z=P_31Oj&a...&birthland=
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Guest HeatherDemps

I agree with this based on my own recent experience. I've heard from many people that the biopsy is very painful. I finally had one vet tell me that the dog would be lame for a week- no one else came out and said this to me.


We went with the FNA and did not get a diagnostic sample. Dempsey's leg was amputated on Wednesday without 100% confirmation that it was cancer. Of course I was afraid at different times that it could have been something else other than cancer, but the reality is that it's cancer and nothing else, at least in our case. There were absolutely no other signs of any kind of an infection. We won't have confirmation until Tuesday or Wednesday but were told that initially from gross examination, it did look like osteo. Dempsey just came home this morning and seems to be doing well- huge relief as he will be 12 in March, so I was worried about doing this at his age. You know your hound best and only you can make the decision. It's tough, it sucks, and the disease is just rotten and I wish no dog had to go through this. For me, the decision came down to what I thought was best for Dempsey and could I live with myself after I went forward with whatever decision I chose.



I'm so sorry. :grouphug I echo the advice not to do the bone biopsy. We did a fine needle aspirate with Snickers and it came back inconclusive. Nothing else looks like osteo in x-rays except a fungal disease that occurs only in part of the U.S. Osteo is really aggressive, and if you're considering the amputation/chemo route, I wouldn't waste any time.


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Guest couchpotato

I came here today for the exact same reason and found this thread, the original post is nearly word for word what I would have written.


Jazzy has been limping for over a month now (right rear), he is not putting any weight on it now and lots of swelling on his lower leg. I just returned from our vet and x-rays show possible cancer. Next step would a biopsy if we want to...


HeatherDemps, Bevd & Kris, thank you for sharing your experience. It is exactly the kind of information I need to help make our tough decision.


Yeah, this sucks, but we have had over eight years with him...

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Thank you again everyone, this group has been very supportive and informative in this very long week.


I think me and my boyfriend are on the same page with this situation. We both feel Harley still has a lot of life/fight/love left in him. When we look at him he doesn't look sick, he sure doesn't act sick. His back leg still bothers him a bit (he has his good and bad days), but he's in great spirits. When we come home he still greets us at the door with his tail wagging and his cute little head pushes for more "rub" time. We have made the decision that if it hasn't spread into the lungs and all the vets give the OK we are going to do amputation and chemo if necessary. This situation will put a finacial strain on us, but then again we have about 25 reptiles so we are used to it, we'll make it through we always do somehow.


I'll keep you all updated on what route we take and his progress (being optimistic).


Thanks again,



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I'm going to tell you like someone told me last month when Dear was sick with cancer, don't give up Hope.

We are all here for you...

I received more support & love from my friends here on Greytalk than my friends who are face to face with me every day. Get ready to be flooded with a lot of love & support.

:hope We're all here for you, BF & Harley...prayers going up.

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Guest TBSFlame

I did do the biopsy with Beecher but his tumor was on his rib. It is/was very large and the x-rays did not show the classic osteo look. His blood work was very good also and I was hoping it might be some other kind of cancer. I guess because of where it was and the size of it, the biospy did not seem to hurt him at all.

I am so sorry. This is a painful road to travel both for the dog and for yourself.

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Guest HeatherDemps



Best wishes to you, your boyfriend, and Harley as you move forward. There are tough times- financially and emotionally- but if you always keep Harley's best interests in mind, you can't go wrong. The way you described him and how you came to your decision was exactly what DH and I went through in making our choice. Sometimes, I think that one of the hardest things with this disease is how at this point, they can seem so NORMAL and their usual selves- thank goodness for pain meds I guess.


Definitely do keep us in the loop as things move forward... Do you know where the surgery would be done and where Harley would get the chemo? We are going through the University of Illinois and as long as osteo is confirmed (and not some other type of cancer), we will be able to get Dempsey into a study that will cover the cost of chemo. I don't know if you have any vet schools near you that might be an option and would have something like this going on?


Some of the best advice I got from everyone here was once you make your decision, don't look backwards. Hang in there....


Thank you again everyone, this group has been very supportive and informative in this very long week.


I think me and my boyfriend are on the same page with this situation. We both feel Harley still has a lot of life/fight/love left in him. When we look at him he doesn't look sick, he sure doesn't act sick. His back leg still bothers him a bit (he has his good and bad days), but he's in great spirits. When we come home he still greets us at the door with his tail wagging and his cute little head pushes for more "rub" time. We have made the decision that if it hasn't spread into the lungs and all the vets give the OK we are going to do amputation and chemo if necessary. This situation will put a finacial strain on us, but then again we have about 25 reptiles so we are used to it, we'll make it through we always do somehow.


I'll keep you all updated on what route we take and his progress (being optimistic).


Thanks again,




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Thank you again, everyone!!!


I'm too anxious and I couldn't wait...I took Harley in today to have his chest x-rays and another leg x-ray . Cindy from Rescued Racers met me up there she walked in a few seconds after Dr. Pam came to tell me the news. I couldn't ask for any thing more from this wonderful group of people!!! Cindy, Kelly, and Leann have been some of the most compassionate, caring people during this! Waiting for those results was even worse than waiting for the radiologist to get back to my vet, I was shaking so bad and almost in tears.


Dr. Pam took 3 different views of his chest to definately make sure...He has no sign of cancer in his lungs, thank god. His leg x-ray came back worse than 3 weeks ago, so it's progressing pretty fast.


We have decided to go forward. Please say a prayer and have your fingers crossed for Harley...He goes in for amputation tomorrow morning (back left leg). We want to get that leg off as soon as possible so we don't risk it spreading any farther. He may be able to come home either tomorrow or Wednsday, depending on how he is feeling after surgery. They will be sending off samples to try and determine exactly what type of cancer it is, so the chemo drugs are more effective.


I don't know how I'm going to react seeing him with only 3 legs, being honest. At this time I don't think I'm too worried, I just want him to be happy and healthy.


Any tips or advice on what to do/expect when he first comes home with us? This is my first time going through something this extensive and I am a bit nervous/scared.





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Guest HeatherDemps

I know exactly what you mean about those chest x-rays- I did cry in relief when we found out that Dempsey's were clear and that we could move forward with the amputation. Good luck with the surgery tomorrow- I hope it goes smoothly and will say a prayer. Regarding your question about what to expect....


Ok, this is just speaking from my experience last Friday night... The first time I saw Dempsey, it wasn't the lack of his leg or even the stapled area that I had a hard time with. It was the combination sort of crazed, drugged look in his eyes, the awful red/purple of his chest and belly, the swollen front leg, and the fluid-filled skin hanging from his belly. It was also incredibly hard knowing that he wasn't coming home with us and that he knew it.


All I can tell you is that it is really hard, but I knew what the other alternative was and liked that option a heck of a lot less. I'm not sure if a back leg is much different than the front, but if it were me, I wouldn't bring him home the same day, if there is someone there at the vet with him 24/7. Dempsey was in ICU after his surgery. On a very positive note, I truly have seen improvement every day.


You can expect probably little sleep. Either Harley will wake you or you'll keep yourself awake listening for any little noise or sign there's a problem. I'm assuming Harley will be given fluids like Dempsey, so expect lots of trips outside. I was kind of worried about how Dempsey would manage pooping, but so far, so good.


Oops, speaking of Dempsey, he's whining so I gotta go! I think I was almost done though!


Thank you again, everyone!!!


I'm too anxious and I couldn't wait...I took Harley in today to have his chest x-rays and another leg x-ray . Cindy from Rescued Racers met me up there she walked in a few seconds after Dr. Pam came to tell me the news. I couldn't ask for any thing more from this wonderful group of people!!! Cindy, Kelly, and Leann have been some of the most compassionate, caring people during this! Waiting for those results was even worse than waiting for the radiologist to get back to my vet, I was shaking so bad and almost in tears.


Dr. Pam took 3 different views of his chest to definately make sure...He has no sign of cancer in his lungs, thank god. His leg x-ray came back worse than 3 weeks ago, so it's progressing pretty fast.


We have decided to go forward. Please say a prayer and have your fingers crossed for Harley...He goes in for amputation tomorrow morning (back left leg). We want to get that leg off as soon as possible so we don't risk it spreading any farther. He may be able to come home either tomorrow or Wednsday, depending on how he is feeling after surgery. They will be sending off samples to try and determine exactly what type of cancer it is, so the chemo drugs are more effective.


I don't know how I'm going to react seeing him with only 3 legs, being honest. At this time I don't think I'm too worried, I just want him to be happy and healthy.


Any tips or advice on what to do/expect when he first comes home with us? This is my first time going through something this extensive and I am a bit nervous/scared.






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Thank you HeatherDemps! It's nice to have someone that is going through this, even though I wish neither of the dogs had to.


Harley's surgery went great! One of the vet techs is going to be transporting him to a 24 hour hospital for the night and then he will be brought back to my regular vets office in the morning.


I'm exhausted, it's time for a nap.



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